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Is there any SERIOUS Sadako main out there?

Member Posts: 2,317

No, this is not a joke.

Do you know any serious Sadako main, maybe on youtube/twitch?

Someone that knows perfectly the strengths of each add-on, and has tested them a big amount of time?

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  • Member Posts: 890

    That was a pretty good guide to help visualize each addon, since you never see her and even if you do she might not be running them.

    Overall I think Well Water + Newspaper is the best chase combo, since you get a full second of invisibility + no red stain.

    Rickety Pinwheel is kinda useless but makes a pretty scary sound for the survivors when they are near a TV and also fills the air nearby with static which makes it probably her coolest addon imo

  • Member Posts: 854

    Her Iri Tape is probably her best one as it turns on the last 4 TVs you've turned off by teleporting whenever you hit someone within 8 seconds after manifesting.

    Letting you bounce around the whole map as much as you want stacking Condemned, and puts extra pressure on survivors to waste time with Tapes.

  • Member Posts: 123

    I main her along with doc and trapper

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Disagree. Ghostface is totally helpless. The best he can do is try to Night Shroud, which for some reason you can just break by looking over your shoulder. You would have to ALSO be marked for this to matter.

  • Member Posts: 673
    edited May 2022

    As a new brother to the ghost main order, I must agree with this. Ghost face is a legitimate threat when played well (especially with certain add-ons).

    Sadako is scary with her 2 best add-ons, otherwise she is a handicap.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    But you cannot do it IN chase. You have to have all that prepped before the chase begins. If you come around a corner and see a Survivor, there's nothing you can do except play the weakest M1 game imaginable.

  • Member Posts: 5,247
    edited May 2022

    But you CAN make chases shorter with it. A full minute of exposed is a big deal

    So my point about all killers (Except Sadako) have something that either shortens chases OR helps you in chase in some way or another still holds water imo. Hell some killers have both, some don't

    Yes, Ghostface without Night Shroud/Marks is m1 man. Myers without T3 is M1 man with a slightly faster vault and smaller TR.

  • Member Posts: 570

    Tried playing her for a while, cause I like the moviea lot, but shes pretty weak. I mean her power is just ok and u can sevure some wins, but against good survivors and swf, its kinda frustrating playing her

  • Member Posts: 2,317

    The problem is not that she has no chase power, she still has an invisibility mechanic that can be improved/buffed, and is decent in chase if you know how to use it, the problem is that TVs take a massive 100 seconds of cooldown once you teleport before they come back, and the brown add-on does nothing.

    You cannot do ######### with the teleports pretty much, once you teleported to a TV that TV will be disabled for a very very VERY long time and you'll start feeling how you literally have NOTHING on the map, where with iridescent videotape you could keep getting condemned stacks

  • Member Posts: 2,317
  • Member Posts: 3,448
  • Member Posts: 22,850

    I still like to call myself a Pyramid Head main but I dabble with her pretty often, thanks for the tag

  • Member Posts: 854

    I wouldn't say they are completely useless, but none of them compare to Iri Tape + Ring Drawing, the one that makes survivors spread condemned when they heal each other.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    Disagree, no m1 killer can be a thread if you are semi decent at looping and can use dh effectively.

  • Member Posts: 42

    All i notice about her is she feels like for some reason is faster then like all killers and players tend to SUPER TUNNEL and camp with her all the time. Its like shes the new bubba (im only slightly kidding every one is major toxic i hope im just unlucky lol)

    Can't tell if its just her design and animations making her seems faster but it always feels liek Im hopeless when im in a chase against her....I got no idea why (and only her mind you not even legion i feel this way or pig)

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    RedsGamingGears has a 30 Days of Sadako series where he played her for 30 days straight and explored a bunch of different possible loadouts and strategies. He did quite well with her, especially using slugging combined with her Green add-on that curses survivors who heal each other to apply additional pressure. Obviously there’s at least 30 YouTube videos or more of him playing Sadako but this was the one on the 30th day and shows what he thinks was his favorite loadout.

    • Corrupt Intervention - helps give extra time to apply early game pressure
    • Jolt - Gets a lot of slow down in a slugging strategy since you’re spending additional time downing but not hooking
    • Save the Best for Last - Very useful for continuing a chase quickly after an initial hit to secure a down
    • Bamboozle - Helps mitigate her weakness at stronger tiles
    • Red Iridescent Videotape - Refreshes TV much more quickly to help apply map pressure
    • Green Ring Drawing - Survivors who heal each other gain stacks of Condemned if the wounded survivor was cursed. Since dying survivors can’t normally heal themselves to injured this works especially well with slugging since it forces survivors to spend time healing each other and gaining additional stacks of Condemned in the process.

