Macro Flashlight Clickers Harming people

This is just sickening PLEASE DEVS just add a 3 sec cooldown to flashlights this wont harm any good players skill this will just stop macro users you can still use it quickly for saves or loops still but this is to save peoples lives that are being harmed by horrible people
I had not even considered this. It would be very important to implement a fix to macro users on flashlights as soon as possible, because we don't even know how many people playing the game the first time may of had a seizure and no one was there to help them. Epilepsy is not an uncommon disorder.
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Saw that only a few minutes ago myself. I don't really think Behaviour cares though if I'm honest. I've seen a handful of posts on here discussing this very thing and the Devs seemingly don't care. It's extremely easy to implement this fix too so I'm a bit disappointed really.
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it really is i have a brother who loves this game who suffers from epilepsy and i dont want him to suffer like this person did
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it is its been a known problem for years and i want the devs to finally address it
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it's absurd this hasn't even been addressed. not like bhvr has a great history with accessibility anyways, i guess we've been "badgering" them too much about it.
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Again, flashlight macros have ZERO actual gameplay utility, serve no purpose other than harassment, and are potentially harmful. There's no nuance here like there is with other "toxic" behaviors, no reason to not simply remove the ability to use them.
It's not a hard problem to fix, and it needs to be fixed.
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Well when this post on twitter, reddit, and the forums blows up I am sure they will do something soon. It's very serious after all, and I don't see BHVR being that type of people they would risk someone's life to let some survivor click their flashlight really fast.
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"Just add a 3 second cooldown"
Or just remove the light bit that shows if it's pressed rapidly, i do find it odd that people always focus on the clicky part and not the actual issue which is the light. Also, if people know flashlights cause seizures they shouldn't play the game at all until it is fixed or remedied etc, you run the risk bc flashlights can be obtained mid match so people last second switching to flashlights is not the problem at all.
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There's LITERALLY zero reason to not put a limit on how many times you can click a flashlight.
One or two clicks to get someone's attention is one thing, but macro'ing it (or binding it to scroll wheel) is completely unjustified.
BHVR's continued silence (and certain parts of DBD's community being less silent than they should be) is unacceptable
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the devs have fixed things with eplitic triggers before Doctors and sadako static its inexusable they dont do something about this
Post edited by Rizzo on7 -
The Doctor is worse than any flashlight clicking will ever be.
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Me too. I kinda doubt it, but maybe they will. One can hope.
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So disabled people cant enjoy games from little things that can be fixed kinda ableist
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that doesn't change the fact that it's a pointless, harmful feature that should be changed
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It amazes me that people are so defensive about keeping a useless macro that exists to annoy others with the possibility of causing actual harm.
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If you are concerned about epileptics playing this game, then you would be a hypocrite if you didn't also demand that the Doctor, Sadako and Spirit's flashing light animations were also changed. Yet I've not seen anyone come on the forums and ever complain about those. It's kind of suspect that the only flashing light that anyone is concerned about is the flashlight macro.
I mean honestly, doesn't that strike you as absurd? Not a single thread about the Doctor, Sadako and Spirits flashing animations that are pretty much the exact same thing as the flashlight.
Yet 2 or 3 times a week, we have this thread. It's disingenuous. I think everyone who sees this thread knows exactly what's going on. It's about as subtle as a hammer.
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They shouldn't be playing a game they know can cause harm until it's fixed, that's what I said.
You know why I don't play Russian Roulette? Because it could kill me, now if it was a toy gun that couldn't kill me, I'd play it.
I, as an adult, would make the conscious decision to not play a game that could kill me until it was safe to play.
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Not at all. Open your eyes if you think that bhvr cares about anything else :)
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Overheat mechanic for flashlight : easy fix
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2 or 3 times a week... Talk about being disingenuous
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That's really all the flashlight macro defenders have. There's no valid reason for it to exist, but they act like they can't live without being to click flashlights faster than reasonably necessarily and don't care that they might be harming someone on the other end.
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Sadako flashing issue was announced during the ptb so was docs when he got his rework and were adjusted or did you not notice?
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its been 6 years of people wanting this fixed and disabled people want to enjoy this game we just want devs to finally take acton and fix such an easy fix
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I've never used a flashlight macro and when I do see it, it's so rare that I'm amazed anyone even notices it. I guess it's kind of like the Princess and the Pea, no matter how many mattresses you put over the Killer-mains ego, their egos still get bruised.
Why not tell everyone the truth instead of lying about "being worried about epileptics". You don't like the flashlight macro because it hurts your ego. Quit using epileptics as an excuse.
If you were concerned for epileptics, you would also want the Doctor, Sadako and Spirit completely reworked (And I see these 3 killers a lot more than flashlight macros).
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It's really sad the lack of care they have towards photosensitivity even though there has been complaints for years. They don't even have a warning for photosensitivity issues like majority of games that have even slight photosensitivity issues.
I feel like every PTB there's complaints pointing out photosensitivity issues for maps or killer powers that end up on the list of "changes from PTB." It's like they don't even discuss photosensitivity during the MONTHS they work on stuff. It's no surprise they still haven't even touched flashlight macros that have been constantly complained about.
Adding colorblind options and some changes to controls like skills checks for wiggling and hooks was nice accessibility options to finally add to the game but there's SO much more they need to do for accessibility.
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Oh dear here we go again.
