Dead by Daylights biggest problem

Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
edited April 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions


Hello everyone,

First of all, this is not actually a post that I really wanted to make. As some of you will probaply know, I no longer play this game, so my enthusiasm for it has dwindled too. I have just not been having the motivation to make a long post like this one for a long while now, though I did write down the thoughts from this post in earlier comments already, just in a less detailed form.

Ever since i quit DbD in August 2021, I have been reflecting on why I quit and after discovering the reasons, decided to dig a bit deeper and find the reasons for those reasons. And I do think that I managed to figure out an issue this game has that I barely see anyone talk about, yet sooo many things people do talk about and discuss end up being direct consequences of this one, bigger thing.

So I did decide to make this post eventually, simply to shed some light onto what I believe to be, by far, Dead by Daylights biggest problem right now. The "root of all evil", if you will.

Also I am not saying this was DbD's only issue, there are some others that are very much seperated from this one that are important too (e.g. the discrepancy in strength between solo Survivors and SWF groups), but I believe this one to have the biggest impact on the game as of right now. And do keep in mind that this is my opinion, it is very possible that some of you might view other things as more important issues than this one.

The Issue

I'll be straight forward and tell you the problem right away:

The Survivors objective is unfun and boring.

Now before you go in the comments and start calling me crazy, please read my reasoning for this being DbDs biggest issue first. It is a lot more complicated than this one sentence might make it look like.

How to balance an asymmetrical game

I know this might seem off topic, but trust me, this is very important for later.

Dead by Daylight can be split into two seperate "games":

  1. The "Macrogame" (referring to the overall trial and its progression)
  2. The "Microgame" (referring to interactions between both sides)

The way we can create a balanced experience for both sides is, by making each side dominate on of those two cathegories, but as a result of that be weak in the other.

Essentially, this game boils down to both sides racing each other by pushing their strong suit and hoping that they can finish their objective before the other side has been able to finish theirs.

Due to this being an asymmetrical game, the side that has less players in one round (Killers) needs to be the dominant side in the Microgame, while the opposing side (Survivors) gets to dominate the Macrogame.

This makes sense, given the Survivors superior numbers that allow them to apply pressure on the Killer in multiple different locations, which the Killer can not contest due to them only being able to be in one place at a time.

To make this fair for the Killer, they need to have the upper hand in this 1v1 interaction, so that they don't waste much time on this one Survivor and can instead go and pressure the team after dealing with them quickly. This is also why they are referred to as "the powerrole", even though they themselves arent any more powerful than the Survivor side is, but they feel very powerful due to the fact that they heavily outclass an individual Survivor.

In other words, a balanced Dead by Daylight would be a game where Killers dominate in chases, whereas Survivors dominate in generator progression, with the deciding factor being who can be more efficient in "their game" of DbD and outperform the other side.

How the Issue affects DbD's balance

In a balanced Dead by Daylight, as discussed above, long chases do not exist. Killers dominate in this aspect, so Survivors will want to avoid chases altogether, focussing their gameplay on generators.

But generators are no fun. No one wants to focus their entire gameplay on holding M1 and occasionally hitting space bar - understandably so.

If this game were to ever be in a balanced state, Survivors would be the ones quitting out of boredom. And since Survivors are just as essential to this game as Killers are, while also making a majority of its playerbase simply because of the 4v1 nature of this game, this would be very bad news.

This is also something that I believe the Devs are very aware of. They have stated multiple times in the past now that they have no intention of balancing Dead by Daylight to make it fair, but to make it "fun".

But what does that mean exactly?

What is the one thing you think of when you talk about "fun" in Dead by Daylight? - It's chases.

Chases are a fast and easy way of bringing action into this, otherwise very boring, game. They are full of fast paced interactions between both sides and you need to think on the run to make the right call in order to avoid certain death at the Killers hands.

As a result the Devs have started balancing DbD around chases - some people might even refer to chases as Dead by Daylight in its entirety, completely forgetting that there is more to it outside of them.

