Who wants to see his MMR? And the MMR we are playing against?

I would like to see everyone's MMR, if for example I have a 70 MMR that I can see that I played well with MMR 65 70 75 and no more.I prefer to wait in the lobby for the game to find me a good MMR and not to put myself with High MMR. If you play with friends the MMR puts it with the one who is the most high
They won't show it because it would prove it's all a hoax and the outrage would pour in from day one when survivors and killers start dodging MMR ratings or questioning why they're in the lobby with whoever they were paired with, if MMR were real BHVR would've already went out of their way to prove it but unfortunately it's just another thing people parrot when they lose
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I don't care personally, and I'd rather people stop using MMR as an excuse for their own lack of skill.
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No I would rather not see it at all. This game isn't supposed to be that competitive.
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Laugh all you want but I've been here from day one and this all started years ago working out an "MMR" system, it produced rainbow ranked lobbies and people were furious they were getting paired with more skilled players so then they tested it again at a later point hiding ranks and it still didn't settle well because people saw it for what it was, so now all of a sudden this time "ranks don't matter because MMR" and now for a short time people were okay with rainbow lobbies and now that it's being brought up again they're going as far as to hide the grade that "doesn't matter", all I know is I can stomp a swf with thousands of hours only to turn around and get complete noobs the next game who have like 40 hours total in game it's hilarious these people believe in MMR and at the same time they don't believe BHVR about anything else they release statistically
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Im quite happy to see it. Have the option to turn it on if you want.
Some of us want to see how we are performing and how we can improve.
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It's definitely real and the devs themselves have explained how they've engineered it to be terrible. It's easy to see how you can face a good team one game and potatoes the next. There's almost no difference between a player with 200 hrs and a player with 4000 hrs at peak population times when the range can expand to 350 MMR. If a fresh account starts at 1100 and the soft cap is 1700, many bad matches are possible. Being average would produce exactly the outcomes you're describing.
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I think it should be shown. If anything, players would take it less seriously if they knew their MMR and then saw what matches they were still being given. Hey, your MMR on this killer is over 2000 and you're still getting matched against 300 hour players. Good work!
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I'm a little curious to know roughly what bracket I'm in which various killers but that's about it honestly, it's not that big a deal to me.
What I would like to see them add on the endgame score screen though is the character icons so I can actually tell at a glance who played what survivor.
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Show it or not, is not working now and won't work even if i see everyone's rating, just remove this crap system
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Yes, I want to see my MMR and everyone else's in the match. There's no good reason to hide it.
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Pointless, because the system itself is flawed and does not work.
Sorry, nobody can convince me otherwise when I die 9 out of 10 games on one day and go against the Blight with the most Rush Downs on the next day. This just does not add up. Either the whole system is not working or the Ranges are so big that it is basically no Matchmaking.
Today it could have been Rank-based Matchmaking, really awful teammates.
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I want. But never going to happen because everyone will be able to point how crappy matchmaking system is.
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Why? It would make people more competitive and elitist since they would want to increase their number in a video game. The 1800s would say the 1500s are trash, the 2100s would say the 1800s are trash and the 2400s would say the 2100s are trash, etc.
I've seen enough of that toxicity when I played arenas in WoW. Hard pass for me.
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No, I don't care about the invisible number.
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I understand that not everybody would be comfortable with publicly displaying it, but you should be able to check your own MMR if you want. Maybe put it somewhere in the options menu where you press a button and it displays your rating like when you redeem a code.
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I mean since there is a soft cap and you 3-4k every match you'll basically always be playing at the soft cap as it uses that to matchmake instead of the mmr rating you have lets say 4k when the soft cap is 1.5k (I dont know what they actually lowered the soft cap to) means you would have to get SEVERAL 0k's in a row to start being paired against players of lower mmr.
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Don't want to.
Scores make me competitive and the game isn't well balanced enough for that.
I'd rather have fun
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What mmr? That random hidden number that doesnt matter if someone is waiting longer for a match despite their random random is very far from yours? Yea I dont care about it even if it was shown
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There’s no real reason to hide mmr unless it’s because it’s actually not working well. Hiding it because of “elitism” is down right silly and ridiculous. Every game with mmr shows it. If they want to hide it from initial pre game lobbies to prevent dodging then sure, that can make some sense. However post game lobbies hidden does not make sense. If they really cared about preventing elitism there shouldn’t have been an mmr system in the first place.
