If BT is basekit, what perk for killer should be basekit?

It's no secret the vast majority of the survivor community wants BT basekit, so how do you make up for this on the killer's side? There are two suggestions that I have and I'd like to hear what you guys think of it. (Also these are one or the other, not both).
1: Pop basekit (to a degree)
Make it so that each time you hook a survivor you get a basekit pop, but lessen the numbers (10-15%). Not only would this help the killer during the midgame but it would also encourage the killer not to camp and find a gen to kick.
2: Barbecue and Chili basekit
Each time a survivor is hooked, all survivors further than 40 meters from the hook have their auras revealed for 4 seconds. This would provide useful info to the killer and yet again promote anti-camping. Maybe nerf it a bit so that survivors repairing don't have their auras revealed so that the killer can't control the gens too well without any perks.
idk about a "majority" of survivors wanting BT basekit, it's being talked about mostly because Patrick on stream hinted at it becoming basekit.
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Corrupt Intervention or Hex: No One Escapes Death.
Either slow the early game by blocking Generators, or slow the early-mid game with 5 Totems, or less, depending on the Survivors
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BT as a perk won't ever be base kit, But they might have a small window of enduring after a hook (like probably 5 secs), so if a killer perk would be base kit then it should be a less extent of the original,
one idea I had was Tinkerer, But it only activates once per gen on base kit
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Corrupt Intervention.
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BBQ. Idk why survivors don't want this basekit because it encourages killers to leave the hook and not camp if they have an objective to go to after every hook.
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As an Artist main, that'd be lovely. Cross-Map snipes 24/7 if BBQ became base-kit
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I think a lot of perks shouldn't have been perks to begin with. Perks like Any means necessary, Monstrous shrine, Bond, Buckle up's aura reading, and probably more perks I'm forgetting should've been apart of the base game.
Also perks like Predator, Shadowborn, and Fixated's ability to see your scratches should be things you can turn on/off in the options menu.
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Rework damaging generators so that every kick causes 5% regression.
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BT should have always been base kit and not a perk to heavily counteract tunneling. If they make BT basekit, i think they should also make it apply a random effect duration so killers cant count / wait it out if they decide to go after the unhooked survivor.
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Nice, let's kill Killer efficiency without touching Survivor efficiency, very fair
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It doesn't work that way.
BT being basekit would be done to achieve a very specific goal- namely, to give survivors more of a basekit tactic to use against hard-tunnelling, since it's a genuine flaw of the game that they're helpless to prevent a tactic like that. With some variation on BT basekit, it'll help them at least get a few metres from the hook so they can start having some kind of input in the situation, even if they'll probably go down to a smart killer anyway.
What killer perk would achieve a comparable goal- that being, a flaw with the game that prevents killers from having input in a situation? I'd argue none; the closest would be some kind of slowdown, since gens can go by very fast in the early game, but even the best possible pick for that - Corrupt Intervention - is not a pure upside for all killers. Hag and Trapper won't like their ability to set up hamstrung like that, for one...
The killer side absolutely needs some changes too, but it's not as simple as "survivors get a treat so killers get a comparable one too". Balance is more nuanced than that.
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Corrupt or Deadlock.
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Borrowed Time shouldn't be base kit. That would just be stupid, and sure enough the dev's have made some mistakes in the past, but I don't pin them to be that dumb. Even borrowed time as is, is too strong - players shouldn't be rewarded for making unsafe saves, playing without Borrowed Time teaches players how to make safe saves. They would just be shooting themselves more in the foot if they made it base kit because new players will have an even harder time learning basics in the game.
I also don't see any Killer perks should be made base kit. Don't fix what isn't broken.
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Tell that to the survivor who was safe unhooked, but killer made it across the map to the hook, went by ignoring all other survivors straight for that one unhooked player xD
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Then it wasn't a safe save. Being aware of the Killers presence is apart of the skill playing Survivor.
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Corrupt Intervention should be base kit for killers
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Too OP on the top tier killers, who are already strong enough to beat 4 mans on comms, and essentially automatically win vs. solo Q if the killer has a brain.
BT basekit should just be given with no killer buffs imo, if the killer hits the survivor within 12 seconds of an unhook too bad. 95% of the time it's cause they were just camping the hook
It's a change I hope they implement and I would look forward to
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Well I don't need someone to give me Borrowed Time, and I don't take Decisive Strike. Killers that choose to tunnel me have the worst time, because I know how to play, but you know. Base all your skill around second chance perks, and continue complaining about the game instead of getting better.
