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General Discussions

Why make Legion unfun to play against again?

Member Posts: 94
edited April 2022 in General Discussions

He was nerfed previously because of how unfun it is to play against him, constantly just mending, healing (if you want to), probably already had the longest games. With newer perk combos since his release, most maps becoming smaller and more open, he's even more unfun to play against. The fact he can see you mending, interrupt your mends, make you start again if he does interupt you, wreck your gen progress 200% in 1 quick kick, makes it even worse now than kt was before.

I know killer or legion mains will hate this post and other survivors will possibly say I'm toxic for saying this bit, but honestly I just kill myself as soon as I'm hooked against Legion because it's just not fun to play against.

Good job with the music though.

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  • Member Posts: 326

    I don't find Legion fun to play against in solo queue because I can never get my teammates to leave me alone or stop begging me to heal them. I just run Resilience and Spine Chill pretty much permanently just because I've resigned myself to being perpetually injured and or broken and or oblivious.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    He isn't really that bad to verse once you get better at the game. Once you split up he can't chain as many people together and if you get better at dodging you will make him miss at least once or twice a game.

    I wouldn't kill myself vs him. Compare him to higher tier killers and I think he's a lot better to verse than most.

  • Member Posts: 364

    he was uncounterable before. deep wounds went down out of chase and didn't stop when you ran. they would walk backwards and either you died from deep wounds or you get hit. either way you lost the chase.

    furthermore alot of killers are less "fun" than legion. Artist is straight busted. etc etc.

  • Member Posts: 94

    I should mention I'm also a solo queue survivor too and know what thats like darkcloudlink. I don't bother healing against him either.

    If you haven't vs'd a legion since his new update then you can't have been playing much or have been very lucky. Pretty much every other game I get now Is a legion.

    I know mending isn't what has been reintroduced, but I'm seeing a lot more of him now since his new changes and having to mend a lot more than previously. It's just boring, doesn't give you fun chases and doesn't let you progress the game much.

    Sure a SWF 4 man group can speak to each other to stay split up, not run him into each others terror radius, but for solo survivors we're just ######### most of the time.

    And it's not that I'm new or bad at the game either, I've been playing a long time.

  • Member Posts: 6,030
    edited April 2022

    I'm glad They are stronger. Now I hope if they buff him again its in a different area. I don't want to be mending any longer then now

    And il admit, hes hell in solo queue

  • Member Posts: 3,130
  • Member Posts: 94

    If we had a perk that could make you invisible to killer frenzy, I'd use it 100% of the time right now just whilst he seems so popular atm

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    I wouldn't say he was uncounterable. You could do things like pallet stun him out of Feral Frenzy, there was mindgames you could do at vaults since legion would vault past the window meaning you could either sneak back over or run the opposite direction he starts to head.

    Your options were just really small to the point they didn't really matter.

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    His core gameplay hasn't changed much though.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    I would argue if a large portion of the player base dislikes something odds are it probably needs a change. That said I entirely disagree with OP here.

  • Member Posts: 22

    its fun to play but not strong. stop bitching about it and get good.

  • Member Posts: 130

    As a solo queue player 99% of the time on survivor, when I feel like I am getting targeted next by Legion, I try to pallet camp them. I'm happy to trade a Deep Wounds for knocking them out of their power + the BP for Killer Stun, and it wastes a lot of their time. That usually lets the other headless chickens get far enough away so that I don't run back into them accidentally.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Now he is not only still weak, he is also boring to go against.

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    Legion was nerfed because he was a completely unfair killer with no counterplay, and could get guaranteed downs.

    Current Legion can be countered easily by just splitting up, not mending in his TR, and then they're just an M1 killer like before.

  • Member Posts: 165

    Considering some of the ridiculous threads there have been lately I would disagree.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    As I said odds are. That's not to say there aren't exceptions.

  • Member Posts: 254

    You know at this point I'm just convinced that surv mains are offended about not being able to literally ignore Legion in Frenzy and start instantly mending. WHICH NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN A THING IN THE FIRST PLACE-

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    CoH is god tier against them.

