Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

This game is EXTREMELY survivor based, when it didn't used to be.



  • BadZilla
    BadZilla Member Posts: 467

    You gotta be kidding me... I didn't escape at all tonight 5 matches so far I only faced sweaty tunneling killers that proxy hooks and so many survivors disconnected in rage stop playing the victim card .. SoloQ is way worst.

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    Pre-rework DS, Vacuums, Exhaustion recharging while running, Infinite loops, Horrible killer balance, A plethora of abusable bugs, Perma Sabo...

    I could go on. The only really terrible thing we have rn is a couple of maps being stupid (Badham/The Game) and COH. Both of which are countered by having a power that shreds pallets, insta downs, mobility, stealth and game knowledge with inventive plays. The majority of the cast has at least one of these. The only thing I'd say is uncounterable or really busted is DH. Which still isn't completely true as you can try to catch someone off guard where their DH doesn't matter. Or use your insta-down power to deny them DH for their first life. OR zone them into a bad position.

    DbD is no where near it's worse state. Those 3 core issues are about it atm. You're never helpless as killer and usually have a chance to make a come back unless the survivors play well. If they do that they should escape. Killer has probably been it's most playable than it has been ever. It's not perfect, but far better.

  • SuperSaiyan4GT
    SuperSaiyan4GT Member Posts: 144

    That's your argument for this game being survivor sided? I think you need to sit down and weigh the scales if you think it's survivor sided

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    FINALLY someone addresses the inherent bias around totems and the broken Boon mechanic. Because apparently the devs won't. Just like a lot of things. There is ZERO counterplay when you can lose whole perks without any way to bring it back outside 2 perks and splitting your loadout to accommodate that. Yet Boons can inherently resurrect. You'll play against 16 perks (half of those meta more than likely) but the game will often place yours out in the open next to the damn main objectives of the opposition and often in full view of them. How is that not surv sided?

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Oh no, I just applied your logic. You might not have named the perks, but it most certainly is your logic applied to those perks in mind.

    • 1. double bloodpoints is not gonna do ######### for you in the game. So no.
    • 2. If SC stacked with CoH, a heal would take 64 seconds, thats not a good thing. BK could be stacked, sure, but when were we talking about stacking effects? Thats right, we were not. As for CoH being faster than SC? No, both SC and CoH reduce self-healing by 50%. You're literally lying here.
    • 3. Oh, but that doesnt matter you said boons were stronger than hexes. That includes Dark Theory.
    • 4. Again, assuming all the requirements are filled. I have ran all boons 10 games in a row, Exponential was only used once, against a slugging Nurse. My teammates ran Unbreakable, that was used 4 times in the same span of games. The fact that exponential has so little usage makes it objectively worse. You could turn Dead Hard into a Boon, make it available for all survivors in that small area, and it would be worse than Head-On.
    • 5. Oh, it is. Walking replenishes exhaustion, running does not. You would want to stand still and walk in chase as much as you can so you can use an exhaustion perk twice. The only time you run is to maximize distance. If you've already reached maximum distance in a loop, you might aswell walk away untill the killer spots you walking away. If they dont spot you walking away, they would have to search you again, giving you valuable time to recover.
    • 6. I just repeated the fact that SC is objectively better.
    • 7. seeing a burning totem makes survivors want to check, if it's thrill, they often want it gone in case it's protecting another hex, if they see no other hex and there is still 1 unknown perk, they would have to consider NOED, and to counter NOED as of today, is to cleanse all totems or hope you get lucky after the final gen. But with your own logic of extra BP: Thrill also does this. Let alone that Thrill also gives you info on how many totems are still standing, even after its destroyed. So its still good info on how determined survivors are on getting rid of totems.
    • 8. You literally get a notification of where the survivor is who broke the totem. And since you were talking about combining BK and CoH: HG and Retribution is a killer combo. HG and Infectious Fright is too. HG and Undying. HG and Bitter Murmur. HG and BBQ. HG and Discordance, HG and Lethal Pursuer is quite good too.
    • 9. You misinterpreted my statement, oblivious means they do not hear you coming. They could have started blessing a totem. If you also have Undying, you can see them working on a dull totem and approach them without them knowing you're coming. 14 seconds means 64.4 meters of distance. Which on most maps is practically covering the entire map.
    • 10. BF would be far too powerful to not be a hex. And yeah, it can be gone the first 60 seconds of the map, but it could also last the entire game. High risk, high reward. Let alone that survivors wouldnt cleanse a hex if the effect wasnt powerful in the first place.
    • 11. Great, that's 0 gen progression for 14 seconds. Excluding the time it takes for survivors to find all those totems in the first place. You're assuming all totems are found already and the survivors are ready to cleanse them at the same time. Thats a lot of time not working on gens. 2 survivors on 1 gen for 14 seconds would be 30% of the gen done. Thats more time saved than Pop, with 0 requirements. Sure, Pop can be repeated, but hooking survivors while gens are still kickable becomes less and less common in higher MMR. So in this scenario, Undying alone does more than Pop.
    • 12. So? High risk, high reward. That is the essence of Hexes. The fact that people would spend time cleansing any totem at all means that people were not working on gens. Thats beneficial.
    • 13. Yeah, but so is Dark Theory, Shadowstep or Vigil, or Streetwise, or Buckle Up, or Open Handed, or Soul Guard(its power relies on hexes standing), Built To Last, Breakout, BT(you have to unhook people for it to work, you cant always unhook people), flip-flop, any means neccesary(most pallets get broken ASAP), Ace in the Hole, Lucky Break(60 seconds of being injured happens very early in game, removing the perk forever), DS(only useful if you're being tunneled, if you're not being tunneled and still have DS after 20 seconds, you've wasted time), Distortion(4 reads and its gone), Poised. Not talking about the impracticality of perks that basically make them useless. For every Exponential that has seen at least a single use, I have seen 3 ruins carry a killer to victory.

