Please Fix Deathslinger Already

MineatomTR Member Posts: 47
edited May 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

He was the only killer that I enjoyed playing as. After the nerf he's "playable" but definitely not fun to play. "Why is he not fun to play?" you may ask, here's the reasons:

+The larger terror radius completely removed the surprise element of the killer, giving survivors a huge head start and forcing you to waste a lot of time to catch up to them, because you're slow as well. Your gun won't help at a long range, it's extremely easy to dodge.

+Terrible ADS mechanics. The aim sensivity is garbage, I'm sure most of you will agree on that.

Extended time to aim down sights just makes the killer feel clunkier to play with minimal benefit to the gameplay for survivors, because if they do think you're going to shoot they can just strafe and dodge the harpoon even at a very close range, due to the very small hitbox of the harpoon.

Note that when you shoot a survivor with Deathslinger you're not guaranteed to inflict damage, unlike Huntress. Plus, missing shots as Deathslinger is way more punishing (you have to reload or you'll be limited to basic attack) than missing shots as Huntress (you have 5 hatchets as basekit and can throw hatchets back to back).

This nerf encouraged zoning a lot more with the increased ADS movement speed, you can just hold M2 + W until you get a clear shot.


Alright, it's actually quite simple to make Deathslinger better again. Here's my (and a lot of other Deathslinger players') ideas:

+Revert the nerf entirely including the add-ons but keep the extended ADS cancel animation, perhaps make it a bit longer.

+Improve the aim sensivity.

That's literally it. It doesn't ask for a whole rework of the killer. It'd be greatly appreciated if y'all (BHVR) took notice of this and make Deathslinger not suck to play as, thank you!

Let me know of your thoughts on Deathslinger, I'd like to hear what other players think.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • MineatomTR
    MineatomTR Member Posts: 47

    TL;DR: Revert all the changes except the extended ADS cancel animation, perhaps make it longer to discourage zoning and improve the ADS sensivity.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
  • MineatomTR
    MineatomTR Member Posts: 47

    Honestly I have no idea what they had in mind. It just looks like they didn't want to bother at all and decided to change some of his speed values and called it a day.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    I don't see why he should shuffle when ads but removing the infamous quickscope is fair enough for survivors to react which was why he was put on the chopping block to begin with.

  • JonahsTablet
    JonahsTablet Member Posts: 762

    Yep, agree with everything, something I don't Behavior realized when changing killers if that they need to have something to entice people to play them, imagine if you removed Nemesis's zombies, sure he wouldn't really change much, but at point you're playing a poor mans Pyramid Head.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,444

    Why not play huntress?, devs treatment of billy reflect they rather have a clucky unfun gutted killer than admit to making an unproper balance change, or keep playing ds and be glad if the devs don't manage to make him worse.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968

    i still think the could give him a punishment for missing insta-shots (like a speed penalty for a while or more reload time for the gun)

    rather than making his aim waaaay slower.(feels clunky and awful).😌

  • MineatomTR
    MineatomTR Member Posts: 47

    You're right but Deathslinger pre-nerf wasn't exactly like Huntress and I enjoyed his gameplay a lot more than I do with Huntress. It's sad to see devs just gutting killers and calling it balance

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    I really think they did an injustice to the slinger. He's all risk with no payoff. They should make him closer to Nurse, where his ability is Higher Risk, Higher Reward.

    The main advantage the slinger has is his anti-loop, which is a lot tighter than Huntress or Trickster. His projectile is a lot easier to hit with its speedy velocity and flat trajectory - as opposed to the Trickster's bloom effect or the Huntress's wind-up for a fast hatchet.

    They should probably make him a lot more deadly with a time sensitive drawback.

    Deadlier Rifle:

    Max range increased to 25m.

    Projectile has a parabolic trajectory with a faster initial velocity that rapidly decelerates over the course of its length.

    Chain strength increased by ~15%

    Snapshot ADS that does not slow speed instantly, but over a 1.5s channel gradually lowers to ~84%.

    Innate bloom of inaccuracy and lower range/velocity that degrades over ~1s, becoming highly accurate as the cone narrows and range extends while holding ADS. ~0.5s additional will make the weapon pinpoint accurate.