  • Member Posts: 27

    Legion is so much better to go against and play. Their power makes them more as a threat and as killer, at least your power can now down people. Yes he may be annoying to go against in solo queue, but you could say that about every killer 'pig is so annoying to go against in solo q because my teammates keep leading her to me when i'm taking my party hat off'. I think legion is fine the way they are and don't need any nerfs or buffs (maybe a few bug fixes on add ons and hit boxes) but yeah

  • Member Posts: 2,557

    We are Legion.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    "This a classic power trip survivor team"

    -Team is a bunch of Claudettes hiding in lockers and camping pallets



  • Member Posts: 328

    *everyone on this GOD###N forum*: 'NERF THIS PERSON RIGHT NOW THEYRE OP/BROKEN/TOXIC(insert whatever bulls#!t reason you want) MY FUN MATTER MORE THAN ANYTHING


    holy zombie jesus yall really can't just bite your tongue and move on with your lives huh?

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    I mean, Legion was never fun to play against. You press M1 as Survivor to get out of the game. And Legion just gives you more M1-Pressing. And every Legion seems to run Thanatophobia, so Gens dont take 80 seconds, they take 96 seconds. And then they run at least two more Slowdown-Perks.

    Legion-Games are just a big snoozefest. And they have always been a big snoozefest. Legion should be reworked completely, with that power, they will never be a really strong Killer and always be a pain to go against.

  • Member Posts: 328

    i disagree. play with the right perks and hes a power house- source: legion main with many many many 4ks against a whole slew of survs (both swf, solo and what not)

    generalizing legion as a snooze fest because some people play a less aggressive style is inaccurate.

  • Member Posts: 77

    I think s/he meant legion just drags the game longer than it has to. You drag the game so long as a killer but you cant get much out of it against decent/good survivors, and ended up with 2K despite all the unnecessary long game. And as a survivor... I don't have to explain it, everyone seems to be explaining it quite well everywhere πŸ˜‚

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    I am speaking from the Survivor-perspective.

    But from a Killer-perspective as well, they should be reworked to actually become a strong Killer.

  • Member Posts: 328

    i play 50/50 surv/killer. legion is fun to play against, and play as. i think the main issue is who ever is playing legion at the time: depending on how they play. as a killer: efficient aggressive and focused play makes for an exciting game. as a survivor: knowing how legino plays is a huge advantage. I get that everyone has their own ideals and opinions, but again, generalizing legion as boring because most legion killers drag the game out is inaccurate to legion as a whole.

  • Member Posts: 1,599

    Imagine wanting to nerf the killer that is so easy to counter you just don't heal.

  • Member Posts: 77

    Fair enough. I agree its fun playing against Legion. But on a killer perspective, after landing the slash (not considering the 5th hit) its just boring M1 attack, often delayed cos he needs time to catch up and also survivors have more chance getting to the next pallet to loop with. I only love it cos its fun to run and slash people but it gets mundane when its the normal m1 chases. Other M1 killers at least have some M2 to use while chasing but legion cant use M2 while trying to down someone.

    I guess at least legion is better than other m1 killers thanks to the need to mend and slowing gen capabilities despite it feeling mundane at times.

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    Has legion ever be fun to play against?

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I'd change "pretty long time" to "never", but yeah I agree with your point lol.

  • Member Posts: 15

    They did some really nice changes to him. They'll have to completely rework him for people like you to be happy.

  • Member Posts: 165

    Isn't one of the ways to counter Legion the same as countering Plague, as in not healing against them all the time? For example, always cleansing against Plague whenever you become broken is generally frowned upon while it is seen as being smart to pick and choose the right times to cleanse. Mending works in a different fashion but the underlying principle is the same, in my opinion, as Legion doesn't have any lethality with his power unless you chain 5 hits together and using it on an already injured Survivor does nothing but give them free Sprint Burst while knocking the Legion of of his/her/their/its power. There are also perks like Sprint Burst and Dead Hard that also help combat their power as well.

    I'm not naΓ―ve enough to believe that everyone can adopt these same strategies as people play this game in their own ways but the calls for nerfs need to stop as it distracts from the myriad of other problems that plague this game. I get it if people have killers that they don't like to face (like I myself hate going against Wraith but love playing Wraith, weird I know) but does that mean that Wraith needed the nerf that he received? In my opinion he didn't but got one anyways due to whatever reason BHVR had to do it

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    I feel like I'm just non-stop mending v Legion, I don't even bother healing it's the mending that's just constant. I feel like Legion matches go on so long now for little reward.

  • Member Posts: 513

    No I'm sort of with you as a Legion main. Before it was a niche killer, considered weak and did well with Legion. Now it's...too easy and everyone is doing it. Guess I'll main Pig now.

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