Haddonfield is so killer sided now

I’m sure everyone here is happy with the rework. Perhaps devs don’t remember survivors main exists. It’s ok this patch only include a big hug for survs, but make haddonfield so killer sided also it’s too much
Its balanced.
Houses and loops are strong, and theres dead zones.
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And you can see al least 30% of the map as killer without anything that break the LOS. And very few pallets. Ah, and you can find a pallet in a corner of the map
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Running to corners is the new meta bro, things change.
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Yes, but it’s the worst pallet in the entire game
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This thread is bait.
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No, it’s not. Do you see any complaint about the map in this forum? No? It’s killer sided
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The actual Haddonfield is still survivor side with a couple of potential infinites... It's good looking but it's still a broken map
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played GF on that map no marks no hooks gens got done to fast not fun or killer sided.
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I'm not a huge fan of new Haddonfield. I do think it has tipped a bit to the killer sided but it's just...really really boring. It's empty as hell.
Old Haddonfield sucked in terms of killer but it at least had stuff in it. New Haddonfield looks like a dark field in the middle of nowhere.
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Considering that all the pallets are basically non mindgameable as an a m1 killer and the houses are effectively the old long fences with vaults, I wouldn't say it's killer sided.
It's certainly better for killers with larger dead areas and an overall smaller map size, but it's far from being killer sided.
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pallets in this map are bad as hell, and there are so few
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Use Windows of Opportunity until you learn where the deadzones and pallets are,
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The map still feels very much survivor sided. I only managed to get a single kill as Sadako on there and that was thanks to NOED. But maybe that's mostly related to how extremely weak Sadako is right now.
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House of Pain has two really strong pallet spawns. A lot of the pallets are short walls with 2 long sides meaning that without a range attack you have to break the pallet anyways since there is no way to play around them unless you bloodlust. There's like 2 pallets I can think of where you can realistically play around them without bloodlust when they are already thrown.
I'm not sure what kind of pallet strength you want, but the weakest haddonfield pallets are stronger than the pallets that existed on Hawkins where the killer could easily hit you on the otherside without really trying.
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I don't know if it's really killer sided but even if thats the case I would they well its our time know. The map was incredible survs sided before so if it's killer sided now that would be kinda fair and don't worry you guys still got the game
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Killer sided map in a survivor sided game = balanced! But that is IF it's killer sided, I have not played on new Haddon yet.
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The map is basically the same as it was pre-rework
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It has cars and buildings, yes, but thats all. The map has nothing in the middle. You can see survs from one side of the map to the other, and the middle is a dead zone
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Stealth got nerfed, and that's about it. All the buildings have 1-2 God Windows and 90% of Pallets are God Pallets
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the windows are in fact very strong (especially the loop in the main building that uses windows and the house handrail to vault. However, the basement can spawn inside the house, balancing the structure) and maybe whoever developed the map thought that to counterbalance it, make the map smoother and with fewer pallets.
At least they could put more unsafe pallets in the middle of the street to decrease the dead zone and create more structures like the old fances for projectile killers (or a little bigger structures to make the survivor out of sight)
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You was playing with GH, thats why you lost
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Haddonfield is survivor sided.
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It needs big obstacles in the street, killer can just hook 1 survivor in the middle and see everything, you can even patrol most of the gens while camping in the middle...
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he use to be good in a way now he suck I stick to mikey
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Yea sure.
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HADDONFIELD has many invincible places to get rid of the killer endlessly.
Pay attention to the location and route of the windows, this is a basic subject for survivors.
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M1 killers have no chance.
I sincerely hope that the map team will be reorganized.
It is too silly a job.
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It's only killer sided if you forget to walk across the street and do gens. If you complete 3 or 4 gens on one side, the other side of the street iis going to become horrendous
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Dead zones are balanced???
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Yes ?
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So just having portions of the map with noting for survivors to use to defend themselves is fair? Also fun?
Can we have areas of the map that killers will always lose survivors in then? Or is that unfair somehow?
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It's fine for not every single tile on the map to contain safety. Especially when the map is already filled with many strong tiles.
