Congratulations on COMPLETELY killing GF!

Good job BHVR on literally killing one of the WORST killers ingame.
I knew it would be bad but I still gave him a try today. I can't mark ANYONE cause 9 out of 10 survivors run Spine Chill and start running the second the cat lights up. They literally expose me working on gens from sides where I can't even SEE the survivors. I can't mark people anymore mid-chase cause they can expose you while the survivors are behind stuff (rocks, walls etc.) and are literally LOS.
What the ######### where you guys THINKING when you made those changes?
The revealing mechanic barely worked for the survivors before and it could be extremely frustrating. However barely anybody played as him and while it's technically more fair it's very sad that now nobody will play as him. I would rather the mechanic be more killer sided but have more people play him personally.
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It worked most of the time unless there was mega desync, most players just couldn't centre him on the screen 😂
People barely played him because hes just a basic attack killer and in comparison myers beats him in nearly every way.
GF would of personally been better if they focused him on hit&run and gave him a nice meme scratch mirror build like myers to create that niche jump scare build
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He's more healthy for the game but he was undeniably nerfed as a result.
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Letting survivors expose him while THEY'RE hidden is the most backassward approach to the character anyone could've possibly conceived of. If they were going to make it way easier to expose Ghostface, they should've quadrupled the time it takes to expose him. But no. Better to keep him at the bottom of the roster than risk a survivor complaining that it just 'wasn't fun having to stop what they're doing and look up'
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It only "didn't work" because survivors literally did not know how to do it.
Search reddit/youtube for people complaining about ghostface's reveal mechanic and it's all videos of people doing it wrong.
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The irony is that this was "supposed" to be a
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The only good change to the reveal mechanic imo was not having the reveal instantly drop off if revealing is broken. It was really frustrating to almost reveal ghostface and then he walks around a small object and the reveal is instantly broken despite you never losing sight of ghostface.
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The worst ghostface reveal detection I've ever seen : deadbydaylight (
Ghostface reveal is a very functional mechanic : deadbydaylight (
Quality Ghostface reveal detection : deadbydaylight (
Will they ever make ghostface's reveal mechanic work? Probably not. : deadbydaylight (
Ghostface's Reveal Mechanic is a bit iffy : deadbydaylight (
the need to fix ghostface. i’m literally never able to reveal him : deadbydaylight (
What if you wanted to reveal Ghostface but BHVR said: : deadbydaylight (
Ghostface Not Being Revealed : deadbydaylight (
Revealing Ghostface is such a broken mechanic : deadbydaylight (
So revealing ghostface. What am I doing wrong here? : deadbydaylight (
How does GhostFace reveal work? : deadbydaylight (
I dont understand this killer, anyone? : deadbydaylight (
AM I DOING SOMETHING WRONG??? : deadbydaylight (
Literally just search and go down the list and it's people not knowing how the ######### the mechanic reveal works but claiming it's busted.
Worst of all is all the comments agreeing, not realizing that they're trying to reveal ghostface wrong.
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I think the reveal mechanics should be more of a middleground between what we have now and what we had before. Like yeah it’s better for the survivors now and I do appreciate that as a survivor main but it undeniably makes him a lot weaker.
And even if they hadn’t changed the reveal mechanics at all I don’t think his buffs actually did much compared to new legion.
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I don't think they changed anything except for making it more determined by the server... So if it's suddenly it's working for everybody now because it's being judged by the server it was never a problem with people doing it wrong, it just didn't work. It never worked for me and I even went into custom games to test and try every possible way and rarely ever worked.
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Its weird seeing this comment from you, based on previous comments I was sure youd say hes finally fine, but yeah we agree, altho I must say he is an m1 killer with or without shroud so not that much of a thread either way, he went from bad to a little worse, so why even focus on him when other better killers exist.
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The killer always comes back to life for one last scare.
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- Fixed an issue that could lead some player's reveal to be ignored completely when multiple survivors are revealing at the same time
- Reveal progress will now regress over a short time when a survivor loses sight of Ghost Face and resume when revealing starts again (Previously, losing sight of Ghost Face for a single frame would cause all reveal progress to be lost)
- Added in differentiation of the sighting zone (the zone in your screen where the target must be to be revealed or stalked) for killers and survivors to better account for the differences between 1st and 3rd person cameras
- Made it possible to reveal Ghost Face / stalk Survivors when they are not in the center of the screen but still take up a large amount of the screen (eg when they are very close to you)
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Oh that's perfect it sounds like they fixed all of the bugs and issues that were causing him to not be revealed even though he should have been.
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I still think he's very weak but better. Pretty much every killer that doesn't have any power that negates pallets or windows is bad. Why would you play as a killer who actually has to play around what survivors do when you can just play as somebody who shoots through windows and pallets?
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They didn't FIX anything. They made it super easy to reveal him.
Look at those videos I linked. Are you going to tell me he should've been revealed in those videos?
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Why did they make a killer mechanic survivor sided?
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He's too high up in that clip.
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Lmao seriously? Revealing ghostface isn't about 360 no scope headshot. It's about looking in his general area for a short amount of time, you know, like simulating you spotted the man stalking you.
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How you feel he should be revealed doesn't matter when in that clip, the person trying to do the reveal is just doing it wrong.
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Excuse me, what the #########? Doing it wrong? Why exactly should you have to aim perfectly to reveal Ghostface? When the killer ia literally covering 10% of your screen, isn't it clear you are looking at them?
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Doing the reveal mechanic wrong as its programmed into the game. They are doing it wrong as the game specifies. That's the why. Because the game says so. You not doing the reveal right doesn't mean the mechanic is broken, you're just doing it wrong.
