Why is Anti-Alias forced on AGAIN?!

More importantly, why isn't it an in-game option STILL? It looks terrible and hurts my eyes! Everything's blurry! Let me turn it off!
Because BHVR knows better than you
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just to force -30 fps on your system to make the game more frustrating even outside of balance issues. we love to see it!
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Use sharpening filters with ReShade or Nvidia filters, it's what i do.
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So what you're telling me is you want Anti Aliasing- Behavior.
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Why did anti-aliasing turn on again? And how to remove it now?
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This update essentially had everyone redownload the game, there's a lot of technical reasons to it I'm sure
But it seems all the .ini files you could use to make minor edits like uncapping fps or removing AA are either gone or located somewhere else (I can't find them personally)
Nobody knows how to remove it at the moment and unfortunately it's likely the case that we're stuck with it unless we're vocal enough to get a response.
I don't want to play the game when it's a blurry mess, I don't know how people do
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Developers generally know that their game with AA looks decently worse?
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Ignore this post the ini files are still a thing
Gonna test it now
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I put the desired values in this file, but now they have no effect
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What a horrible blurry mess is their a better Anti Aliasing option.
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Tested it
Nothing happened
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nothing happened as in it worked or nothing happened as in it didn't work
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AA was still on after I tried the previous method of disabling it which was using the method from this thread:
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I hope someone finds a fix for this... The game looks so blurry...
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It's broken sad :*(
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Antialiasing was in the same file as framerate, the location won't change unless unreal engine 4 changes, which is unlikely.
120 fps is working for me while antialiasing got auto enabled, both now and in the PTB
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Yes but I don't want to use 3rd party to fix something that should be in-game to turn off. @Peanits Can we please have this looked into! Please!
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Sharpening not fix this. Need turn off AA
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I'll be surprised if they bother to show any acknowledgement at all.
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How do we still not have basic 2012 QoL options in a 6 year old game in 2022?
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Because ######### fps, that's why.
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That lack of graphical options on PC is a bit of a shocker I must say. I can understand them wanting to keep it running as optimal as possible on consoles but on PC it is a bit disappointing
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Especially considering the options are right there in the game files. It's literally a matter of making the UI at that point. I don't get it.
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It's not just a bit disappointing, it's downright shameful. I can't even play like this, the blurry mess hurts my eyes and gives me a headache.
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I legitimately can't play the game when it looks like this
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Already turned it off.. It is really blurry when you have to run it on lower settings... Like damn...
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AA actually makes games less optimized to “look better” so in any case forcing it on console is a bad idea and should be an option to chage in both PC and console
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Ironic that DBD looks 100x better with it turned off
So much for making it look better
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i never understood how people think it looks better when it's just blurred out to get rid of the edges. AA is a basic option in every game that i played since the 2000s and Dbd has a strange fetish about not giving us any graphic options at all...
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Oh God not this again.
The same thing happened two years ago and it took them weeks to fix.
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Yes I do understand what anti aliasing is but the point I was making is that they should have more options for PC rather than console. Since consoles all have identical hardware so they can optimise for everyone, unlike PC
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Really hope we can get an acknowledgment or something about this issue soon
Was really looking forward to today's update
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i love bhvr 😍😍😍
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Here's the fix people. Find the Deadbydaylight.exe in the install folder.
Right click.
Click Properties.
Click Compatibility at the top.
Click "Change high DPI settings"
At the bottom enable "Override high DPI scaling behavior" and change it to application.
Click Okay and then Apply.
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Very funny
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History repeats itself.
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Still no word on this. Of course.
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i am sorry if anyone feel offended, but as a gay person. this is valid for now..
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People are leaving our game? We need a publicity stunt asap.
Oh, fix the game? Are you ######### crazy?
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Nvidia filters also don't work anymore :)
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We have blurriness, now reinstate the old fog and were back to 2016 Dbd.
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I can't play this game.
AA shall be gone.
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Adding to the list of users requesting the option to disable AA. Bring back .ini tweaking or add it to the menu already.
Post edited by Decutor on3 -
You CAN'T? Does the game freeze and prevent your character from moving? Or are you trying grossly exaggerating?
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I can't play the game because it literally hurts my eyes to look at. I'm sure that's what they meant. On lower settings with AA forced on the game looks atrocious. It has a horrendous blur filter over the entire screen, ESPECIALLY at lower graphics. If you run the game on higher graphics its less noticeable, but not all of us are that fortunate.... :(
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They work for me.
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Still sucks for lower end. The nvidia filters drop the FPS further than this forced AA already does.............due to the AA still being loaded under these filters..... It keeps compounding.... They just need to give us an option to turn this ######### off tbh...
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Still no acknowledgement from BHVR, I see.
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Unfortunately for us this isn't a widespread "problem" so i'll be surprised if BHVR addresses it all.
Most people just boot their game and play, they don't even bother tweaking with anything.
There are also the bigger part of the player base which are console players. They don't even know what an AA is.
So for 95% of the player base nothing changed (random % estimation) .
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Yes. I CAN'T.
I tried
The game is a blurry mess, it makes me physically sick to try and put up with it