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legion will be nerfed 100%



  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370
  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,851

    Good point about the 5th hit. I once messaged a mikaela (ironic)who also DC’ed against a Legion and I asked her why? The game just started. She said she doesn\t play with cheaters and he downed her while in frenzy. 😑 I had to explain his buff and she wasn’t thrilled to hear that either.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    if they nerf legion, they will probably just add a stacking debuff to Feral Frenzy timer on consecutive hits to make accomplishing the 4th hit in the chain a bit harder. Lowering the power timer by 1-2 seconds per hit would make Legion less frustrating to counter without breaking the bank.

    All said and done, the major problem is how silly people are with Legion.

    Spoiled rotten by the healing meta that dropped last November, survivors keep insta-mending in front of Legion and skulking away to heal with CoH or self-care ( P L E A S E D O N T D O T H I S I F Y O U W A N T T O S U R V I V E ). To make matters worse - not only are noob survivors lousy in chase, making Legion far more potent against baby players who find the outlook of rivaling a Legion neigh helpless, but Dead Hard has completely spoiled survivors to the bone. Not only have survivor mains been coddled into believing their Dead Hard will allow them to play aggressively, but CoH and the recent healing meta has taught them to spend time healing. Most survivors don't know how to loop effectivley without using Dead Hard or Sprint Burst as a fundamental tool in chase to allow them to take hits, swap hooks, and turn 2 health states into 3.

    Now you dropped a hyper aggressive anti-healing early game bully into the game.

    Survivors have been taught to heal, taught to fly in the face of the killer. And now the killer punishes survivors who fly in their face and wins games when survivors spend time healing. They don't know how to play pallets or windows well because - well - they really haven't had the need to.

    We're right back to where we were a few years ago when Plague came out. But at least when Plague came out - it was in the midst of the slowdown meta.

    Right now, I'm sure that a lot of players that picked the game up last year are scratching their heads and wondering how to play the game against Legion.

    Legion is not terribly strong, but Survivors have been trained in the exact wrong playstyle to win against them. Legion is an amalgamation of 4 bullies. They are, by trade, the anti-bully killer. And here we stay, a Survivor community that has been invariably rewarded for the past few years and encouraged to bully the killer. Now that they can't - it almost doesn't seem right. Legion, in this way, is a betrayal to all the wrong lessons that they have learned from the game over the past year and a half.