Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

How bout changing devour hope

Member Posts: 68
edited May 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Lets make it a perk that takes 2 slots but itll no longer be a totem what do you think?

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 68

    If your a decent team you shouldnt get hooked at all. Its not hard to hide from the killer if they dont have an aura reading perk.

  • Member Posts: 68

    Ive played both killer and survivor if theres not devour hope im not even worried.

  • Member Posts: 68

    Then how bout giving the killer a few minutes before survivors spawn to place the totem its far to easy to find normally

  • Member Posts: 658
    edited May 2022

    The only “buff” that comes to mind for Devour Hope imo is when you have all 5 tokens the entity will block the DH totem… The killer essentially earned a Mori spree. Since the survivors made all the wrong choices which lead to that situation in the first place. Getting 5 tokens as killer is actually hard to pull off, and when you do… You Mori maybe one survivor... During the kill animation the other survivors will certainly break it. You get more from the exposed snowball than the killing spree. Even if the entity blocked DH after 5 tokens the last survivor can always hide, and find the hatch if they’re lucky/crafty enough to survive the onslaught.

  • Member Posts: 68

    I have done some experiments in this game i played 25 games as survivor and 25 as killer i was able to find a totem within the first minute or 2 due to horrible placement in 19 of them and in all 25 as killer my totem was destroyed before the first hook. Something needs to change

  • Member Posts: 1,370

    I think i would use devour hope if it took 3 slots but wasnt a hex.

  • Member Posts: 1,370

    Though i agree that hex perks as a whole need a rework.

    Imo the only hex build that works atm is plaything, retribution, pentimento and thats because those revolve around survivors breaking the hexes rather than them staying up.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    DH is perfect as it is. Removing its hex status automatically makes the perk overpowered. You'd have to nerf its actual effects if you wanted it to not be a hex, and at that point it wouldn't be worth running.

    It's the ultimate risk/reward perk, and I don't think it should be changed at this juncture.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Devour hope is perfectly balanced the way it is though.

  • Member Posts: 1,163
    edited May 2022

    I would prefer that they give killers a fifth slot just for hexes over something like this.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Devour hope is one of the very few perks that is completely fine as it is imo

  • Member Posts: 68

    Then they need to at least let the killer choose the placement on the map. Far to often its spawned out in the open and is found before the first gen.

  • Member Posts: 1,451
  • Member Posts: 2,557

    Survivors about Devour Hope: a hex instadown is totally balanced

    Survivors about NOED: a hex instadown that only spawns at the end of the game is totally unfair and rewards bad players

  • Member Posts: 144

    So I think the best change for Devour Hope is for the totem to not be lit until survivors are exposed. I've had it happen to me and I know it annoys killers to see their DH get destroyed before their first hook. If DH doesn't activate after 4 (?) unhooks then that means the survivors spent most of their time cleansing totems instead of doing gens

  • Member Posts: 68

    The trick to nurses is breaking line of sight then moving to the side instead of just running straight. If they cant predict you nurse is useless

  • Member Posts: 48

    I also want Devour Hope to stop being a totem, but it would need a massive nerf for that.

    What I want most out of Devour is the mori.

    I could see a Devour Hope that's not a Hex, but that also doesn't grant you instadown, instead granting speed boost.

    2 tokens : same old same old

    3 tokens : instead of giving Exposed, this gives you a 5% haste boost. (or lower if 5% is too busted)

    5 tokens : You are granted the ability to kill Survivors that have progressed one Hook Stage (same as old memento mori).

    I would use that. If you want to nerf it further, make it act like an Ebony mori instead : only after two stages. That way it would be far from broken and still fall behind most meta perks such as Corrupt and Ruin, because it kicks in pretty late in the game and all it REALLY does is give you speed and potentially avoid some saves.

  • Member Posts: 48

    I agree that it's balanced in the right way, but it's very unreliable. Which wouldn't be a problem if we had other options for its effects, and we do, kinda. Make your Choice is the most obvious alternative for Exposed, and it's fine honestly, but there is no alternative for the mori and it's what I really want. Rancor does exist, but it's finnicky and unreliable and requires you to lose the game for you to have a CHANCE to use it. I want a better replacement that may not be competitively broken, but that still lets you do the cool mori animation. That's really all I want. If it can kill after one hook then that's even better but I'd be very happy with finisher mori perk really.

  • Member Posts: 6,226
    edited May 2022

    But that's most of the risk factor with Devour Hope, that it's going to get found before everyone's revealed as Exposed. The reward is that everyone is perma-Exposed after 3 hooks and mori-able at 5. If you had the ability to stick it behind some corner tree in Swamp, or in some nook and box that'll never be spotted unless a survivor knows all the hex spawns on Lery's, DH will swing towards too powerful. Or rather, too reliable, which makes it too powerful, because DH's effect is too powerful to be reliable. If DH isn't plopped on some hyper-visible totem, survivors have the length of two Exposed chases in order to find it (assuming that Exposed wasn't revealed on the 4th or 5th token, because I've had that happen before) before heads start flying. Being able to put the hex in the most obscure possible spot skews that timing.

    Like, DH is the one time where I feel there's actually merit to the roulette of hex placements. Run Undying and/or Haunted Grounds if you're concerned about hex longevity. The greatest buff I'd be comfortable giving it is having the totem not light up until the first person is hooked.

    And I say this as someone who runs Devour regularly. Currently it's on my Nemesis build, my Ghostface build, my Wraith build, my Hag build, my Trickster build, my Doctor build, my Myers build... I love this perk, it's such a game-changer. But its balance is very careful and the suggestions here are coming across as a desire to make it overpowered.

  • Member Posts: 1,131

    What if the Nurse if really good, and she uses Retribution?

  • Member Posts: 68

    I win most of the time without it since it gets destroyed usually within the first 2 or 3 mins. But it feels like a boring game of tag. Smack 2 times and hook its just boring that way. The killer should be a bit op that is what makes people jump out of their skin when you turn a corner

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