While this is a very understandable decision made by the Devs, it is also one that brings major imbalances with it.

The result(s)

Due to the Devs focussing their resources on making chases a fair, interactive and balanced encounter for both sides, Killers feel very weak to play.

Remember what I said earlier about how to balance an asymmetrical game - Survivors need to dominate in the Macrogame, while Killers need to dominate in the Microgame.

But this is no longer the case. The reality of DbD is, that Survivors dominate the Killer in the Macrogame, as they were designed to, and are equal to them in the Microgame, while on the flip side Killers get dominated in the Macrogame, as they should, but are only equal to Survivors in the Microgame.

By balancing this game around the 1v1 aspect of it, the Devs took away the Killers strongsuit. Killers now struggle immensly to compete with Survivors, especially since those Survivors can hardly be nerfed in their strongsuit, due to that being a direct result of their superior numbers. Simply put Killers can not end their chases quick enough to properly race Survivors who focus on generatos, meaning any time the Survivor team is working on generators efficiently the Killer will most likely lose.

As a result the game becomes frustrating to its Killer playerbase, because any time they go up against a team of Survivors with an equal skilllevel to theirs, they are heavily outclassed simply due to this game being tilted in the Survivors favor as much as it is.

For Killers to be able to win, they need to be on a higher skilllevel than the Survivors are, so that the Killer makes less mistakes than the Survivors and can punish their mistakes more efficiently.

And this leads us to a very modern problem, namely that this essentially rules out the existance of MMR systems in a game like this - at least functional ones.

There are two possible outcomes with an MMR system in DbD right now:

  1. The system works and puts players of equal skill against each other. In this case Killers are heavily outmatched and will lose a majority of their games (unless Survivors make a huge, game losing, mistake, but for the sake of the argument we have to assume both sides play equally well), which feels unfair and bad for the Killers. Additionally, the high end Survivors would have no opponents, because Killers can not compete at this stage, which results in very long lobby queue times for them.
  2. The system doesnt work and puts players of varying skill against one another. In this case Killers would get to fight lesser experienced players as well, which allows them to win those games, which feels unfair and bad for those Survivors, as they feel outmatched.

This means no matter what happens, this is a lose-lose scenario. This is also why I keep saying that the most basic requirement for a functional MMR system is a balanced game, which DbD can not (and will probaply never) offer.

Another very common complaint by the Killerplayerbase today is, that gens are completed too fast. That however is not actually the case, it's that they are too slow at killing the Survivors.

And as I explained above, this is essentially an unfixable problem. There are two possible solutions to it, which equally don't work:

  1. Make Killers the strong chasers they are supposed to be to be able to rival the gen speeds - this one turns Survivor gameplay into a hold M1 simulator, making it extremely unfun for them to play.
  2. Make gens take longer to complete - this one makes Survivors sit on gens, holding down M1, even longer than they already have to, at which point no one is having fun anymore because of how sluggish the game has become.

Both of these fail entirely at the non interactive nature of generators.

And there are more, but we would still be here tomorrow if I went into detail on all of them, so I'll make it short. Here is a list of other issues that are directly linked to this one with a brief explanation:

  • Maps having too many timewasters for Killers on them or generally not allowing for much map pressure (Pallets and Windows are what Survivors have to have fun in chases, to maximise fun and fairness in chases we need a bunch of them and make it so whoever mindgames who wins)
  • A vast majority of the Killer roster being unviable in high level play (only viable options are Killers with strong chase related abilities to at least sometimes put Survivors in a lose-lose situation they can profit from, who also have good map pressure to fight generator speeds - e.g. Nurse and Blight)
  • Killers getting nerfed who did not need a nerf (strong chase ability = unfun match for Survivors, therefore they get nerfed. This is what happened to Deathslinger or the Twins Toy Sword Add On)
  • Killers being forced to run a bunch of slowdown Perks (essentially a futile attempt to force solution 2. from gens being done too fast. As explained above it makes the game miserably boring for Survivors, but is a necessary evil currently)
  • Camping & Tunneling being such popular strategies (eliminating one player early on makes the Survivor teams overall map pressure take a huge hit, which can allow the Killer to relax a bit more. Not doing this is pretty much a lost trial. This is a result of gen speeds, which are a result of their unfun nature)
  • Playing Killer being significantly more stressful than playing Survivor (you essentially have to play perfect to beat even just a mediocre team. The smallest mistake can cost you the entire game, due to a chase being extended too long and you therefore getting crushed in the Macrogame)