    And yes, killers should be comfortable running less perks. You should start tracking how often perks you bring do not have any value at all. Scourge hooks? with bad RNG, you never get to use it. Pop? If gens are finished or have 0 progression, its literally useless. BBQ? Survivors working on gens can literally have their aura's hidden from you. Corrupt Intervention? Survivors have a chance of not even spawning near those gens and finishing 3 gens before even realizing you brought Corrupt. Killers mainly win games through using their abilities and addons. If having to chose between 0 addons and 0 perks, a lot of killers would prefer 0 perks. Perks are there to either give a shortcut or stall the game. Stalling the game doesnt matter if you cannot kill a player before the gate is powered. Shortcuts only work if you're already in a position where you can win without the shortcut, the shortcut just makes that win easier to access. Perks are there to amplify your gameplay, they are not, and should not, be neccesary for your victories. Why do you think Ruin is picked 50% of the games in highest MMR where Pop is only used 25% of the games? Because Ruin guarantees value. Either you get to bully survivors off gens and gain a ton of pressure, or survivors waste time cleansing a totem. Survivors are forced to cleanse Ruin to progress consistently. Pop has 0 guarantee to be used. You can go for a 5 gen chase with survivors constantly tanking hits and healing up for their teammates to tank another hit, then down a survivor. What value does Pop have here?

    For survivors, if they run DS, Unbreakable and Self-Care, but do not get tunneled, slugged or are always healed by teammates, thats survivors practically only using 1 perk for 10+ games in a row, untill they do get slugged, or untill they do get tunneled, or untill they are not being healed by teammates. Thats 3 perk slots NOT BEING USED for 10 games.

    You have to be comfortable with running 0 perks on both sides, because you are not guaranteed any value. The only perks in the game that have guaranteed value are hex perks. Sure, some perks are quite powerful and relatively easy to trigger, but even though Iron Grasp would guarantee a lot of hooks, people still rather run Ruin. Because that 14 second cleanse at the start of the game can be the difference between 2 gens and 1 hook and 3 gens and 0 hooks.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989

    Solo survivor is easy mode. You don't need decent teammates to loop the killer with endless pallets and windows.... and of course the 'ol 3rd Health State that is Dead Hard.

    Sure if "nobody" does gens that's annoying, but even solo potatoes know how to gen rush, and they complete so quickly, it's hardly ever an issue.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Look, i see you put a lot of work into this. But the perks don´t work like you think they work. Starting with SC stacking with CoH. I stronly recommend you try this out. No, it doesn´t take 64 second to heal with SC inside the CoH radius. The stacking means that the heal is much, much shorter than using each of them alone. SC also has a longer healing period than CoH, despite the "50% healing reduction". Here is a video that shows them side by side.

    Oh and i won´t bother commenting on the rest of what you wrote, because according to you i´m a lyer. Which isn´t really a good way to start a discussion.