    On a missed shot or chain break, the Deathslinger automatically enters a 3s 'Reload' animation - with only slightly reduced movement speed (~95%)

    On a successful attack, the Deathslinger has a 4s successful attack cooldown where he cycles the weapon.

    The rifle has multiple rounds (6) and must be reloaded at a locker with a 5s animation to top it off.

    Hitting a survivor with the latter 12m of the rifle's range applies Deep Wounds when they are hit.

    When a survivor breaks free, they gain Deep Wounds.

    Hitting a survivor with the latter 4m of the rifle's range instantly damages them, if they were Healthy - they are also skewered.

    Putting a survivor into the Dying state with the spear alone triggers the faster Missed Attack cooldown.

    ADS sensitivity begins much higher but is lowered over the 1.5s channel.

    +20% Reeling speed.

    Animations and Tweaks:

    Unique animation when attacking a reeled Healthy survivor.

    Unique animation when attacking a reeled Injured survivor without Endurance.

    Reeled survivors are unable to move as the Deathslinger attacks.

    Louder terror radius volume

    Terror radius reduced to 24m

    Slightly more aggressive walking animation.

    My thought process behind these changes is - it makes taking those risky long range shots super difficult - but highly rewarding. Not only damaging targets, but displacing them if they were healthy. By removing ADS movement penalties and speed debuffs, the Deathslinger becomes much more deadly in chase and can rain down a deluge of death. While his snapshot ADS time can make him hard to contend with in chase, taking a 'quickscope' shot is very unreliable and can only be made in desperation - as it is a highly unreliable means to engage a target.

    In the open, he is much stronger if he can skillfully land a spear at maximum range. The displacement in addition to his faster ADS and movement speeds makes him stronger than the Huntress in chases, as well as at long ranges - however, accomplishing such shots may prove much more difficult than the alternative.

    Having no Lullaby and a maximum range that peeks outside of his terror radius means that the Deathslinger is overall much more challenging to accomplish shots with, but much - much more rewarding. Using speed, stealth, and skill to the Deathslinger's advantage can make him more deadly than the Huntress in the right circumstances - but far more punitive to learn in the wrong circumstances.

    Agreements, disagreements?

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I wish they give him Terror Radius to 28m at least and reduce the ADS from 0.6 sec to 0.4s or even 0.5 sec.

  • frit
    frit Member Posts: 60

    his ADS literally IS 0.4s, 0.6s is his cancel.

    his ADS went from 0.15>0.4

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Gutting Deathslinger for no apparent reason was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I'd JUST bought him, played him a couple times, got stomped but still have a lot of fun, then: whoops he's gutted. After Freddy, Wraith, Pinhead, the Nothing-Buff of Clown, the refusal to fix Plague's RNG hitbox, the Fake Hit validation debacle, and everything MMR... it was just too much.

    What's even the point of buying killers if they can be ruined at a moment's notice with no justification and no compensation? Haven't played in months and I'm all the better for it.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Bring back the quickscope

  • Regulus47
    Regulus47 Member Posts: 450

    He is fine. This sounds like a troll but unironically just aim better. He has one of the best chase powers in the game, a killer can't be bad if they have downing power on par with the nurse.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    They should make his Terror Radius 24 meters again and remove that darn sensitivity decrease while aiming. And for god's sake, give him some good and fun Add-Ons.

  • Souplet
    Souplet Member Posts: 345

    Why would you play slinger over trickster nowadays

    Trickster is just a better and more enjoyable slinger since slinger nerf

    He got all the pros without the cons

    You forgot to mention that with huntress, if you miss, fine, jusy throw another

    As slinger : slowed from the ads, slow during shot animation, slow from the missed shot, has to reload (wich is wayy to long without the keys)

    As trickster : aim, throw

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Old slinger dI’d need changes but basically every change they made was in the wrong direction.

    He needed a 28M lullaby imo just to stop MaA being too strong on him. Otherwise he was fine

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,712

    He just needs his 24m terror radius back and he is fine. If they're really worried about M&A then give him a 24m lullaby so you can't do that. Increasing the terror radius was just the easiest way to change it so that's what they did. DBD is not an FPS game and his old quickscope should stay buried in the past.

  • Tiagoquix
    Tiagoquix Member Posts: 40

    I would love to hear your thoughts on my rework thread.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,851
    edited May 2022

    Funny, playing Deathslinger takes more skill now than it did before his nerf.