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I'd really like to see it, but it will never happen. Consider the countless discussions on the forums where people would send screenshots of their lobbies to complain that the MMR doesn't match fairly. So they would have evidence when they were shown each other's MMR. It was like that when the MM was based on the ranks and everyone knew these rainbow lobbies...
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Only partly true. A lot of games show it in their ranked section, but also have casual/unranked sections where it's hidden (but also uses another, different MMR rating)
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I don't care about others' MMR, I just wanna see my own so I can compare with friends and have an idea where I place.
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Then in your own words it doesn't work at all, Im not trying to say I'm the best killer because I'm definitely not but I know I'm one of the top nurse players in this game it's been literally over a year since I've gotten less than a 3k with her there's absolutely zero reasons I should get potatoes with her but as of lately I'm bored with her and im playing as oni, Dr, Onryo or blight which I do not have the same success as I do with nurse but I still do well I feel like and there is zero reason why I should get potatoes sometimes other than them just throwing people in there to fill a lobby
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Semantics. It does work as they intend it to. It's just a bad system. We agree on that. I've lost exactly one game on killer since day 3 of the matchmaking tests. Still getting babies every other game. If you're really good at killer, you get rounded down *and then* the range widens. It's terrible
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I do wanna be able to see mine, at least.
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I agree with that I just hate how as soon as someone does bad they parrot the MMR when it's clearly not even working properly people just refuse to accept a loss without an excuse
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They should show your own MMR. Maybe the opponent-MMR at the end (!!!) of a game. With this, you can accept losses against higher MMRs easier for the rage-quit-players xD.
Before a game is not wisely, cause of dodging.
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I might be slightly curious to see my own, but that information isn't exactly relevant if I had it. What difference does it make to me to know what position I'm in for a matchmaker system? It's not a ranked ladder, so there's no actual point or benefit to seeing what my number is. There'd be no upside at all for myself or for anyone else other than satisfying idle curiosity.
There'd be downsides, though. There's the elitism thing that people like to pretend they can simply handwave away, but even more pressingly than that, it'd make people think the MMR system is what they should be basing their tactics and playstyle on when it's not built for that. There's absolutely no reason to even try and "climb" the MMR since it's only a matchmaking tool, but if people could see the number, they would want to try and make the number go up.
The problem the game currently has is that its actual ladder, the grades system, isn't really given as much attention as it should be. If people want to know their own skill, if people want an incentive set to have them playing in a certain way, if people want a clear goal and clear rewards for that goal, that's what the grades system is for- it just isn't very interesting right now, so people kinda just ignore it. Obviously the current flaws with the system should be fixed, something that does seem to be happening somewhat slowly, but in my opinion we also do need to provide a viable set of incentives and structure for those who'd want to treat the MMR system like it's a ranked ladder.
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Too bad there are people who thinks this game is competitive. That's why we got this MMR system that is so atrocious, that it makes even Overwatch's mmr look good and functional.
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I don't, and I think it'd be counterproductive to show it because it would push even more the game into a more competitive mindset
Also it's kinda funny reading the forums where people talk about 'high mmr' like ? just cause people use perks it doesn't mean you're *high mmr*
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If 1k is considered a win to BHVR then every single silver rank and lower killer (even the new ones) are right where they belong with the red rank SWFs and Perfect Play Solos. Such is life.
And if we are to assume every survivor (and I mean EVERY survivor, every game, for reasons) who complains about a certain Banshee rip-off is correct, then all those MLG rank 1 survivors who dc every time they play DBD, because every game they somehow get Nurse. One of the least played, lowest kill count killers in the game, is somehow responsible for nearly every single loss in Red Rank Survivor DBD history and has absolutely no counter.
I kid you not I have not seen a Nurse in 2 weeks. I haven't even seen Spirit in 1 whole month! Maybe this rank reset will fix that.
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that he put the visible mmr in optional mode, if you want to see it you can and if you do not want to see it you can remove it If you don't want to see because it's too competition for you, remove the possibility of seeing the MMR :)
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yessir ✊