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Those areas already exist
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I agree, but I don't think it's asking too much to add fences (walls) or unsafe pallets in the middle of the street which would still be a powerful area for killer anyway (just a little less useful for projectile killers - from 100% to 90%)
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The street already can spawn pallets that are fairly strong. It really doesn't need more.
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And what about the fences (walls)? Any objections?
ps: it's not TL or anything like that, just structures that make the killer lose sight or walk around for the survivor, just like the old fence on the map that the killer could even swing through (and hit the survivor if he/she was close to fence)
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The road already spawns a vehicles or two that do block LoS. And the rest of the cars are something for the killer to walk around like fences. Granted the killer can't swing over the cars.
Like the road is not nearly as dead as people act like it is.
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I'm a survivor main, sometimes play killer, in fact not the best and usually came back because I heard the game is less toxic after the update (many fun games in the past 24 hours, with GGs......
What are you talking about? There are no survivor/killer sided anything. You want the game to be easy for you? Or can you just learn the maps like the rest of us and stop making the devs think they did something wrong. The new Haddonfield is one of my favorite maps. Didn't take me long to learn the loops. There are also really good hiding spots in plain sight. The map is perfectly fine.
Finally, stop this whole community divide. It's one reason why left the game and I will gladly leave again so your queue times are longer (I'm sure I'm not the only player sick of the toxic drama that keeps popping back up in this community). It's a game. The devs are finally doing this game justice. Give them credit, not hate.
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There are areas of a map where if I a survivor reach I will escape 100% of the time. What are they called? Can you give me an example?
If not every area of the map has anything to use then players are forced to use the shift w technique. Which is boring for both sides. Also killers do not improve as they did not beat the survivor, they just followed behind until the map killed them.
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Haddonfield has reuseable vaults in the houses with long fences that are really strong on top of having many strong pallets. It's fine if there are areas of the map that don't have anything to use since the map already has a lot of strong resources for survivors to take advantage of.
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No. Balanced would be if an area of a map exists where survivors go down 100% of the time. Then an area where they escape 100% exists.
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I unfortunately agree with this, even as a killer main. I still think that this is more balanced than it was before, but it has several extremely killer-favored factors. The houses are still very strong for survivors but the rest of the map is entirely a dead zone for the most part with maybe 7-8 pallets and two or three windows. The generators are also all very close together and a three gen seems to be almost inevitable with the way they're spread apart.
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You have half a dozen of what are some of the strongest structures in the game stacked back to back with pallets and now it's all tears and water works about the single-pallet playground and crossing the street.
The map is almost unwinnable with many M1 and mobility constrained killers if the middle generators are prioritized. So long as you deny the 4/3 gen and split the last few, there's precious little that could be done by all but the most mobile and deadly of killers - such as Nurse and Blight.
Sure, a Bubba may catch you out if you run into a street, but with god vaults and so many pallets around the houses, is it really so hard to force a killer to chase you for that long?
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My solution to maps is to create tiles that allow for input for both sides to demonstrate their skill.
Your solution is creating places in maps for killers to auto win chases to both artificially inflate their rank and ego. Which is why so many killers are struggling.
If your beating survivors not due to skill but because the map is giving you an auto win, your not really skilled are you?
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So you are so used to survivor sided maps boosting escapes that a balanced map looks killer sided?
Besides it's not. There are very strong loops in it.
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Dead zones in more than 40% total surface map from the start
Utterly ######### pallets in most areas (near bench or in front of buildings)
Sometimes, not a single good pallet in the middle street (near cars, truck)
... and the very strong buildings with infinite material for survivors (windows)
In a word, the true, the pure definition of an utterly ######### map design!
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Play on The Game, Badham, Fractured Cowshed, any Crotus Penn Map, even New Haddonfield has a bunch of God loops
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I played on this map, both for the survivors and for the killers. Win and lose on both sides.
And if we assume that the map is made for the killers, then it's okay. Because a lot of maps have been made for survivors - a farm, maps of Freddy, Pig and Artist.
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Yeah... I have. Where are these 100% guaranteed safe zones. A good loop can be broken by killer so... not guaranteed safe.
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Do you know how a good Killer plays like?
They never chase a good Survivors around a God loop/Pallet/Window (unless they're Nurse), which leads to them leaving chase, or what you call it: Survivors escaping 100% of the time