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Survivors suiciding is getting rampant

Member Posts: 1,131

Survivors dont seem to enjoy each game. Every now and then someone kills themself on hook for one reason or another, and this is becoming increasingly common.

What are the reasons for it?

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  • Member Posts: 1,324

    I am quilty of killing myself on hooks sometimes if i have bad teammates or super campy tunneling killer since i dont want to feed bloodpoints to these people, BUT my biggest issue right now is the amount of dcs that happen from survivor sides.

    Everytime survivor gets hooked or caught or doesnt like the killer they babyrage and quit...its getting quite silly and im kinda hoping something would be done about this. 5 minute penalty isnt enough.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    Honestly not just that

    People are DCing way more often than they used to as well, you notice the influx of 'increase DC penalties' threads and such?

    Wonder what's going on, it couldn't be the MMR changes could it? It's the only thing that's really changed. That and Legion buff but it's not people DCing against just Legion

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    eh I don't complain unless I'm doing adepts of course

  • Member Posts: 1,370

    Literally everything you said can easily be said about people that dc. The only difference between you and them is that your method of quitting the game is just a tad slower.

    Im surprise you havent realised this. Be a bit more self aware man

  • Member Posts: 3,660

    If it’s a camping bubba I don’t blame people that kill themselves on first hook

  • Member Posts: 4,183

    And none of those excuse DCs or first hook suicides.

    (Not that you implied it but i think it has to be said.)

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Jokes aside, there are really people who suicide for absolute no reason at all. 3 gens done, first hook, killer goes straight to the other end of the map, my teammate: "yeah this sucks, i´m out"

    Its ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 4,183

    Thats why some people like me WANTED a "working" matchmaking, to bring core mechanical balance issue to light.

    But we also NAIVELY hoped that the devs could pick up the pace to correct those surfacing issue.

    It shouldn't be a surprise how naive that kind of thinking was/is with these kind of devs and their speed of development AND sense for balance. But mostly their glacial speed.

    If we every see the day that they make swf and solo equal, it will also be the apocalypse for this game since killer can't expect counterbalance changes earlier than 6 months into the future and might leave all together.

  • Member Posts: 286

    Personally, I don't believe in SoloQ miracles. So when I'm on hook and look at the situation and go "yeah, no - there's no way this is gonna work out" I consider my options and at times getting out of the match asap and move on to the next just is the best option. If I end up on hook for the first time when it's only a teamie and me and I know the killer is (proxy) camping, I 4% as a way to let them know they shouldn't bother trying and should just focus on getting hatch.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    I doubt they are going to fix it. The language that has been used around higher ranks points to them not giving a ........

    Whenever they talk about high level dbd they say things like "only a SMALL portion of the playerbase will be affected" and their focus seems to be on the middle ranks.

  • Member Posts: 467

    I usually do it if a killer face camps me

  • Member Posts: 2,014

    if I am on hook and I see a claudette self caring at the edge of the map, a dwight going into a locker and staying there and a meg looting the basement chest, I really don't see a reason to continue this game

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    Probably because:

    1- Killers are playing increasingly sweaty & survivors don't want to deal with it every game

    2- Teammates suck

    3- BHVR keeps nerfing solo q while trying to nerf SWF, making it an absolute pain

    4- They don't want to play for whatever reason (don't like the killer, lowering MMR...)

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    You have 2 minutes. I´m sure, whatever the others are doing, it won´t take 2 minutes.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Nope, 2 matches ago a Zarina was downed with 3 gens done against Myers on the Artists map. It was the first hook of the match. She instantly tried to unhook herself. Someone else reached her, before she reached struggling phase. After unhooking her, she didn´t move away from the hook and waited for myers to stalk and then down her a second time. Myers wasn´t camping so she got rescued again. Then she started to drop pallets without even being chased. Myers found her for the third hook.

    This whole action turned a 0 or 1k into a 3k.

