Leave David Alone, He's Gay Period.

I haven't really seen all that many people upset that there's a gay character.
I have seen more people concerned over how BHVR went about revealing it.
But yeah, good for the people who are enjoying what BHVR has done.
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I've seen people having all but mental breakdowns over the fact that gay people might exist, I don't know what tame ass threads your looking at lmao.
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I feel like ive seen people say "it's forced" this and that i don't agree with that. Or because he had a gf in the past he can't be gay. actually That's been the story of a lot of gay men lol
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mostly on fb people have negative things to say i saw
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The only explanation I could give to david having a GF is to prove that he isn't gay to his parents OR his dad, Since he was abusive and probably homophobic, Though the way they revealed it is kinda strange tbh, It feels like the devs picked randomly. good for the people who are happy with the reveal tho
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I'm kinda in the it feels forced camp. I'd have preferred they made the first confirmed lbgt character lbgt from the start. It feels like a retcon to check a box rather than it being a natural part of the character with how they did it. That said I'm glad lbgt people got some representation. I just wish it had been done better.
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i am gay and i dont care if david gay or not. i just want a better performance on this game.. thanks
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I'm a bit eye-rolly about the flag, but eh - it's hard to describe how little I care about all of this. If it matters to you, then more power to you, but this has never been a game where I've cared overmuch about the characters and lore.
It's a minefield.
Make an existing character gay = why didn't you do more?
Introduce a gay character who's traditionally masculine? Tokenism, plus queer erasure.
Introduce a gay character who's effeminate? Tokenism plus enforcing a stereotype.
I can see why so many companies just give it a wide berth.
People on Twitter and Facebook will literally come to blows over whether a dress is gold or purple.
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Well, I liked the news although it wasn't the best... somewhat felt forced and lazy. I prefer a new character to represent us.
A healthier game would be much more appreciated rn though so yeah I feel you.
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I don't care who's gay or not in this game period. it shouldn't matter and I don't get why it's a big deal.
though it does feel like they just put all the survivors on a board and threw darts and who ever the first dart hit is now gay
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I wish he was bi. Would've been a bit more interesting imo.
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I don't use charms on survivor, I find that it makes me too visible.
On killer...I either go 'all the spiders' or 'all the crows'.
I'm more eye-rolly as they used the Quasar flag, which feels like a well intentioned faux pas (it's controversial even within progressive circles).
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The ones that aren't deleted.
I haven't been monitoring every thread, so I've missed things for sure.
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It's been fun :) I have a weakness for not being able to stop myself from jumping into political threads, and there have been a few doozies.
That said, I've only seen one major freakout, and it could very easily have been a poor attempt at a Poe.
'All the spiders' has gotten me bollocked out in postgame before - but if I'm playing killer, I'm bringing the scary.
The flag stuff (and all the rest) - yes and no.
Online political arguments are fun, but it's 10% actual genuine discussions, 20% two smart people sharpening their claws on each other and just playing Devil's Advocate and 70% people calling each other nasty names.
The thing is - this stuff is rife in academia right now, and some of the stuff being taught to new students was batty 5 years ago.
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David running to other survivors when the killer is on his tail
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ikr? Im also lowkey pissed they skipped over feng & jeff for a tome that feels kinda forced, Feng and Jeff need a tome rn, Wish they said he was gay in his previous tome tho.
That being said, Devs pls focus on the game. :)
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It's really lame they made a post about it on Twitter bragging about it instead of it just being in the tome and when folks read it and try to raise a stink they said "yeah? So what?". My only issue is them crowing about it.
But I see a lot of people genuinely pleased with the representation and it upsets bigots, so I can't be too annoyed with the presentation of the thing.
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As long as they do it to the survivors and not completely changing the better killer lores around. Survivors can be pretty cringey, make em all gay for that matter. Go for it.
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Oh look.. the woke shield.
Everyone is a bigot that is annoyed by how they did this right? Even if you wanted them to make a new character for it and would be happy with that.
I guess if they take batman and suddenly make him gay then everyone upset about that is a bigot as well and not upset and the years of backstory etc that has been deleted...
They made it a big thing and chose David for shock value and to get people to talk about it. If they really cared and thought it was normal then they would just release a new character that is gay and not crow about it.
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When did I call everyone it annoyed a bigot? I said no such thing. I said it annoyed bigots, which is an undeniable truth. Didn't say anything about everyone it annoyed automatically becoming a bigot.
Also lol, woke.
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I mean if you want a token gay character more power to you, I for one am interested in DBD for it's gameplay not the sexuality of mute characters stuck in an endless murder/rebirth cycle for all eternity.
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🙄 what ever. the implications of your words mean otherwise.
It's done and nothing is changing. time to move on.
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This is the best take. Even if you have every character kneel to me by name if I get bored of the gameplay then that's it.
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It's a win lose, lose win situation. Regardless of how Behavior went about it, someone was going to be unhappy about it because it didn't fall into their specifications. That or they weren't happy with how it was handled.
I personally think it could've been handled better to make it more meaningful while also not shoving it everyone's face. Reveal it gradually through well thought out lore so people can connect more.