    The basic strategy then is basically keep chasing and downing over and over, breaking pallets to remove resources, but only hook one specific survivor and slug the rest. Because you’re spending no time carrying survivors and can also teleport around the map very quickly you are constantly chasing and pressuring them and forcing them to heal each other and periodically remove stacks at TVs instead of progressing the gens. You eventually hook out the one survivor and get to a 3v1 scenario where you now can snowball to victory. Additionally because of all the extra stacks from the Green add-ons plus all the teleporting it’s not uncommon to get a Condemned kill either since the survivors are so busy just trying to tread water and keep each other standing at least one of them will accidentally let the stacks get away from them and give an opportunity for a kill.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    He did use that combo in at least some of the videos but prefers the Bamboozle and Save the Best for Last tactic to help him secure the downs versus trying to slow the survivors down from seeing each other.

    But I’m definitely personally a fan of Deerstalker myself, I use it all the time. 🙂 Knockout not so much since survivors on comms tend to work around it a little too often I think and I kind of like having something else instead to either help me get downs or info on survivors to get into new chases more quickly.

  • Member Posts: 2,557

    Knockout OG Freddy was my fave build back in the days, Ive been running that combo for years.

    Best thing you can do in this game is stop instapicking up trying to 12 hook, run deerstalker and pressure them more is how I get good results

  • Member Posts: 9,713
    edited May 2022

    I totally agree, once I realized that I could apply a lot more pressure by not immediately hooking people the instant I downed them my results improved quite a lot. A combination of slugging and hooking is the way to go.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    Doesn't this all fall apart if the survivors are good at looping tho? i mean against people who will go down against sadako without looping her for at least 2 gens I wouldnt even recommend builds, as those people will get dunked on anyway regardless of build.

  • Member Posts: 9,713
  • Member Posts: 854

    Tofu did the same thing with those add ons. Focusing on slugging and teleporting and had two condemned kills in his first match with 4 generators left, and in his second match the survivors literally just gave up.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    I have been really liking Demogorgon, atleast his shred is useful In alot of chase scenarios.

    I can count on one hand home many time sadakos invisibility has helped in chase.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    Atleast clown has a chase power.

    Sadakos has nothing.

    She feels like Freddy withoutsnares.

    Demogorgon without shred.

  • Member Posts: 2,317

    Ring Drawing is really hard to judge, if they have medkits or circle of healing it does literally nothing, also survivors can 99 their heals and then finish the last bit with a medkit like deathbound. Sadge.

  • Member Posts: 2,317

    She is not completely a m1 killer, she's got a power that makes you invisible 3 blinks after you manifest, that works very well at shack window and pallets and jungle gyms with tall walls where you can be completely unpredictable.

  • Member Posts: 2,317

    She just seems faster because she's shorter, she's 115% always.

  • Member Posts: 67

    Condemned process is a joke, it doesnt do anything unless you are 2 killers and another one is Trapper so he traps the last 3 gens to make the game 55+mins so you can fullfill your condemned. She is basically just demogorgon but uses TVs instead of a butthole, and you cant even place them where ever you want.

  • Member Posts: 2,317

    I watched the matches, and they're not a good example, the survivors are very inefficient. Also I'd go for Nurse's, so at least you have a chance of knowing where they put circle of healing.

  • Member Posts: 2,317

    Knockout doesn't work at all against good teams, and Deerstalker is completely pointless even on this build.

  • Member Posts: 37

    Hearing that Sadako was being added was what finally made me decide to try out Dead By Daylight for the first time and I had every intention of having her be my main, but the current meta is just so rough for Sadako, and her being one of the few killers with next to no chasing power at all makes me sad. I play her a lot, but generally more for fun, and I've ended up becoming a Pyramid Head main instead (another killer that made me want to give DBD a try).

    Even playing casually and not trying too hard for a win is rough when there are so many survivor teams that will BM the whole match and completely get away with it because of their second chance perks and super safe loops and pallets. The only maps where I feel really confident with her are Midwich, Lery's, and whatever other few killer sided maps there are.

    An easy fix to this would be to buff her movement speed while demanifested. Not Wraith level, but maybe something like 10% faster than her manifested speed. This would help her in chase, make her less agonizing to play on larger maps, and wouldn't be too oppressive since she can't hit while demanifested and is slowed down briefly while manifesting. She'd essentially be a mix between Wraith and Demogorgon without excelling in either one's strengths - but to be fair, that's kind of what she already is.

