Upcoming Mori Changes

While as a survivor I'd love to see more Moris, there are quite a few scenarios where I feel cutting off a chance of escape so abruptly is a little cheap.

-We've already had the ability taken away from us, as last survivor, to use our 3 escape attempts at base 4% chance each (without luck perks or offerings). Even if the chances are low, it's still a chance.

-We've also already had the use of Deliverance taken away from us if we're last man standing. That change effectively rendered a whole perk slot useless if you survived the match without a hook state. (This changed around EGC introduction time; I had MANY games where I escaped w/Deliverance as final surv when killer left to close hatch for points.)

If the Mori automatically begins when the last survivor is downed, it would need to be incredibly situational.

What if a teammate rescues them, leaves, and the final survivor has DS available? Will they still have the chance to use it?

What if the killer downs in an area with no nearby hooks, and the survivor has Boil Over, Flip Flop, or a wiggle build that increases their chance of escaping grasp on the way to far off hooks? If the killer didn't use their hooks properly, then downs someone in a deadzone, why should they get a free kill?

While the change has GREAT potential to stop toxic killers from leaving/juggling you to bleed out, it just seems like another way to stop those nail-biting moments at the endgame where you have exciting escapes, chases, and plays. It also feels like a cheap way to remove yet another chance at escape.

As a killer, will removal of the offering prevent from performing a Mori on the other 3 survivors? What if the killer wants to give hatch?

inb4 "Being last person hooked is game over": it's absolutely not, and low chance escapes/kobes are undeniably some of the most exciting moments in the game. Not every killer will stand in front of the hook and wait for you to die. When I hook final, I usually turn around and go break pallets, walls, spam resetting traps/portals, teleport, etc. to get last minute BP. Most killers I've played against do, too.

Personally, I feel like Moris for each individual killer could be reworked instead according to their power. Sadako and Pyramid Head already have shortcut Moris for survivors inflicted by their ability, so why not everyone else?

Or, simply make a choice to either hook or Mori available after the survivor in question is already on death hook. I've only been playing since 2017 or 2018, so if this is how Mori used to work, ignore me lol.

Hoping we get a little more clarification eventually, and maybe some more ideas from the community on how to make this feel organic to the killer without being abrupt, and while leaving the door open for final suspenseful battles between both sides.


  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,582

    Simple change should be let the killer choose to initiate the mori the same way the current yellow mori works. This gives survivors a chance at crawling, using Unbreakable/Adrenaline/Soul Guard. It gives killers agency if they want to give the final survivor hatch, hook instead of mori, etc.

    I've had recent matches where I opened a gate and ran the killer away giving a slugged teammate time to crawl out. With this system, if I run out the 2nd gate the slugged teammate would just instantly be mori'd?

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500

    Sounds really stupid and negating perks that would be useful. Typical "sounds cool but didn't think through" type of idea. I'm hoping they'll remove the automatic execution bit to allow you to crawl to hatch or escape, those can be some of the most intense moments in the game.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,503

    Sounds like a good idea to me. I play mostly survivor too. If you're the last one left you're at the killers mercy as it is and 98 percent of the time you're going to end up dead. you missed a lot of the wording in the description too. "When the last survivor is downed" it didn't say anything about them already being on the ground.

    if they're already on the ground one would think you would have the choice to pick them up or not

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Take away the automatic mori and give it a choice and it's pretty cool.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    This is, flat out, not a Mori change. They haven't actually said how the offerings will be changing.

    This is an End Game change.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,092

    Easy solution:

    Keep things as they are except allow the final survivor to give into the entity if they are left on the ground for more than 10 seconds. This causes the entity to kill them outright.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Yay we get to see moris more consistently <3

    Oh and we can just down the guy that gets unhooked and chase the survivors out of the gate to secure the last kill with a mori. How neat is that! I'm loving these changes, amazing stuff. Go dev team!

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Cant wait to see how this works with Nemmy

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    I'll be honest with you:

    At this stage of the trial, you lost. If you are literally the last person alive and you are being downed, you are dead and there is nothing about it you can do anymore. Making a Killer automatically execute you here does nothing besides saving both of you the time of them picking you up and hooking you manually (plus anything else they decide to do inbetween, e.g. waiting out your potential DS / waiting for you to crawl out of the pallet you might be in because of Power Struggle / simply slugging you to close hatch and get some bonus BP or because they have no nearby hooks or to just be a nuissance).