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None? Why would one perk becoming basekit warrant another for the other side becoming basekit as well?
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I often hear corrupt should be basekit - but reading that it wouldn't be a one size fits all kinda thing (trapper, hab) seems like a good point too.
Some version of a basekit slow down mechanic seems more like a one size fits all kinda thing. The mechanics of pop or eruption might be good "donor perks".
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Lethal pursuer
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Base-kit BT would be an immense buff to the overall stronger side that nerfs the efficiency of the other, overall weaker side
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Going sheerly by perk strength, I actually have to agree there. Though, I have to assume it’s not going to be the full duration of BT that’s becoming basekit. Likewise, I think something like Corrupt as basekit would just be a band-aid.
(Though, I must also admit I am rather tired rn, in multiple ways. My comment was a principal thing more than anything.)
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If Borrowed Time hypothetically became base kit they wouldn't need to necessarily make a killer perk base kit as well. Even if they found they needed to buff killers overall to make up for the change it wouldn't have to be a perk, it could be as simple as increasing the time it takes to finish a gen by a few seconds for example.
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Anything but Noed
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I don't really see a base-kit BT being anything other than 10+ seconds, as anything under would be too short
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Because BT basekit without any compensation for killers would just make the already weaker role more weak. High MMR killer gameplay needs to be flawless, so adding more to their plate is a terrible idea.
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The two suggestions I had were also toned down from the original perk. Tinkerer would be nice but would be completely overpowered on some of the higher tiered killers (blight, nurse, artist)
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Yeah, I know. Maybe increasing the penalty on multiple survivors interacting on a single generator would be a decent change.
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Corrupt without a doubt
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Ok, Corrupt is too strong. BT has counterplay; wait twelve seconds. There is no counterplay to Corrupt, other than waiting it out, but this gives the killer enormous leeway in the early game.
Edit: Definitely not NOED.
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Corrupt if anything, but even that can backfire sometimes especially with totem builds. The solution probably isn’t as simple as just giving them a free perk.
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Go on the other side and do the gens???
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Therfore running directly into the killer. Corrupt blocks the three furthest gens from the killer. I don't think corrupt intervention is an overpowered perk because it takes up a perk slot that is gone in the first two minutes of the game, but having it basekit and being able to devote that perk slot to a chase/lethality perk let alone another slowdown perk is too strong imo.
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I would love this.
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If you're running from one corner to the opposite corner, yes you'll run into the Killer. If you try and go a bit stealthily, you'll be fine.
Yes, a 120 seconds long CI base-kit would be too strong, I agree, but a 45-60 seconds would be fine
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That would definitely be a nice QoL change but I don't think its strong enough to make up for the fact that BT is basekit.
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This I agree with. A shortened duration just to make the early game a little more bearable would be great.
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5th perk slot for killers. You don't need to tell me my business.
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My suggestion make sure survivors only spawn in 2 places max at the start that allows the killers that find survivors better pressure. Make kicking a gen do more regression or take less time. Possibly corrupt intervention on 1 gen to start.
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Except for when you're in solo and someone unhooks you with out b/t and you go down again instantly.
It's not your fault they unhooked you when the killer was near by. That's why for solo survs it needs to be implemented in some form.
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Simple answer to this. Fairness. You can't give a survivor a perk as a basekit allowing them to equip another one instead of using BT.
Killers would still be stuck with the 4 perks while survivors get BT+another perk they equip instead of BT. Most killers would just ragequit at that point.
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corrupt 100%(a bit nerfed version but yeah ) ....we all know how BS are survivor spawns at the start of the match sometimes.
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Higher FOV.
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No, they are negated by camping, which many killers use as a counter to try to pressure against the speed at which the gens are popping.
If they make camping more difficult with something like a basekit BT, these killers will end up leaving faster they would otherwise have. And I'm pretty sure they aren't rare given how many people are complaining about this.
Also around the end of the game, camping is often the only valid move.
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I would pin them to be that dumb, they pushed the Boil Over change to live, after all.
BT isn't too strong, it does reward bad plays, which is one reason I don't want it to be basekit. The other is BT bodyblocking, giving it value outside of its intended purpose.
DS is a way better pick for baselining, since it's been tailored down better for its purpose.
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i feel like its such a no brainer like the killer has to do something with this perk and it sorta helps with the terrible spawns. nothing too good but enough to help the killer at the start in which most killers dont have early game help
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Killers should get Lethal as basekit. 5 seconds of Aura-reading from the moment you have control. Gives you an idea of how and where survivors have spawned in for some early-game pressure.