  • Member Posts: 570

    Bruh condemned is so weak, no survivor in a real match would ever let it get full “condemned” its a full joke. Idk hat they were thinking

  • Member Posts: 854
    edited May 2022

    What do you mean in a "real" match? I've gotten them before. One time I got two. Its not often but it occasionally happens. I don't think it needs to be buffed too much, since its a kill that doesn't require the survivor to have been hooked previously. But it does need to be buffed so that survivors feel some actual pressure to keep their ring from turning red.

    I also think if it turns red, you shouldn't be able to get rid of it. Red is dead.

  • Member Posts: 9,713
    edited May 2022

    They only seem inefficient because he’s applying so much pressure they aren’t able to commit to the gens efficiently.

    And like I said, he played Sadako for 30 days straight and won a ton with a ton of different builds, including using things like Nurse’s. This is the loadout he likes the best.

  • Member Posts: 570

    i gotten 2 before as well but Im pretty sure the survivors didn’t know how sadako works, cause one of them held on to the tape for so long I moried him on the spot. And the other was a level 12 Bill lmao by real match I mean, when a survivor is more experienced they simply let it get 4-5 condemned and then insert the tape. I do that myself, so even with the right add ons, which are not that great either, its pretty uncommon to see someone get full condemned. I dunno about u tho haha

  • Member Posts: 53

    I've been playing her a lot and I found information to be my focus when playing her. BBQ, Floods, and PR for info. Knowing where survivors constantly are, remembering locations and utilizing her amazing mobility is important. Understanding those survivor auras that last for a short time, realizing what they are trying to do. You have to micromanage a lot to play the Onyro efficiently. Sloppy to replace PR if I feel like it, with constant pressure of knowing where they are, you can waste a surprising amount of time with survivors healing. Pop is the last spot because like freddy it's a perk made for her.

    Add-ons I like are her iri tape, but since that's pricey, Ring drawing for more slowdown and bloody fingernail are great. Her Old Newspaper add on is MvP though. This has helped me win at loops more times then I can count.

    I know lots of people say she is pretty useless in the chase, that she has NOTHING to help her in loops, but that phasing she does is ridiculous with Old Newspaper. If you notice when you are demanifested, Sadako's hands will disappear meaning she is phased out. If you are able to use this very short window to your advantage you can manifest (this is most likely why manifest has a slowdown btw) and close the distance on survivors in loops. Against good ones it won't work as well, but you can force the pallet early unlike someone like Legion. Once those pallets start breaking its pretty much GG.

    Overall I don't think she's as terrible as people are putting her in. Could she use some QoL fixes? Most definitely.

  • Member Posts: 854

    Well I said, not often, but occasionally. Maybe if they got a stack of condemned when you hit them that'd help speed things along.

  • Member Posts: 244

    I like her Well she isn't great she's new and most people don't fully understand her yet. Well I don't main her you really can sneak up on people by spamming her teleport powers tho I dislike the controls and it can be hard to tell if she's in phase or not.

    I actually enjoy playing her and Def wouldn't call her the worst killer in the game.

  • Member Posts: 570

    Yup that would be nice. Condemned should put more pressure i think

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    I think condemnation is a very half baked mechanic that they made super weak intentionally because being able to mori a survivor who's not even been hooked yet is not exactly fair. Look at Tombstone piece for a perfect example

    Pyramid Head still has to get through the two hook 'states' before he can mori you and you have to be tormented on top of that

    I just don't quite understand it's purpose. It's not there to keep survivors busy with a side objective because you can ignore it 90% of the match. It's not there to give counterplay to Sadako's mobility, because when she uses it it shuts the TV off anyway for a very long time.

    So what is the purpose of it? Thematics, I think. They wanted some way to incorporate the '7 days' part of Ringu. I don't blame them but the mechanic itself is extremely underwhelming and needs to serve more of a purpose. For the longest time I didn't know that while carrying a tape you could turn off multiple TVs in exchange for condemned - why would you ever do that?

  • Member Posts: 53

    I tend to just ignore her Condemned mechanic. I can understand the hesitation buffing it because her mobility can cause her to easily tunnel one person out if it was buffed. It is a slowdown though. A great one like Legions or Cenobites? No, but it is still a slowdown. Survivors shouldn't be able to interact with TVs while I'm chasing them, seems silly. The interaction is too fast.

  • Member Posts: 800

    I always liked running underrated perks on builds myself. Mind sharing a few builds and killers u run them on?

    You probably like Sadako considering she's similar in ways to OG Freddy.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    Just saw the video and some of his channel and holy hell it was impressive, how on earth do you get so many people that loop so badly while winning multiple games in a row?, mmr is broken, hes a very good killer tho, saw videos of him playing twins and it was sick, but by no means where any of those survivors (the ones against sadako) giving him a hard time in chase really, and he was playing an m1 killer, people were messing up chases real hard.

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