I like the hemorrhage change but

Why is resurgence useless against it? Playing with some fun perks and it the perk was basically useless😞
It's to give you even more reason to stick to meta perks and then get in an argument because you get accused of using meta perks.
Just the circle of life and death in the Entity's realm.
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I dunno how the devs didn’t think of (or acknowledge it, as forum members as myself brought it up as a concern) Resurgence and Solidarity and think, ‘Hmm.. maybe we should be updating these due to this new haemorrhage effect!’
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Get off hook, immediately medkit? I am not seeing the problem here.
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*terror radius music starts playing*
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Probably because their update process is weird. They updated every Legion add-on, presumably during a 6 month period and NEVER noticed Stab Wound Study wasn't changed?
dunno why they never changed Resurgence or Solidarity. Maybe because it would be a nightmare to code?
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Make them decent and strong to use? Nah, that's not allowed, lol
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I would give both of these perks like 30 seconds of immunity towards hemorrhage.
When unhooked 30 seconds for Ressurance.
When stopped healing with Solidarity, 30 seconds before the progress drops.
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and people scream, “we want more variety” well I’m using a non meta perk and it’s usless
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It’s really pathetic. A perk that’s non meta is made completely useless. Yay.
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Kind of feels like the devs don’t think things through
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For some reason BHVR has a habit of nerfing Weak or non meta perks over stupidly Strong and meta perks
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idk why they do that lmao. Kind of sucks my Jill has two perks that are useless against dead man’s switch and anything with hemorrhage. Very frustrating
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I love solidarity with Autodidact. But so many killer addons have the hemorrhage effect that its becoming useless to run. even if it was not great to begin with.
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They should buff autodidact so that more skill checks appear. I only get like two and that’s it lmao. The point is that people want to see variety and the other perks are so situational and are sometimes useless when the meta perks are always consistent.
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I sometimes go whole games without a skill check on autodidact.
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IMO this is not on purpose, this is just collateral damage, because the Devs dont know which Perks are actually in the game. Sure they know DH, BT, DS and every other Meta-Perk, but some other Perks are so forgetful. And we have so many of those.
But yeah, they should come up with something for Solidarity and Resurgence. I never see Solidarity but sometimes (but very rarely) I see Resurgence and the Perk just got nerfed without any compensation due to the Hemorrhage-Change.
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Exactly it’s stupid
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“But we want to see more variety” like I said I want to use other perks like resurgence and it just got nerf basically. It’s only stayed at 50% once in 3 matches. Great job bhvr
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Cool. So if the terror radius just started playing, I know for a fact I can finish my heal because I'm already half done when I started and with a 32m terror radius and a 4.6/m second speed at BEST he can get here in about 7 seconds, assuming a perfect straight line.
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This might not be on purpose. but unnecessary nerfs for weak perks happen all the time.
A few Examples
Parental Guidance, Built to last, Blood Pact, Alert, Technician, Brutal Strength, Coup De Grace, Hoarder.
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It's just laziness and incompetence at this point.
You would think there would be a thorough review process in effect so such things don't go unnoticed.
Perhaps something called a checklist. The designer assigned to the Legion changes could make this checklist and it could be reviewed by the Release Manager and a Senior Designer.
The designer assigned to the Hemorrhage change could literally grep "heal" in the file that contains all the perks. Make a checklist, and present the checklist to the team with suggested changes.
Solidarity and Resurgence are useless against hemorrhage. The very least they could have done was instead of healing progress, if you are mangled or have hemorrhage it will remove both effects.
The fact that this was missed eithers shows gross incompetence in regard to the development process at BHvR or a complete lack of understanding of the game from the team.
It's most likely a literal dumpster fire at BHvR with how poor of a showing this mid chapter update is. It's like this for every update.
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Honestly it would be pretty easy for them to buff both perks by adding in a little effect like, *healing progress gained from [perk] will not be lost until you are downed or fully healed.
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Coding expert
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Nahhh, don't worry. I will use all strong meta perks instead those weak perks. Let's make weak perks weaker, so nobody would use them.
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Me too
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They really should update resurgence and solidarity to bypass hemorrhage.
But I get the feeling when perks are updated or when new perks are introduced they often don’t entirely consider their impact on the game and how they interact with other perks. For example DS initially not being disabled when blessing a totem.
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I mean, it's not like hemorrhage it's used on every single trial and makes sense that one of them counters the other.
Boil over overpowers iron grip and iron will largely overpowers stridor (and spirit for that matter).
I don't think it's wrong that hemorrhage overpowers resurgence and solidarity.
But for the sake of argument I guess it would be also OK if those perks got buffed to grant immunity to recovery regression for a short time or that they reduce hemorrhage by a set percentage, without time limit.
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*Is injured again a few seconds later*
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Literally, resurgence wasn't even that good to begin with, now it's hot garbage unless they update it
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The same reason that Stridor is useless against Iron Will.
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Not related. That is one perk totally canceling out another. It was a needed adjustment. Even if they never change Solidarity or Resurgence, they still function normally with the new haemorrhage.
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Instead of.. you know... hitting the floor. Now you are still up AND getting a free sprint burst.
All thanks to this perk that is OBVIOUSLY not useless.