Since we got Haddie, what other original lore characters do you want playable?

This one’s for the fellow lore enjoyers, any characters from any lore of DBD do you want playable?
My personal pick would be Tristan (From David’s archive lore).
I’m more of a killer but I’ll say this. I want
The Observer as a survivor.
The Spider as a killer
The vampire as a killer
Wally as a survivor(Aces friend from Tome 4)
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From his lore jakes brother it would be interesting to have the polar opposite of jake with his brother still being in the rich family
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Speaking of David, I kind of want Rik more. From what we've seen he seems like a great friend and I'm interested in how a character that helped someone like David through stories would be. What I'm imagining here is the survivors therapist, and I'm interested in how a survivor like that would be. He also seems to be a LGBTQ+ supporter (I'm assuming he knows David is gay), so that's a plus.
The three people Bill meets in his lore seem cool, kind of wished they based a game off of them.
Mika James (Fighter that was beating up Ace for 5 minutes in his tome) is also someone I can see potential in. Don't know why, I just think she'd be neat, either as killer or survivor.
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Rik would also be really cool, you could make some unique perks for him how he acts like a therapist and all.
But imagine if something sick and twisted would make him a killer, although doctor exists, a therapy based killer would be really cool. Tormenting someone and making being a “fake-out” killer by making you believe the wrong things.
Mika James would be badass though, i’d love more muscular female survivors, her being a killer could also be interesting, she could’ve maybe accidentally killed someone and that could start a whole chain of events.
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Benedict Baker
Dude has been existing since Year 1 and there's nothing about him in the Tomes.
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If there is an original survivor with a bigger cup size... That one. Preferably goth.