While not all of those might be a direct result of generators being boring, they are all linked to it in some way. Basically, the boring nature of gens caused the Devs flawed balance philosophy, which is what stops us from properly addressing those issues.

If we ever want to properly fix those problems, we need to address generators first. If we don't, all we achieve is trading one problematic thing for another.

What is the Solution?

A complete rework of the Survivors main objective.

We need to get rid of the excruciatingly boring gameplay that is holding down M1 while waiting for a progress bar to fill up - and this is not exclusive to generators by the way, all of the Survivors objectives are this boring, whether that be exit gate switches, totems (cleansing and blessing), healing, chest searching - they are all the same.

Of course these progress bars serve a purpose. These objectives are meant to be timewasters first and foremost, it is necessary that the Survivors spend a good amount of their time on doing them to allow the Killer to find and hunt them down.

So a reworked Survivor objective would need to be both time consuming and interactive for them at the same time.

It is not until this is achieved that we can properly address so many of the other, much more noticeable, issues that plague this game today.

This being said, personally I don't think this is a realistic demand to make.

Generators are one of the most fundamental mechanics in this game and they have existed for almost 6 years at this point without any major changes to them and with a total of 27 DLCs (some bigger than others ofc) that further change the game and, in many cases, directly rely on this mechanic or further add to it.

There are Perks on both sides directly tied to generator progress bars and there are some Killer powers that also rely on Survivors being on gens (such as Freddies teleport or the Doctors Madness Skill Checks) that would need to be addressed if gens were to be fundamentally reworked.

This absolutely does not mean it was impossible to address, however it would require a huge amount of time, ressources and effort from BHVRs side.

And I mean this when I say it, but I definitely think that at this point it would be easier for them to just work on a Dead by Daylight 2 and redesign it from the ground up with this in mind, rather than to try and somehow fix the current game (also due to spaghetti code that further hinders this).

However, I would definitely not mind being proven wrong on this. Though it would be a long and tedious process, I believe the game would greatly benefit from it in the long run.

And they can start small, not tackle the whole thing at once, but maybe start by doing one thing and see how it plays out. For example, rework the Exit Gates to no longer require you to hold M1 next to the switch until a progress bar is filled, but make it require fuses that the Survivors need to collect and insert - each fuse lights up one bulb and 3 fuses open the gate up. It would be significantly more interactive for both sides and it would get rid of people 99%ing the gates (another common complaint you hear a lot). You can also do something entirely different, the most important thing is that something is done.


Thanks for reading this, admittedly very long, post. Might be my longest one yet, its definitely the one I put the most work into.

What do you think of this? Do you think I'm right? Or do you think I'm entirely wrong? Did i miss anything crucial? Please tell me down below!

Also please keep in mind this post is not meant to give solutions to this issue, but soley to highlight it - though if you think you got a good sulution to it you can share it down below too / make your own post about it! The more ideas we can give the Devs on this the better. I also deliberately did not post it in the Feedback subforum, as it is not meant to be feedback to the Devs, but as a bit of an explanation to where I believe the game stands right now and why certain things are happening to it for the community - as stated above, I do believe the Devs are very keenly aware of this issue already (and have been for a long time now).

Have a nice day / night and I'll see you next time!

also revert the Slinger nerfs, k thx bye.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2022


    Dev needs to play their own game and communicate with the community better. Fixing SBMM does not mean ######### when game is not balanced because there will not be enough killers on the high mmr therefore after a long queue, they will be matched with a killer with a lower or equal mmr which survivor will be dominating still. SWF and such is in play too so killer will have the disadvantage ever since the start of the game.