  • Member Posts: 391

    i rarely suicide but when i do it's 99% of the times thanks to my teammates. I've killed myself on hook because of specific killers some times but I haven't in a really long time, since skill checks for struggle phase i believe

  • Member Posts: 500

    My favorite thing about that is that sometimes the killer then finds the one god tier looper and everyone makes it out. The ragequitter could have easily gotten a buckload of BP and had a fun game. But no, he was just done because reasons.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Probably not finding the game fun for them so they want out. Its pretty simple

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    So? Genuinely don't get what you're tying to prove/disprove? she tried to kill herself for some reason (maybe rage suicide bc she got hit reg) and threw the game because her teammates didn't let her. I mean it's stupid but this particular scenario rarely ever happens, i've only seen people doing this type of things to get challenges done (throw X pallets during a chase for eg)

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Yep. It doesn´t even have to be a god tier looper. Just some simple teamplay can result in a great match for everyone.

    I don´t even get what they try to achieve with suiciding. Getting a lower mmr and teammates that just started to play?

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    If you don´t see an issue that survivors actively try to ruin the game for everyone else, just because they couldn´t get what they want. Then i´m afraid you could be part of the problem.

  • Member Posts: 707

    People are childish.

    There will never be a "fix" for that kind of problem.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Well they fixed the rampant disconnects with the dc penalty. Its save to assume, that they would fix the rampant suicides with a similar penalty.

    Because people rarely dc now. Only when they turn the penalty for whatever reason off, then people dc left and right. Which just shows how effective the penalty is.

  • Member Posts: 410

    I mostly suicide when I don't want to play in that match anymore. It's that simple. The reasons for that are mostly controlled by the killer.

    Camps me at 5 gens.

    Camps a teammate at 5 gens.

    Hard tunnels a teammate off a hook despite attempts to body block and through a borrowed time early in the match.

    Note that killer is winning isn't one of the reasons. I want a fun challenging match, where I at least of the hope of doing something fun/cool.

    As a fun aside, last night I was in a 2 man swf with a friend who just started playing (<25 hours) and in 2 back to back matches she was targetted instantly (lethal pursuer and bad luck) and was out of the match before the first generator was completed. So of course I killed myself, so she wouldn't be stuck spectating for 10 more minutes.

    I get the killers aren't breaking any rules, so this feedback isn't necessarily targetting them. This is for BHVR. Fix your game, fix your MMR, and give survivors especially new survivors tools to survive more than 15 seconds in the face of very toxic strategies. And if a few killers out there read this and think, wow, that playstyle is pretty dreadful face and changes it up just a bit. That's cool too.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Had one Yoichi instantly DC after being downed for the first time mid-match yesterday. If he'd been paying attention he could've noticed I am wretched at Artist (hence the practice) and was flinging away an easy 4E. I will never understand this specific kind of ragequitting.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    lol how am i not seeing an issue? I'm saying as a solo q player people like her are really rare to encounter. People who just DC or kill themselves on hook are common, but ppl who go out of their way to ruin the game until they die really aren't, and I'd honestly rather play a 3v1 over a 4v1 with a teammate like that Zarina who's making sure we all die. As much as i'd like to play with teammates who don't give up at the slightest inconvenience, forcing them to keep playing is just going to make them play like that Zarina to get the game over with. Punishing the players isn't gonna help much (serial DCers just suicide now, stop them from suiciding and they'll just throw the game). We can't force people to play, just like we can't force people to play in a way that doesn't make their opponent want to DC/suicide/throw, it is what it is.

  • Member Posts: 95
    edited May 2022

    I suicide when the killer is nurse or legion.

    Legion because I'm tired to play against it and I mostly solo queue.

    Nurse because they are nurses.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    I don't like play against Nurse but i am not suicide against her. You should stop.

    Whenever i play Nurse, i have one dc/suicide most times. And i am not surprising anymore.

  • Member Posts: 95

    The devs here are all about stats.

    I consider myself to actually be helping the community by doing this.

    1: Nurse players will not have fun in matches if survivors DC/suicide/afk.

    2: Devs will see Nurse kill rate and DC rate, so there must be a problem.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    I don´t agree. Suicides were not as rampant as until recently. So the dc penalty works. If they continue to actively sabotage the game, then they´ll end up getting banned. Because people will report them for griefing.

