Please help me understand

LordCyphre Member Posts: 195

Hi there, I‘m gonna be honest, this is probably going to be a bit of rant, so be warned.

First things first, I took a break from playing DbD for about a year. Watched some of my favorite horror/slasher movies again recently and had this itch to play again.

But good lord things are messy. When I‘m playing survivor my teammates just don’t seem to get their priorities straight and barely play the objective.

It feels like they put altruism above everything. And don’t get me wrong, being altruistic ist fine , it‘s just that people seemingly drop everything they‘re doing for altruistic plays at the Moses inopportune times imaginable.

Survs rush saves and unhook in the killers face constantly. Or they lead the killer towards the hook while being chased, forcing a one for one or getting someone tunneled out of the game. Even with BT this is just stupid imo.

Playing DbD is basically about time efficiency. Getting gens done before the killer gets enough hooks to kill. After honking a survivor the killer has find someone else and chase them down. That takes time, time that can be spend on doing gems or anything else. Rushing saves and unhooking in the killers face means they don’t have to spend much time finding and chasing, which results in less time for survivors to do anything.

I‘ve had quite a few games now where I jumped on a gen straight away but couldn‘t finish it before the first player was dead. Not just down, completely out of the game mind you. All because everyone was hovering around the hook and pulling the downed person off of it asap while the killer was still there.

It‘s ridiculous how fast people die a lot of the times. I don’t want to give people ######### for not being great at chases, I‘m not pretending to be great in chase, that‘s probably the most skillful thing in this game. Still, they go down in seconds. Running in a straight line after getting hit would make them last longer I feel. How do people go down so fast? And why does everyone think it’s a good idea to pull someone who goes down this fast right off the hook withdraw killer still being there? What do these people expect to happen? I mean, common sense dictates that this is a terrible play. They‘re getting themselves and their teammates killed while no real progress on the main objective is being made. But it happens so consistently, lots of players seem to be hellbent on doing this even though most of the times the games end in huge losses.

When I Play Killer I get Teams like that aswell though not nearly as frequently. Though when I do I will take advantage of their overaltruism. I then get complaints about camping and tunneling. Apparently they are generally upset with losing then. And I would leave the hook if they‘d let me. But I‘m swarmed before I have a chance to make a step away from the hook. And everyone just dares me to hit them because BT. Injured people can‘t help themselves and go for flashlight saves. I‘m like „Sure, I‘ll take the free hits, downs, hooks and slugs and capitalize on this if you don’t mind.“ But they do mind and it baffles me that they don’t understand that their „strategy & gameplan“ is the real problem. Just don‘t do that and you‘ll be fine.

Doing Gens isn’t very Hard and wins games. Do that. I just want to understand. Why do so many players insist on playing that way? I get messing around to have fun but people getting upset for losing makes me think that‘s not it. And it happens so often, like has a frustrated killer Main published a popular fake guide to survival which everyone follows? It just baffles my mind how people just don‘t do the main objective, or the secondary objectives, or anything but instead just throw themselves at the killer and blame the killer for killing them.


  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,579

    Players will play the way they want, but blame the other side when things don't go their way. Heck, they may just dc on the spot.

    Common in DBD.

    I don't understand a lot of players' mentality (for both sides), but I guess we have to deal with it. Very disappointing though.

  • LordCyphre
    LordCyphre Member Posts: 195

    Sure thing, I‘m all for playing the way you want.

    it just seemed to me like rushing unhooks and not doing gens is the new strategy of survs.

    And if they just want to mess around that‘s cool with me, I just can‘t wrap my head around people seemingly getting upset over losing but insisting on not doing the objective which would win them the game but throwing themselves at the killer and getting killed.

    It seems like they‘re expecting to win like that. I just ask myself how and why?