    All of those "but what if-" scenarios you bring up are incredibly nieche to the point where it is unrealistic to assume you will get them to work. This is the reason why the last Survivor that is hooked does not get access to his Escape Attempts either and it applies here too.

    now for your counter arguments:

    "Being last person hooked is game over": it's absolutely not

    it absolutely is. dragging out every trial you play by an additional minute, just because someone might get a miniscule chance at an escape that will just result in their immediate death again in 95% of those cases because the Killer will simply redown and rehook them is just pointless. Not to mention the times where someone does jump off, gets downed and then sits on the floor for a minute straight so the Killer won't get DSed.

    Not every killer will stand in front of the hook and wait for you to die

    and why do you think they don't do that?

    it's because they know that you can not escape no matter what and therefore go for as many bonus BP as they can. Change that and you'll be surprised how many Killers will gladly watch you enter second stage before wandering off to kick some stuff.

    What if the killer wants to give hatch?

    the Killer can always just not down you, just like they could always just not hook you to give hatch.

  • HeyItsQuiet
    HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 363

    Too long, won't read. A down as last survivor is not the end of the game, and there are thousands of clips and videos out there to prove it. Bye lmao.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited May 2022

    This thread brought to you by the letter E.

    E for Entitled.

    You're down, you dead. No more chances. Accept your fate

  • HeyItsQuiet
    HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 363

    Oh, okay. So alternate ideas and reasons why the change may not feel natural to the flow of the game is entitled now.

    Got it.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    expecting multiple chances to jump off hook with a 4% chance, expecting to be able to DS the killer after you are last one downed, expecting to use boil over/flip flop because you crawled to a corner as last down.... repeat infinit....

    yes, entitlement is the only reason someone would think this way. You are dead, game is over.

  • HeyItsQuiet
    HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 363

    Funny response coming from someone crying about potential BBQ changes but I'll bite.

    -the 4% escape attempts are a part of the game. If the other 3 survivors got the attempt, the last person should too. And if the killer IS there and smacks them down? More points for the killer hit, and more points for the last hook.

    -If there are 2 people left, one is downed with DS and the other leaves, why shouldn't you be allowed to use the perk you brought? Same applies to Deliverance if you're on first hook as last survivor. If you survived that long in the match, why is it fair to render a perk useless?

    -If a killer didn't properly utilize their hooks and has created a deadzone, why should they be rewarded with a free kill for their poor play? You WILL likely escape grasp with Boil Over, and in that case, rightfully so. Killers fault for wasting hooks. Same as a 3 gen. Why should survivors get rewarded with an escape for boxing themselves in and not paying attention to what gens they're popping?

    Stinks of an entitled killer who just wants a free NOED at endgame without using a perk slot.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    if you're not even going to bother reading it, why even bother replying?

    and its really not a long post lol

  • HeyItsQuiet
    HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 363

    Because I addressed your "HURRR GAME OVER" in the OP before you even posted it. So very sorry you lacked the reading comprehension. Have a great day!

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    and i addressed your counter arguments in my comment ^^

    you would have noticed, had you taken yourself the time to read my comment, as I did with yours.

  • HeyItsQuiet
    HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 363

    No thank you! I've been playing and watching streamers play long enough to know that last minute escapes happen frequently and are one of the best parts of a match. But again, hope you have a great day! Later!

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited May 2022

    you must have me confused with someone, I posted in a BBQ thread "I was torn that on one hand I love BBQ but also want to be able run builds without it. And that nerfing BBQ would ween killers off of it." So your sleuthing although creepy, not accurate. Imagine digging through old posts to reply to a current post.

    Noed gives a speed boost and an instadown, nothing to do with moris on last person.

    Thread also brought to you by the letter R

    R for reaching

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    I must seriously question why you are on a discussion forum, when you refuse to have an actual discussion with anyone on your topic.

    Getting downed as the last Survivor is a death sentence, no matter how hard you try to deny that. And seeing how you are out of arguments, while actively refusing to actually address mine, I'll take it you know that too and are either trolling or in actual denial over it.

    Anyway, seeing how talking to you is about as effective as talking to a brick wall, I'll leave it at that.

    Please don't bother to respond unless you got an actual argument / decided to address mine.