    Post edited by Chusan on
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    I dont think thats a very fair way to look at it.

    Keep in mind, this is a day 1 issue. When this first came to be they had no community to listen to and they never expected this game to be as succesfull as it eventually turned out to be. Gens were timewasters first and foremost and back then that way okay, because that was exactly what the game needed to function.

    And in a way, this whole thing continued to be (or even escalated) because they listened to the community - they got feedback on gens being boring and as a result they focussed their attention on what was generally considered to be "fun" - that being chases.

    While we can critisize them for choosing this path instead of reworking gens, we also got to keep in mind that back then they were a very small Dev team and didn't have the ressources to address such a fundamental issue - and now that they do, we are at a point in time where there are so many fundamental things bound to this mechanic, that changing it for the better is hardly an option - i was not lying when i said that i think it would be quicker for them to just redo this whole game and release a DbD2 instead of trying to fix the current game.

    Plus, as stated above, I hardly see anyone talk about this nowadays. They can't listen to their community in this regard, if the community is silent about it (which is why i made this post in the first place, to shed some light on this problem).

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2022

    What I meant is the dev will not know what's going on if they themselves are not playing their game. That is where "PTR" comes into play asking their own customer to test their product when they themselves should be the one testing it.

    For example, a hex is destroyed in the first minute of the game because it is way out in the open. We asked the dev about it but no actions nor feedback is given at all. a simple (we will look into it) would even make their own player base happy. You can see countless videos about their reaction/feedback on the most recent dev Q&A. All they gave is "Maybe" or No. You learned nothing after watching 30 minutes to the point where they are comparing it with hockey?

    I understand it is a day 1 issue but they are the game dev for a reason. They are supposed to do their job and make it entertaining for both killer and the survivor. It takes them ages to buff/nerf something.

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2022

    I understand what you meant by it is a day 1 problem. What I meant is they are not really doing anything about it. There is tons of "feedback" about the most recent Q&A with the game dev. The game dev themselves don't even understand their own game and compare it with hockey.

    For example, your hex totem is cleansed in the first minute because it is out in the open due to a bad map design. Are we supposed to go for another perk and run "Undying" and pray that the 2nd totem would maybe be a better spot?

    Clearly, they don't play their own game.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    What I meant is they are not really doing anything about it.

    And you are justified in this critisism.

    While I think that one can not really blame them for having this issue in the first place, I do think it is fair to ask why they haven't done anything about it yet - especially when keeping in mind that they have most likely been aware of it for a long time now.

    I wasn't trying to say that you couldn't critisize the Devs at all, you definitely can and should (the whole point of this Forum is to provide feedback after all, whether that be positive or negative doesn't matter), what I tried to say is, that this is one of those issues that I believe to be a lot harder to fix than they look like. Its one of DbD's most fundamental mechanics we're talking about after all, which in itself is very hard to fix now plus blocks other fixes to different issues too, which are commonly requested by the community.

    Its not so much that I think they wouldn't listen to us, but rather that they don't really know how to go at this.

    As for Totem spawns, those are a very different issue. And to be fair here, especially on newer maps, Totems are hidden a lot better than on the old ones (which the Red Forest is). And it is also part of the Hexes risk that they might not last long, they are inconsistent by nature.

    Regarding your critisism on the MMR system, i am fully behind you. I think it was a bad idea from the start, as explained in the OP a system like that was doomed from the get go.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I absolutely agree, it is a breath of fresh air to read a rational and objective take on this game's direction, and very likely one of the root causes of frustration. I will say that I feel map design is an inherent issue in this regard, but whatever, it is sad that most people will just ignore this post and spam all the usual complaints. If THIS one got traction, things might be different.

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2022

    Yeah. I agreed that forum is meant for giving feedback and such. just giving my 2¢ about BHVR managing their player base.

