Shattered Hope further highlighting Hex vs Boon disparity

When Shattered Hope comes live with the anniversay chapter, remove the survivors' ability to cleanse hex totems base kit (dull totems can still be cleansed to prevent NOED).
Make Small Game the only way for survivors to cleanse hex totems.
I don't think the problem is that boons and hexes are different.
The problem is that boons do not consume the resource you place them on and thus they effectively are lacking meaningful counterplay as the killer. All this new perk does is force killers to be running 3 perks just to have fair counterplay against boons that should have just been basekit.
Survivors have other perks that consume the totem for personal buffs so there's no reason for boons to be different in that regard.
Lastly, the fact the perk does nothing if survivors are using boons also makes running the perk suck. There's already little incentive to drop a perk to run it and now if you do and survivors don't have a boon then you are out of luck. Lightborn and Franklins at least can be determined in the lobby by seeing what items survivors have equipped. And Soul Guard has an effect that goes off regardless if the killer is running a hex.
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Sure, but if we're gonna do that first we gotta make the boons more like hex totems. Lets place them at the start of trial with no prep needed and remove the range limitation and make them affect the whole map until the killer kicks it and reduce the audio range so you can only hear from pretty close.
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I am not sure whether this is a joke or not.
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Honestly, Shattered Hope is a nice idea. But, I think they should change the way survivors interact with Hexes. If you have a Boon equipped then you can either Snuff or Cleanse the Hex. Snuffing the Hex removes the applied Curse effect of that Hex totem but does not destroy it. This turns the Totem Dull and allows a survivor to Bless it, but also allows a killer to snuff it and rekindle the Hex applied to that dull totem.
Cleansing a Hex completely destroys the totem and destroys the perk attached to it.
This makes it so Killers are not punished for using Hexes if a survivor has a Boon. The time to Cleanse and Bless remains 14 seconds at base, but because of the double animation required it would be 14 seconds to Snuff for survivor too. So in order to Bless a Hex you need to spend 28 seconds doing so. The killer would not receive a noise notification of their Hex being Snuffed, but the perks icon would fade out or have an symbol next to it to indicate this perk has been Snuffed. That would be a great trade off, since Killer should always dominate priority...even though current they don't.
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Whataboutism at it's best.
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It already takes 24 seconds to bless a hex, blessing hexes is slower than blessing dull totems
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Actually it’s 28. Double that with five stacks of ToTH tier III.
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the 24 was a typo, I meant 28
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Do I gotta bust out the "boons and hexes are not the same mechanic and cannot be balanced the same way" deal again?
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I absolutely love how this highlights how daunting and horrendous of a choice it is to place the fulcrum of balance into the hands of the player base at such an extreme cost.
Many survivor players feel like the gameplay tells them 'If you want the game to be fair, take second-chance perks.'
Many killer players feel like the gameplay tells them 'if you want the game to be fair, take regression perks'
This is just another needle in the pincushion of bandaid perks that killers are encouraged to bring if they want the game to be balanced.
Which, in and of itself, creates an incredible imbalance in the game itself.
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Looks out devour hope.. I guess killers just win then.
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Just make both side be able to break totems base kit.