Can anyone explain toxic surviors?
I get it, the game can get intense and some get really, really into it. I'm a killer main, person reasons, and I'm used to the toxic towards me. However; I recently had a survior insult another survior when they died... Why? Can anyone explain that? I know I'm not the brightest, but I feel like I'm missing something here.
Best Answers
Some people just take pleasure in making other people feel miserable. Not everyone is a kind person sadly
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Some can be very judgmental, and some can complain about something when they do not take into account what the other player sees on their screen. I think players who get into a situation where they insult another player for whatever reason, they are having no fun in the game. If the game doesn't go right for them they get into stress and nerves, harming their mental health and the health of others and they should quit the game altogether.
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Imma hop in here as I do main survivor and used to act like this. So it can be bunch of varying thing, whether it's a series of bad games in a row, or maybe bad teammates.
By bad teammates, I mean the ones who crouch walk everywhere, not doing gens while another is running the killer. Or the ones that chase after the killer and the survivor with a flashlight only to immediately fail the save and has thoroughly wasted time that could be spent on a generator.
Now toxic towards killer, this differs from survivor to survivor, me personally I am only toxic and BM when the killer does it first. But in the past I used to just BM because I could and nothing could stop me. Some do it cuz they don't like the play style of the killer whether they camp or tunnel.
In the end, it depends on the survivor, not every survivor will BM, but not all of them are gonna be nice, I hope you get nicer survivors in future games.
Not the answer I truely wanted, but I know you're right. I miss when people played for fun, and weren't hurtful when they lost.
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I never really thought about the RNG and the like mattering. I'm learning that more people focus on the win then enjoying the game. I always expect RNG to bite me, but you make a good point.
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I honestly think some just think of it as a competition and use it as an excuse to act nasty. I honestly don't mind, I just rage a little when people don't do gens or get anything done and you just see their aura go back and forth when being chased or on a hook lolol.