    As for totem, I'm sad to say that for the newest haddonfield map, their totem spawn in the middle of the "dark" playground or in the middle of the park. there is even 1 totem that is not reachable. :(

    Just as @Hanzo_Hasashi7 said. there been tons of feedback about the game on the same stuff (Deadhard for example) but there is no action taken. Just a (We will look into it) for months

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Clearly, they don't play their own game.

    Yeah, because they're making it.

    BUT, I'll agree they should listen to us more.... but at the same time, "we" suck so I understand why they sometimes just do what they want.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    That's the biggest problem. Sure you should listen to you customers but at the same time you will hear so much you can't listen to every one and like op said they listened when people said they want more fun chases cause gens are lame wich brought problems

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    edited April 2022

    How about making a sandbox style mode. The survivors cannot escape, making killers happy, but the killer will be penalised heavily for downing the unhooked survivor straight away, before downing another possibly, limiting tunnelling, pleasing survivors. The unhooked survivor has no collision for a certain amount of time to prevent body blocking.

    All bp gained are raised quite a bit, survivors still have to complete gens, have chases etc, maybe bhvr could add more objectives, however gen times are reduced to 60 seconds and games are limited to 30 minutes.

    No MMR, no kills, no escapes, more bp. Slugging only lasts 1 minute before you automatically get up, unlimited escape attempts on hook and only first hook status, success rates are halved, so all 4 can't be hooked for 20 minutes or escape very quickly. To make up for this, to make it a bit fairer for killers, another tier of bloodlust is added but takes a little longer to accumulate.

    This mode could even have its own xp system that lets you upgrade your stats.

    Survivors have

    Faster gen speed

    Faster/walk/crouch speed (all seperate)

    Quicker perk cd

    Perks that hinder the killer

    And more

    The killers would be the opposite to hinder survivors but could also have

    More traps, if a trap based killer.

    Quicker bloodlust

    Quicker speed

    And more

    Then there could be more expensive stats that affect the main game.

    More bp

    Quicker rift progress


    Nothing that affects the speed and the other stats are not used in the main game.

    If you die to a head pop or mori, you respawn after 1 minute.

    Bonuses are rewarded based on amount of hooks/kills by traps or moris, they must be hooked twice, per survivor like normal, before a mori can be used and this resets after every mori.

    Survivors gain bonuses by unhooking, gens completed etc.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    I love this. Please keep writing beautiful works like this!

    I would say - I don't think that generators need to be replaced altogether.

    In truth, all that should happen is there should be many more skill checks with tons of 'mini minigames' to play.

    Working on a generator wouldn't be so bad if you were playing frogger or something - if you were playing many very short minigames back to back to back between skillchecks.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    That was an amazingly well written and thought-out post. I will admit that coming into this I was very certain the biggest problem with DbD right now was the new player experience. You've actually convinced me that this is a bigger problem... also much harder to solve.

    I did actually come up with a tweak for generators that might help with this? It was more designed around fixing how the first few gens always pop very quickly but the last 1-2 gens can slog on and on and trying to balance that out.

    My idea was that there would be four different types of hand tools scattered across the map and enough copies of each for each Survivor to have one. Hammer, Wrench, Screwdriver, and Pliers. Each unique tool would buff a Survivor's repair speed by 12% but generators would take 100 charges to repair instead of 80. With those numbers, 1 survivor with 2 tools would repair about how they would now. A 4 tool survivor would repair a gen in about 60 seconds, but finding all 4 tools could take a lot of searching.

    For the record, I do like your idea for how you open up the exit gates.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    thank you for the kind words!

    I'm glad you liked it ^^ And it's good to see that I managed to achieve my goal of exposing this issue to more people :D

    As for your ideas on how to improve the objectives for Survivors, I think both would work! Both of these were things I had been thinking about myself and I do believe they would be a huge improvement to the current way those objectives work!

    Maybe we could even find a combination of both, so we had some tools to find scattered accross the map and then minigames on the generators once you found them?

