Playing killer is just not fun anymore
I can't have fun as killer anymore because of matchmaking I want to know the science on why matchmaking is just being garbage all it is for me is higher skilled survivors one after the other so I just have no chance I give up half way through the match.
The way I see it, it's a double ended sword. Some swf survivors are nearly impossible to go against, do they make the killers they to against just tunnel everyone regardless of how they play. Then those survivors who get tunneled either leave the game or get more toxic in order to compete. Then the killers who encounter these survivors either leave the game or get toxic. I usually avoid saying stuff like this, but the game is most definitely survivor sided at higher skill levels. You aren't alone on this
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I enjoy playing killer. Feels good when I know I just took down the unfathomable SWF that people say are too hard.
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I still have fun playing demo and pyramid. I just play for challenges and pips. Some games I get two out of the game quick and let the other two escape. No stress
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You just have to shut off any ambition to win in any way and just play for the gameplay itself.
Most often not satisfying, especially since many survivor are so bored that annoying and taunting the killer is their only fun, but it is what it is if you don't have the mental endurance to put streamerlike hours into this one game so you can kick their butt reliably.
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I can say the same thing about the survivor role too. It's just not fun to play when you have killers that tunnel and camp all the time. and we have a game that doesn't fallow it's own rules when it comes to hits and misses.
I get that it's not fun to play as killer anymore either. survivors are just out to annoy killers. I know you have to make your own fun sometimes. The old arguments still exist.
Survivors think killers are to OP
Killers think survivors are to OP,
you can't win.
You can't play for fun anymore thanks to the matchmaking. as soon as you have a few good games as either killer or survivor that could be really fun. you go up against harder people that don't care if you're enjoying the game or not.
You get the players that play like the killer is going to kill them in real life if they die. You also get the killers that if they don't end the game as fast as possible then they're bad killers. Neither side is allowed to have fun anymore.
This biggest offense this game commits is that you can't move up a grade unless you play the game, the way it wants you too. oh you got squashed by a killer you're losing a pip because you didn't get a chance to really do anything not by your choice. If you have a good game where you do the objective and you hide well or the killer is just never around you, you're losing a pip or you're not getting one because you didn't run away from the killer or you didn't stun them or get chased long enough..
Having played in SWFs there are people out there who are sadistic survivors. It's disturbing seeing how much some people enjoy tormenting killers. They are cackling at the fact that a killer can't catch them.
This game brings out the worst in people. you protect someone cleansing a totem and as soon as they're done you have to move. Then you get screamed at for body blocking even though a survivor can only move so fast.