What if: a CoH concept

Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976
edited May 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I had a pretty cool idea of how CoH could have worked if they went in another direction. I realise they probably won't change how it works so this isn't really a real suggestion. More or a fun what if thought scenario

Boon CoH: A Boon that offers comfort amidst the terror.

Press and hold the Active Ability button near a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a Boon Totem  Soft chimes ring out within a radius of 24 metres. Survivors in the injured state who stay inside the Boon Totem's range for 50/45/40 seconds are healed to healthy

Now some may be reading this and think it's even more busted then the current one. But hear me out.

What makes CoH so much better then all the other boons who are all mostly mediocre?

Most of the other boons have to be placed near the killer in order to be effective. This increases the odds that the killer can effeciently snuff the totem without losing much time.

Current CoH works opposite. It's more effective when placed far away from where the killer is. Place on in the corner of the map where all the finished gens are and the killer can't effeciently snuff them leaving them in that lose/lose situation. This version of CoH doesn't really have that problem

40 seconds to heal one healthstate is mangled selfcare speed. Anyone who played solo q knows this is gamethrowingly ineffecient. In order to make this work you need to do something productive while in the aura.

Which means it needs to be placed near incomplete generators. And that's where the killer will usually roam. Snuffing the boon is a lot more doable if you don't have to walk half a map.

It also means that once all gens in the area are done it loses a lot of it's power and needs to be relocated again. Unlike current CoH which is place and forget

That said this is still a really powerfull effect. Healing while still doing generators or even midchase is insanely effecient. So i feel it's still powerfull but requires more work and the killer has more chances to do something about it.

Small bonus it also has a soft antisynergy with dead hard. You can't choose not to get healed so against insta down killers this could strip you of your defence. Not a big deal but i thought it was worth mentioning.

It also doesn't synergizes with other heal effects as well as it's it's own sepperate thing.

I know CoH won't change but i find this to be a interresting concept of how they could have done the same idea of the perk differently that may or may not be as big of an issue

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 254

    i give up with CoH.. its still busted

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Being able to do 2 actions in this case work on a generator while healing would be absurd.

    Remember if its successful you spent 14 seconds to do a 32 second action(Self healing without a medkit) while working on a generator. This nets you a total of 18 seconds time efficency which is higher then even release Circle of Healing.

    Plus because it can heal you mid chase unless the killer breaks the chase to break the boon you will generally speaking get a heal off from it mid chase!(assuming its near a generator you're working on)

    Also just imagine how often this mid chase healing will go off on multi floor maps were you can have several loops all within the range of the boon. With "The Game" being the worst offender of it.

    Circle of Healing is just a mistake as healing on a boon doesn't make sense with their design.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Do note that if you leave the boon area the timer would reset.

    Running the killer around for 40 seconds isn't hard. Doing it while staying inside the 24m radius a bit more.

    I know when at it's strongest it's still really powerfull but i feel there is a lot more counterplay to it.

    It does take 54 seconds of staying in one area before you can get a heal. So if you snuff it you know that for atleast a minute nobody is getting healed by it

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Lol, i really like that the name circle of healing still makes sense in that version

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    But this would make the perk literally useless.

    Why would I bet something as important as healing on complete RNG full of IFS and MAYBES, when I can just... bring self care, heal, done.

    It's worse than the nerfed version of CoH and nobody would bring this.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,986
    edited May 2022


    Self Care takes 32 seconds, which is 32 seconds you're not progressing the game.

    This, while slower healing, can be combined with doing a gen. Essentially it's saving you 32 seconds of healing time, but at a cost of being limited to a certain area and at risk of being removed from play. It's basically Renewal/Second Wind, as it passively heals you over time while you do other things.

    Self Care is not the epitome of healing perks, in fact it's considered one of the worst ones. Inner Strength/Inner Healing was an effective, virtually meta healing perk before we got Boons. Why? Time investment. Instead of hiding in a corner for 32 seconds contributing nothing to the game, you spend up to 14 seconds cleansing a totem (which aided survivors before Boons because it eliminates a potential NOED, or straight up cleanses a Hex to begin with), and then 6 seconds in a locker (potentially something you may need to do anyway if the killer is nearby and looking for you), and then you can jump straight back onto a gen. It was limited to up to 5 uses per game and requires you to heal in a specific location, with an RNG aspect of "has another survivor cleansed all the totems yet?" But it was still better than Self Care because it was saving 10 seconds and eliminating a potential Hex at the same time.