    Anyway, I think the ball is in BHVRs hands now. We can point out the issue and give them ideas and suggestions on how this could be done (I'm thinking about making a seperate post to this just for brainstorming some ideas together with the community), but ultimately this is out of our hands now.

    Though to end this on a positive note, I do think BHVR has been experimenting with some things in this regard already! Just look at the many different Glyph variations there are, I think those might be their way of testing what the community likes to then further down the line make bigger changes to exactly those boring "hold M1 for X seconds" actions. Plus they have already been changing some actions, such as the Wiggle or Struggle (2nd Hook stage) action to be more interactive for the player, so who knows! Maybe they are already working on this as we speak?

    Anyway, thanks again for reading this! I fear a lot of people saw the huge wall of text i created and left because they didnt want to bother with reading that much (which is understandable), but i'm glad to see that at least some people took the time to read through all of it ^^

    Makes me think that I didn't just waste 3 days in writing this xD (yes, it took that long).

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    3 days well spent, my friend! The forums need more eloquent writers such as yourself!

    See you in the fog, my friend!

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    I hope you don't mind that I've bookmarked this and have shared it some in other threads.

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    The idea of ​​changing the way to repair generators and opening the exit door seems like a very good idea to me.

     Both in survival and for the killer.

     Going for materials, fuses or other to manage to repair a generator and having to connect cables to open an exit door will give more interesting action gameplay in survival.

     As you said, we should also review the interactions for care and totems.

     In fact, that's what the game should be.

     Survival must come at a high price, otherwise it's not survival.

     In basic survival game, I'll take the Far Cry and Tomb Raider as an example, we feel the tension and urgency.

     These emotions are currently absent in survival in DBD and that's a shame.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    I don't mind at all ^^

    In fact, I'm thankful that you are helping to share the message!

    I think the more people learn about this and understand the issue, the better for all of us and our future discussions about the game and its current state.

  • Kill_Yr_Idol83
    Kill_Yr_Idol83 Member Posts: 213

    Thank you for this post. It sums up so very well my frustrations with this game. I've been playing for just about 5 years and recently thrown in the towel when SBMM was introduced, as much as it pained me to do. As a killer main, it was just becoming a maddening, frustrating experience and was anything but fun. I reinstalled the game during the MMR tests and recent tweaks but it's proven to be just as worse for the killer experience. It's as sweaty as ever and the early game is absolutely dreadful. A gen can be done by the time a killer who can only walk, goes from one side of the map to the other. Then two more gens fly once you find yourself in ONE chase and that's with a build that's entirely gen regression perks cause gen tapping is still a thing. I could go on but you've nailed it on the head. Killers just simply aren't viable and the core mechanics has forced a style of gameplay that is simply not fun. Survivors are so unbelievably cocky these days because they know if you're not playing any of the top tier Killers, they've already won. Its made a sweaty, toxic, frustrating and soul sucking experience and is why once again, I've quit the role of Killer and the game altogether until BHVR offer up change. It feels so bad that a game I love and have put so much time and money into, has come to this.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    I completely get how you feel, as I mostly went through this same journey myself (minus the reinstalling bit in the end).

    The whole reason why I stuck around on this Forum and ultimately wrote this post is because I still love this game, but I am disappointed in its current state.

    It is this love (and disappointment) for the game that motivated me to think about it in detail, even though I had already left at that point.

    I genuinely want this game to better. I want it to go in a direction that makes it more enjoyable for me, as a Killermain, again, I want to return to it - and I genuinely hope the Devs are going to do something to improve this.

  • Kill_Yr_Idol83
    Kill_Yr_Idol83 Member Posts: 213

    I 100% agree with your sentiments. I love DbD and I genuienly want it to succeed and do better but I can no longer put myself through how absolutely miserable it is to play killer and I can't help but feel let down by BHVR over the last two years for continuously adding content that does nothing to address the glaring issues. It's incredibly disappointing especially given how fun the game used to be before the imbalances really started to get out of control and the SBMM put what feels like a nail in the coffin.

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442

    Great post, genuinely enjoyed reading your thoughts.