    Anyway, have fun!

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    These people talking about boon spawns have me dead, you do realize it's hidden because the survivor put it there right? Not because it spawns like a hex, and totems in general have always been in obvious places that's been an issue from day one lol the old crotus prenn asylum comes to mind immediately where it literally spawned just out in the open with no walls, rocks or anything around it was like a light tower in the middle of nowhere, and if I'm being honest even to this day ALL totem spawns are still easy to find so the boon would be just as easy to find as a hex, the issue is nobody wants to waste time to break the boon unless they have to because gens are most likely already done where the boon is placed so what reason is there to go hunting where the gens are done?

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Your job as killer is to kill the survivors, not torment/bully them. But hey, if you want to throw the game by camping the first survivor you catch, you do you buddy.

    A good team of survivors will smash out those gens while you're wasting time not pressuring the other survivors.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    This game is SWF sided. If you create a balance between killer and SWF's the solo queue becomes nearly unplayable. If you create a balance between killer and solo queue SWF's have a huge advantage. I believe the only fix is to make all the advantages of SWF basekit for all survivors and then balance accordingly. If all survivors (solo or SWF) are on equal footing you could possibly create a better balance between killer and survivor.

    As long as there are 2 tiers of survivors with one being significantly stronger than the other it is pretty much impossible to create balance.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    "Starting with SC stacking with CoH. I stronly recommend you try this out. No, it doesn´t take 64 second to heal with SC inside the CoH radius."

    I stated "IF" in front, I didnt say it stacked, I know it doesnt stack, I was simply replying to you saying "That SC and BK both stack with CoH" You were the one saying SC stacked. As for the healing being faster, I found out the discrepancy, the only reason its faster is because the self-healing speed is set at 32 seconds(at least, that's how I understand the math, normally its (total charges)/((1+buff+buff)*(1-debuff)*(1-debuff)), but in CoH's case, its ((charges)/(1-0,5)) and then divides by the buff. Which leads to the question: how do additional debuffs apply) for the self-care action and then CoH's healing speed is applied. This isnt normally how the math works. You're not being debuffed by CoH at all, you're required healing charges double. But you cant stack SC with CoH for the same reason why you wont use Unbreakable if you have Exponential: The perks are overridden.

    "Oh and i won´t bother commenting on the rest of what you wrote, because according to you i´m a lyer."

    I mean, I simply debunked your statements. I was ignorant on how CoH exactly works, sure, but that's because up untill now, not a single perk has changed the math of perks in DBD. Especially since the devs heavily implied that the self-heal would be as if you had the debuff, and only recieve the buff on healing others. That being said, even with the inaccuracy of how CoH exactly works, the remaining arguments still hold up. Besides, the healing speed is still reduced by 50% on both ends. CoH ends up beating SC in terms of speed by also applying a buff. Even in that scenario, you'd only save about 8 seconds, which means that if CoH is further than 16 meters away, you still lose time over Self-Care, which can be applied instantly. 16 meters is about the length of 2 border wall sections. Thats not that big. On smaller maps, like The Game, where the map is roughly 60 by 60 meters, its very easy to do so, as placing the boon in the middle of the map only means you, at most, have to run 14 meters. But on bigger maps? You'd be surprised how often you are more than 40 meters away from any single totem(aura+time needing to run there), meaning that in those cases, you'd still lose time over just using Self-Care unless you keep staying injured untill you happen to walk there, but staying injured with a heal that lasts longer than 20 seconds isnt really a good thing these days. Unless the killer can instadown(in which case, CoH doesnt really do ######### anyway), its almost always better to heal up these days.

  • fr0sty1223
    fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 307

    The game has to be very survivor sided until behavior decides to make solo queue and swf more alike. Playing solo survivor is miserable especially with tunneling and camping still being allowed. Swf is what makes the game bearable for survivors because of communication. Until we getting stuff like a totem counter, kindred as basket without being able to see the killer, a way to know when other survivors are in chases, and an actual answer to tunneling, camping, and slugging then survivors need to op.

  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 541

    Ever hear of Blight, Nurse, Oni, Huntress or Spirit I heard there pretty nutty in beating 4 good survivors. Ruin, undying, corrupt, pain Resonance, plaything, Pop, sloppy butcher, are very strong perks btw

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510


    This small part of your title just tells to everyone that you have never played the game - or even watched any DbD content - during the first 2 years after release 😂