    Current CoH is multitudes better than Inner Healing, it doesn't remove totems from play so you can use it an unlimited number of times, you can use it multiple times per blessing getting more value out of hat initial 14s set up. and it applies to all survivors, not just you. Inner Healing was better than Self Care, CoH is lightyears better than Inner Healing.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    Inner Strength meta. LOL.

    I just honestly stopped reading there.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976


    With self care you spend 32 seconds afk in a corner, 40 seconds with mangled.

    With this after setting up the boon for 14 seconds you can just work on the gen. If the killer doesn't come you just healed for bassically zero seconds

    If the killer does come and you can keep them busy long enough you also healed for zero seconds. If the killer interrupts you with selfcare you wasted time on nothing.

    Litteraly useless is not what i would call this. I can see it being worse then current CoH but i think it is a very powerfull effect

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605


    This is more like a lottery. Why would I randomize and risk a health state so much, when I can bring guaranteed healing with me everywhere, every time. Self Care especially shines in dire situations, even more if you bring a medkit with it. Pre-nerf CoH could be better (not always) than Self Care because of the faster healing in a specific area. Not anymore.

    So, if current CoH is already worse than Self Care in the vast majority of situations, your version of CoH is, putting it simply, useless.

    I would never bring this perk.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Good survivors would run to the boon and they would get healed mid-chase or run away for free if the killer snuffs it because they're going to be forced to.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352
  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    I like the idea, but I don't think it would work:

    Sometimes the changing healthstates/gens popping plus your visual awareness is the only way to determine if subtle hacking is going on.

  • ProfSinful
    ProfSinful Member Posts: 271
  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    As long as anything that modifies healing speed will affect the total time

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Y'see, you're putting everything on yourself. CoH was and still argueably is broken because of it effecting your entire team.

    Your whole team can go and reset at a location in ~20 seconds. CoH is still faster IF you're healing multiple times in the same game (and the boon stays up). +count in your entire team and boom, it's very efficient for the low cost of finding a totem far away from gens.

    But I agree, this version just seems underwhelming and not efficient when not plopped near a gen, where it's most likely gonna get destroyed before it finishes a heal.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    Yeah, I play solo queue. I have to do everything myself, or it doesn't get done. Through experience, I have verified that Self care benefits me and gives me more chances to win compared to CoH (especially as I said, now that it's been nerfed) in most situations. This is the thing, these "balances" you guys like so much (which always, it happens to be make survivors weaker) has a slight impact on SWF. It doesn't tip the balance too much, it's just that they become not as powerful, with less powerful version of perks available.

    BUT it has a -dramatic- impact on solo queue. Powerful perks allow me to have more of a chance to stand my own when I literally might have 1 more useful team mate, and 2 potatoes that do nothing right. That's if I get lucky. Usually it's just me. On average I repair 3 gens, get chased about 3 minutes, and get 3-4 unhooks per match. That means there's a lot not being done by the rest.

    So, whenever I see all these "Let's balance this perk" (make it worse, because somehow it's never about making a perk better), all I can think is, ok, ruin my matches even more than they already are. Make the 1vs1 or 2vs1 I experience, even more miserable.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Okay? Cool.

    And through mine experience I noticed that overall healing and survability of the entire team gets increased if CoH is in play. Even in soloq.

    So, whenever I see all these "Let's balance this perk" (make it worse, because somehow it's never about making a perk better), all I can think is, ok, ruin my matches even more than they already are. Make the 1vs1 or 2vs1 I experience, even more miserable.

    I also see a bunch of balance changes for perks that are just plain bad to be a little bit better. Or some suggestions to make soloq a bit more informative (like the idv messages or icons of what a survivor is doing).

    But at the end of the day, this is a 1v4 game technically so obviously your experience is gonna wary depending on your teammates. This is a not perk issue.