  • Member Posts: 4,183

    Sad fact:

    I for example played FOR new survivors: normal gameplay but definite avoiding of tunneling or camping and slugging only for survivor on deathhook to avoid an early death and room for pickup, so i speak from experience.

    But survivor aren't appreciative of this playstyle. You either get no feedback or in rare cases slightly good or the whole spectrum of bad feedback.

    Survivor make this playstyle way less enjoyable.

    And then they will shackle nurse down so survivor will have more fun and DC less but the fun of the nurse player is left aside in the decision making.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Sadly, people do exactly this. I´ve seen it back in 2017, when Freddy was released on a free weekend with double bloodpoints. Everyone wanted to play Freddy and there was an epidemic of survivors disconnecting. In the short run it worked out for the disconnecting survivors. Freddy got a nerf. But this also started the process for the dc penalty system we have right now.

    People are shooting themselves in their own foot with this. The devs will come up with something that most people won´t like. And all because some people just feel the need to ruin everyone elses match.

  • Member Posts: 95
    edited May 2022

    There is also another reason I suicide on hook.

    When I get caught in the hook early and I see my teammates are spread arround the map doing nothing/hiding.

    That is a big no to that match.

  • Member Posts: 3,167
    edited May 2022

    Twins is a suicide for me, sorry but not sorry, luckily they are exceedingly rare even with the tome being about that abomination.

    Onto the thread, right now in Europe at morning and evening (from 10AM to 20:00/21:00) Survivors have no queue or its insignificant so people weight a 30 seconds suicide against 10 minutes of misery and opt for the easy way out, first hook suicides always increases when Survivors have no queues, same as Killer dodges when they have no queue.

    This game has a ton of frustrating stuff for both sides and both have a way of avoiding it, Killers can dodge what they think may be SWFs or bully squads and Survivors can get a faster ticket out against something they dislike with an early suicide, this happened with Forever Freddy when they took down DC penalties because hackers had imposed a 72 hours DC penalty on several big time streamers, every single Freddy I played against had at least 1 Survivor dcing, usually 2 or even 3 just at the start, it was so common the amount of Freddies decreased because they couldnt land any normal match. I remember this one time where there was 3 DCs and hatch spawmed right at my feet so the game ended in like 15 seconds, the Freddy asked why, 1 of the DCrs told him Freddy was extremely unfun so he just got out, the Killer went onto the usual rant "you are not entitled to me entertaining you" and he retorted "well, you arent entitled to any fun either, enjoy your 20 seconds games and 5 minute queues".

    Since the common consensus is that nobody is entitled to anything from the other side, not even fun so Killers who play like scum get 2 minute matches with suicides and dcs nonstop (which I suppose are SUPER DUPER fun) and bully squads get facecamped... well you made your bed, now lay on it.

    P.D. I believe the insane amount of DCs against Forever Freddy during that time were at least one of the reasons he got changed.

    Post edited by HectorBrando on
  • Member Posts: 95

    Whatever they do, won't fix it.

    For eg, if they remove the possibility to suicide on hook (which would be another indirect nerf to Hatch).

    People will just afk or worse.

    I've rescued teammates that were trying to suicide and they've started to throw all pallets down, body block teammates...

    And report function in this game is useless.

  • Member Posts: 1,451

    Theses topic are what I have the most fun reading.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    That penalty escalates pretty quick, there is a not insignificant number of people who get to spend multiple hours waiting to play the game when they dc.

  • Member Posts: 95

    Nurse should be deleted from the game.

    Honestly, I would trade, delete my dead hard and delete nurse for killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,451

    One minute actually it's likely not going well if your teammates can't save you before second hook stage. At that point consider me suicide'ed.

  • Member Posts: 95
    edited May 2022

    That's how a lot of my solo queue matches go lately.

    Loop the killer for 3 or 4 gens. Get caught. Gens done, NOED sound. Teammates don't even look for Hex or try to save you.

    But hey, MMR says they played better than me and they should gain MMR while I lose, right?

    My games are mostly iri emblem in chase and brown in objectives.

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