Then again the "Oh and he's gay" approach is technically realistic. A character should never be defined by their sexuality, but it shouldn't be completely absent either
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Leave sexuality out of games. Period.
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Tome spoilers, he forces himself to date women because his mum and dad both force him to hide himself and it's his friend that helps him realise that no he is gay and to accept himself, basically.
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Wait, is it really that they made my crush David as GAY?????????????? #########???
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Yeah sorry he's canonically into men
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Just wow... Well, now I defo don't want to play this awful game... Instead of fixing game it self they waste they time on everything else... Omg... :, (
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Lore team and the gameplay team are entirely separate from each other
And if a character being revealed to like men makes you quit good riddance lmao
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I just kinda like that it's David. It could have been some one else but it's David and that makes my chuckle because I remember all those bigots back when trickster came out and they made post about how he is to feminine and they could beat him up and often these guys startet stuff like look at David that's a real man. Man should be like David a manly man man yeah thas how men need to be or they are weak trash. So ignoring everything else I think that hits the right spots
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I don't like that there's this huge announcement about him being gay before the lore comes out that is probably meant to reveal that he is gay. As others have mentioned, according to lore, he has a female ex, so that's a point that needs to be addressed first. And if they don't do it justice, then this is going to end up feeling forced.
They're just celebrating the perfect vault before they've stuck the landing.
Kudos on one point though, I like that they said they'd get LGBT representation in and made it MALE LGBT representation. That's surprisingly rare.
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The announcement is one Tweet from what I have seen, and they announced it early because the Tome stories probably reference it. If it got datamined early then there would be accusations that they are trying to hide that David is gay by putting it in those stories.
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Pray tell, how should they have done it, according to y’all?
Current situation = forced because “retcon”, despite it making perfect sense.
New character = accussations of tokenism, despite “this is only the beginning”.
Different character than David = exact same uproar we have now. Besides, who? “X gives me gay vibes” yeah no, that’s not how it works.
Unannounced = Impossible. People will scream it off the rooftops, including myself, the moment it happens because it’s a big thing.
”Shouldn’t have included sexuality, period” = Haha, way to ignore Nurse, Legion, Felix, etc, etc.
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The thing is I think according lore he was first gay and then have a girlfriend.
If we talk of the same David of the same universe.
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Yes, BHVR announced on Twitter today that David is gay.
According to Peanits, we will be getting more lore in the Tome.
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He will be straight when I play him 😍🤠
Ok that sounded wrong
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Yeah, I agree, it's completely fine. But I do think there are enough threads about this already
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Here we go again...
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Great, but there was no need to make another thread.
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We must spread TheGay™
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It is quite amusing to see all the homophobes emerge and expose themselves tho
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Yeah, sure, "totally fine", who cares about women in this game??? That´s 1 of the 2 most popular male survivors in the female community!
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what? lol
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Representation is more important than the ability for people to sexualise people like I'm sorry but please go outside
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It is pretty fine, but still has that "that's weird" factor.
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Who knows honestly, I do think it is a little weird though.
I don't totally think making an already established character gay just because is the best thing. Especially when David was probably not written to be gay originally.
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It doesn't make sense yet, we kinda need more lore context as to why a gay man has an ex girlfriend. We can guesstimate the background, but I'd like the official lore to invest at least a little bit in fixing this bump. If it doesn't ever address it, it's gonna feel like a bad retcon.
A new character would've worked, IMO, provided it has enough character development. In that regard, David does work a bit better because he has a lot of established lore already and you're not gonna get that with one page of backstory on a newcomer.
Different character... No, I think David is the best pick, with maybe Jeff or Adam as a second place? (Provided you want to stick with male. Don't know about the female side) Dwight is treated as too much of a joke to be graceful representation by himself.
Unnanounced: Would've been the way to go. The lore isn't out yet. David is only gay by 'word of god', not by the character's design itself. This would be rectified once the lore drops. Yes, people will pick up on it and start broadcasting it, but that's fine. The problem is that BHVR jumped the gun and announced the character is gay before the character's development reveals it.
You mention tokenism as a thing, but I think a key part of what makes tokenism a problem is that it specifically serves the creator. A bit of self-aggrandisement. 'Look at us and our d i v e r s i t y'.
That's my problem with the early announcement. When you come out to draw attention to the fact that you 'did a diversity' before the lore's even out yet, you're already fulfilling one problem component of tokenism. You've put one foot in it already, now we're just waiting to see what the other foot's gonna do.
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With new characters they tend to not have much Lore to begin with, that's what's been so great with the Tomes as we've been able to flesh out characters Lore a lot more.
If we'd put an entirely new DLC in, with an LGBTQIA+ character in, that would probably be more likely to be considered "tokenism" plus the whole paywall issue of a new DLC. And they wouldn't have much Lore at that point.
We announced and in fact celebrated that David is gay as we're happy to be able to show this representation in our game, we have a large LGBTQIA+ playerbase who are normally woefully under represented in all walks of life and this has been something we've worked on for a long time with the support of GaymerX.