I'm saying the player didn't meet the requirements of the game to consider revealing him. Not whether the mechanic should be different but that the player doing what was defined is just doing it wrong.
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Can't argue against that, killers like that are so easily dunked on, better to be forgoten and never brought back legit no point to try and argue, you are correct there.
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@Momentosis I mean just first thread is like 1600 likes of someone not knowing to how reveal ghostface. The clips are pure comedy.
reveal mechanic is more of casual change that weakened ghostface. He just got no relative positive changes that help killer have impact on their gameplay. for making it easier reveal him, they did not increase how long it takes to reveal him, they didn't make stalking faster, nor did they remove that mechanic where basic m1's destroy stalk meter, the last ones is like myers losing ev2 meter for m1 which is just so stupid.
Just nothing positive for him. none of add-on really doing much. for killer that falls on the line of complete simplicity of 99% stalks into ambush m1 downs, he fails to deliver on that gameplay. Just another one of those killers that will not see much play for survivor.
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Saying he wasn't buffed at all isn't true, the extra duration on Marked is noticeable. I had a 4k with him last night in part because I was able to just Mark survivors and then catch up to them later on if they ran. It's like having Haunted Grounds on individual survivors with the 60 second duration. Yes, survivors who aren't marked yet can knock you out of it, but with the duration as long as it is now you can literally mark survivors from long range and then as long as you encounter them again in the next 60 seconds you can down them without worrying about them knocking you out of stealth.
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I think the reveal mechanic is flawed as a concept in the first place.
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Who's ghostface? Are you talking about The Printer?
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Run Dark Devotion or Trail of Torment on Ghost Face and watch survivors get so annoyed, lol. He definitely struggles, but beihg creative with his power helps. Predictably going off radar walking Gen to Gen is just wanting to win the war in the most brain-dead manner, go play top tiers for that kind of fun.
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His old reveal mechanic was ridiculous to me. His power should be about sneaking up on survivors unnoticed and using objects to prevent the reveal, not “oh your camera was 2mm too high so eat a turd”.
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I disagree, you gotta actually use your head with him now. You're probably upset you can't get an easy one hit anymore, when you didn't earn it. And people running spine chill isn't bhvrs fault
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I won't even take you serious. You play updated Legion and complain about getting outplayed by DH. I 4k'd all day with Legion and went from gold 4 to iri 4. The 4 games I played with Ghostface I got 4 hooks at best. 2 games I got ZERO (crow map)
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You are complaining that you can't easy one shot down anymore, you lost, and now blame it on his update. Your mmr gotta be in the dump if all you see is Spine Chill 9 out of 10 games, that and you must be doing something that I am not with Legion? You just better at m1'ing or something?
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Dude if you are as good as you claim on GF you have ZERO reason to complain about updated Legion. You can't even compare those 2 after the update. They are like day and night. Legion got BUFFED while GF got NERFED. I don't want "ez 4k's" I want to be actually able to have a chance against decent survivors. I am doing really well on Legion cause I only play m1 killers, yes and he is by far the strongest m1 killer now (I also play Doc, Clown and well GF)
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This thread just shows why killers at a core, aren't allowed to be very fun. All their mechanics must be in the survivors hands to take away from them, the killer has to over-act in order to create plays, which is more of a risk to the killer.
Tunneling and camping won't ever go away unless killers can be buffed to the point they absolutely don't need it. And thus, short sighted-ness and band-aid repairs bring the game ever closer to the grate. Killer and Survivor experience continues to suffer
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well it 200% wasn't.
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The thing is you usually don't want to chase a marked survivor as ghostface for the full 60 seconds anyways. Ideally you're marking in a position where you can down them a lot faster than that. The extra 15 seconds only really matters if you're not downing marked survivors quickly.
So combine that with the tweaks to the reveal mechanics and he's really not much better than he was if not worse.
Whereas nothing about legion is weaker than before other than like, iri button getting nerfed but that's whatever, his basekit buffs more than make up for that.
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As nifty as the global killer instinct was, I don't think it really made a huge difference. Knowing survivors are on the otherside of the map working on the gen doesn't really do much if you can't actually get to the otherside of the map. Meanwhile the pallet destruction effect is still there which was the main reason people brought the addon.
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Yeah I agree, even with just the pallet breaking effect it's still pretty good.
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The reveal mechanic will continue to suck as long as Survivors can reveal him while just looking over their shoulder in chase.
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Or hear me out they can just loop an m1 killer which is not rocket science, get dunked on ghostface!!!!
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Ghostface is the worst killer in the game. Along side Trapper and Sadako in my opinion.
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But he can teabagg faster than my girl piggy.
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This sort of thing is about what I expect from BHVR, short sighted changes, buggy messes and overall disappointment. Glad I quit 4 months back, been waiting for some good news but yeah, every time I log back in I just regret it after about 30s.
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I tried everything. I know youre supposed to put him in middle-top of your screen but that still didnt work. You could be staring directly into his face and get exposed. I got used to it and eventually didnt even try anymore and rather focus on running him for 45 seconds but it was very frustrating.
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Leaning and stalking feels good after the update tho and now that cooldown is a single addon need to run double cooldown every game and can actually try out addons
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Ah yes. another thread with a killer main crying about the game
No that was ghostwriter the old 90's show, silly
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I refuse to believe this many people are running Spine Chill. I very rarely ever see it in anyone's load out.
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Except 1) he’s not just an M1 killer, he’s Undetectable most of the time which helps him get a hit prior to reaching a vault; and 2) even M1 killers can normally force a hit or pallet drop in a chase, if you’re getting infinitely looped all the time you’re doing something wrong.
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I can't mark ANYONE cause 9 out of 10 survivors run Spine Chill and start running the second the cat lights up.
The developer change forces survivors to run Spine Chill???