I understand the whole situation but it’s complete bullshit how you people think there not listening just because there not responding. Yes it took a developer to talk bad to someone for them to reveal the colorblind mode but your taking that point out of context to fit your story.
image going home from work and getting harassed online about colorblind mode when I’m off from work. Let me rest for gods sake. I understand they were rude about it but there not working there just trying to relax. A simple we’re working on it would have been disappointing but not to cause controversy.
if your that upset about it post it online make it a movement to get it bigger. I hate it when they post it then say they don’t care cause of no response even though my thread is not popular like the constant nerf DH and SBMM threads.
I agree this is a huge issue that needs to be fixed but stop taking ######### out of context to fit your narrative. Post it online to get more attention like YouTube that’s a big place
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It has been on twitter youtube if there own main hq with community known issue wont work then what will
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Make it bigger I’m sorry but everytime I searched dbd on YouTube or Twitter there was not one video that was trending on the macros. Every controversial thing dbd has done always was on my feed but not this
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If the bubba masks can get removed, then so can flashlight macros
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I dont have epilepsy or seizures but clicky clicks in my face create highly uncomfortable sick feelings within my body. the ONLY point of clicky click is to be annoying and to taunt. it holds no gameplay value. Its not hard to restrict them So DO IT.
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Still, measures should be put in place to prevent situations like this.
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Rather odd we'll make a qol for representation, but won't fix a issue that causes health issues.
Priorities looking good instead of doing good.
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I feel that simply changing the light effects of the flashlight is a much better way to solve the main issue, the potential harm it can cause. Just make the light only start being visible when it's the "smoother" light animation during an actual blind. For the clicking noise, personally I'd miss survivors being able to say "Hey, I'm not doing a gen! Just wanted you to know!" but sure mute that as well if needed.
Because I don't even know if you can actually stop macros. Especially the onboard memory ones that you can set up with many mice. Kinda sounds like a slightly-moderately less futile version of trying to stop people from using built-in crosshair overlays.
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clicking was never the issue just the macro lighting which can cause seizures
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Unfortunately, the devs do not care about this, as it won't bring in revenue. Look at the whole color blind fiasco. The only reason something was done was due to backlash against a dev.
Though I could have sworn macros were against TOS a few years back. . .
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I once suggested a small change wherein Survivors who click and hold the flashlight on for .3+ seconds, use up the charges at a normal pace, but anyone who clicks and lets go in under .3 seconds, loses 1 full flashlight charge. Basically this means that people spamming or macro'ing flashlights will drain them dead in only 8 rapid clicks at the lowest or 22 rapid clicks with the best flashlight and the best charge increasing (battery) add-ons.
I thought this was an elegant way for solving the "Clicky-Clicky" or "Macro" issues with the current flashlights, but of course, people shot it down because "Rapid clicking a flashlight is both a mind game against the killer, and a way to acknowledge other survivors", as if T-bagging wasn't enough. Yeesh...🙄
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As someone who both loves using flashlights,but also is photosensitive,I agree. Add at least 0.5s cooldown or an option for killers to have it at a reduced brightness/the random beams not really be as visible.
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The amount of people on that reddit post calling the poster an idiot for trying to play a game... I really do ######### hate this community sometimes
Not a single good reason for the flashlight macros to be a thing. If there are colorblind accessibility options, then this should be removed to provide more accessibility
Preventing someone from having a seizure is more important than preventing some 4-man blendette squad from boo-hooing that they can't bully the killer as well anymore
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Just ask yourself why they use it and why it's still in the game.
That's why i camp and tunnel macro clickers and don't care about the rest of the team. When they die, it's a win in my book. Often let the others go, just as an understandment.
The real problem for me are survs who only start to use macros when they're already winning anyway. There's not enough time to kill them so they can be dicks without any fear.
So in general i agree, macros need to go!
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Lets play spot the clicky clicky survivors that only play to piss the other side off.
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I am beyond flabbergasted that there's this much backlash against the request.
1: It isn't important or even useful in gameplay.
2: Even people without epilepsy hate and can get headaches from it.
3: It can hurt people including the above.
Like idk man, is it that much of an ego booster to fight so hard against a relatively simple, and accessible change? I'm not talking to BVHR here, (although it would be really cool if they gave a #########) I'm talking about y'all macro defenders. This isn't a Killer Vs Survivor issue, this isn't ######### personal, and before the planet becomes a giant burnt Cheeto we should all be able to have fun before then.
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Clicking the flashy is like half the fun in this game.
It's even more fun to bind it to the scroll wheel because then it makes a "dzzzz" sound that's really fun.
It honestly sounds like the OP just wants a nerf to survivors. I'm not saying the tweet or whatever is disingenuous either, but if you have epilepsy you really shouldn't be gaming, unless you're on meds for it and probably only during the day and even then you're taking a risk. This is all pretty well known in the epileptic community.
They probably should add a warning message in the beginning of the game about light sensitivity, for liability sake, but otherwise this just sounds like you want to make the game less fun for survivors.
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There should definitely be a client sided toggle that removes flashing effects like that
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Some people get migraines from sounds like that
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How is removing a macro a 'nerf' to a survivor? It doesn't change any actual gameplay components. The only reason a survivor uses a macro is to be toxic. Those that claim otherwise, like 'it's fun,' are the ones that follow the killer around to use it on, as it adds no other benefit.
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I have a question here:
Is fast flashlight clicking (no macro) also causing this or just heavy macro?
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"Clicking the flashy is like half the fun in this game."
This is a joke, right? You cannot be serious!
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Nope, as long as survivor mains are having fun that's all that matters to the devs (cuz they buy the most skins). Killers fun does not matter and they don't give a crap about them even if they're epileptic.
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This isn't an us vs them issue. BHVR does not actively want killer mains to have seizures, which shouldn't even need to be said. They're just very slow and unresponsive to even the most basic and necessary changes.