    I think it is possible to rework Survivors' main objective without removing the mechanic of generators (and perks that are for generators) altogether. Maybe taking a page out of the dev's book for Friday The 13th. Having to go around the map looking for spark plugs, pipes, gasoline, wires, etc. Also having a minigame for installing these components could make generators more interactive. I don't think having these components hidden around the map is a good idea. The should be located near the generator but take some effort to find. This could add more time to complete the generators (less need for slow down perks) and potentially solve the problem of generators being boring.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    I think, one of the reasons is this: killers don't feel as 2k is balanced. Even if it was a tough, close game, 2k is a tie for killer. That's the point of frustration and thinking SBMM system is bad even working properly. Killers don't want to get 2k, it's not fun to get a tie as a normal outcome. You want to make 3-4k to be normally satisfied as a gamer, but SBMM system thinks those matches aren't balanced and you are too strong.

    So you make 3k-4k, rise mmr, get super good survs (equal for you as 1v1 maybe, and you can see that, but definitely not equal as a team), sweat for 3k againg, rise mmr, and forced to sweat even more because you are naturally trying to get a satisfying game and - at the same time - to jump over your skill.

    SBMM system is conflicting with minds.

    Firstly, because killer has to be a power figure. Killer looks and sounds like power figure, like someone who dictates rules. It's a killer, a murder machine. And that machine supposed to barely kill half of survs... ridiculous.

    And secondly: you can see with lower mmr that you beated survs who weaker than you. Maybe they are equal for you as a team but in chases you can see they aren't as good as you individually and you can't unsee that fact. You feel your win is undeserved and feel your loss as an offence. You want to face equal survs and be able to beat all of them as a team, even if logicaly it's not possible.

    I don't know how to change boredom of repairing and make possible to outplayed the whole team of equal gamets, maybe BHVR will shows smth really good, but for now I can imagine BHVR normalising death outcome for survs; normalising not 50/50 ratio but 60/40 maybe to avoid constant 2k-ties for killers; making 3k not super easy to achieve but not folowed by mmr rising either - it will be tie for sbmm system but will be perceived as a victory by brain because 3 kills is more than a half. So you could face reasonable opponents with good chances for reall win.

    I can imagine, yet I'm not sure it's a good solution and looking forward for announced updates. However, I'm pretty sure the core problem isn't only in micro/macro abilities and balancing around chases but also in SBMM and its forced "balanced" ties. They don't really need to change the whole system, just to modify the math of which outcome is balanced.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    I think this further highlights why soley looking at the outcome of a match is not a good way to balance the game.

    A 2 kills / 2 escapes match could have been literally anything from "barely kill one person when the 5th gen popped and then hardcamp another guy you got using NWO and NOED" to "a lengthy trial where everyone got chased equally and the Killer 3 hooked every (dead) player and had the 2 surviving players on death hook". However, to MMR both games look the exace same.

    I don't think that the outcome of 2/2 is necessarily one that people would be dissatisfied with, it's just that due to the current state of the game a 2/2 outcome will be the first described scenario more often than not, resulting in a feeling of loss to the Killer, as they barely managed to get those 2 kills as is and got pretty much dominated throughout the entire game.

    If the Devs were to balance this game around individual hooks being achieved, this would be a very different story. As I said, a 2k can reach from 2 hooks achieved all the way to 10 hooks achieved - IMO a good goal to reach for would be an average amount of 9 hooks each game.

    But as I said in the OP, to achieve something like this in the current state of the game, the Killer has to go up against people who are less skilled at the game than they are, which makes the whole MMR system thing obsolete again.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    @Mister_xD true. Just... Just true, you know. Maybe 3k really just bandaids the problem, yeah, while the needing in less skilled survs is real thing I can see too.

    Then more reasons to wait, I'm hyped (carefuly and without any particular thoughts, and yet...) about further modifications of core gameplay they've promised. Really hope they share that point of view and came to the same conclusions. And maybe even have found an appropriate solution.

    Thanks for your post.