Made a killer Tierlist [5.8.0]

I think The Dredge is pretty strong. He has great map traversal and he has a pretty decent chase power. His passive ability is a bit lacking, but it does something at least. He has great perk synergy since he's an M1 killer and he has good mobility.
As far as I know. He doesn't have any insane Mechanics or Techs like Blight and Nurse. That's also the reason why I put them in SS and not S.
Honestly, I might overestimate him, but for now, I think he's pretty damn great. Great Job BHVR!
Do you agree? Why/why not? Let me know :D
The real tier list is this:
S tier: Spirit
F tier: everyone else
F- tier: Hag
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Don't you mean, SS+ ? ;)
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I believe it's 6.0.0
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What's the need for SS+? S, A, B, C, D, F. We should have an F. There are killers who flunk on design alone.
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Why of course. My mistake.
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Dredge in S tier?
Granted I wasn't able to play him that much but I just didn't get that good of an impression from Dredge.
Good/great map pressure from locker teleports. But his chase ability felt lacking.
Leaving behind your remnant can be used as an anti loop, but using it makes you very slow and is very visible to the point where a Survivor can just run to the next loop or make use a nearby window. Teleporting to a locker mid chase tends to not work either. During Nightfall locker teleports are certainly fast enough. But without Nightfall they are just too slow and locker placements tend to not support this in the first place around most loops.
Dredge feels like another M1 Killer for the most part. And those tend to fall in B tier.
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I'd drop Hag a bit but everything else is more or less fine. Actually, I'd put Ghostface at bottom of B.
Hag is super counterable if everyone is on the same page and executes. The things that beat survivors against Hag are solo queue, game sense (solo and SWF), and impatience. You win the game if you force a bad commit once or twice while you slam gens in her web. That's all it takes. But solo players don't do gens half the time and most players of all party compositions don't know to hug the map walls against a Hag and W for eternity.
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I'd put legion at the bottom of B tier but aside from this.... Looks alright. Maybe dredge in A tier.
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Hag is mediocre. Only good against solos.
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Same Impression, his map mobility is really good he will save some time with it but it wont win games in high mmr. Currently his chase power strikes me as mediocre. If he gets lucky he gets a nice locker teleport every now and then but hes to slow while channeling his remnant to make it really countable in a lot of chases, hold w is superior.
First impression strikes me as max low A tier but he might rather fall into B. There are also no SS Tier Killers.
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I haven't played Dredge and only seen videos so I can't really say much on him but I do feel he's too high. From my first impressions I'd put him around Pyramid Head, maybe lower.
I'd put Trickster over Deathslinger but that one is super debatable.
Sadako I think should be in D-tier. I know some people say she's not bad but from playing as her, against her and watching gameplay, she just feels awful to me. Like, worse then Freddy in trying to find a cool compilation video kind of bad. Maybe I just don't get her but she feels super weak to me. Not worst killer in the game bad but pretty close, like 5th worst maybe.
Doctor should be higher than Wraith IMO but I could see them being interchangeable for some.
I think Nemi should be bottom of A or at least higher then Demo on B as well. Assuming that place where your zombies do at least do something in the match.
Even with his buffs Legion feels way too high. I'd say bottom of B top C.
Everyone else I'm okay with for the most part but I would also switch the ratings to S,A,B,C,D,F. SS seems a little overkill to me.
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I think tier list is pretty ok but there are some killer placements that bug the hell out of me.
1. Sadako should be switch with GF. Sadako has no real power outside of her decent map moblity while gf has way better stealth, mindgame and leathality potential than her.
2. Bubba is way too low. Sure he has to use bamboozle but he shreds through pallets and can insta down and always secure one extra kill.
3. Legion should be placed after Wraith and Trickster before Legion. Trickster strength very depends on which map you are gonna spawn in. If it's autoheaven, yep he is high c tier. But on most maps he really struggles with buildings and even in shack. He can't also sneak in shots like Huntress or DS. As for Legion he is way better place than 2 months ago but he has still the same problems like ppl not healing against him or having really not that strong of a power.
4. Dredge is way too high. He is b tier killer. Has some antiloop power and great mobility but his nightfall sucks ass. Until they will fix it he is way too visible during nightfall.
5. Freddy could be slightly higher, he still has decent antiloop power and can pressure gens fairly well and he combines so well with meta perks
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Why people still think Nemesis is below A tier?
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I think Dredge is mid A tier at best, Hag I probably a low A high B tier Killer and Twins are way too high for how weak they are when Survivors just stick in pairs of 2.
Plague could take Hag's spot tbh.
Nemesis, Legion, Cenobite and Deathslinger are way too high.
Nemesis is C tier at best, Legion is still a D tier Killer, Cenobite is low C, maybe top of D tier and Deathslinger should be in D tier, he's one of the worst Killers in the game, and put Trickster down in D aswell.
Trapper and Pig could be swapped, but that comes more or less down to personal preference
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Drussy in S tier?
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I hate to agree, because my baby doctor is at the bottom of C, but it looks correct
Edit: except maybe sadako above doc, that doesn't seem right, imo, maybe she should be the start of D tier
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Pinhead is borderline A tier, he has really strong add-ons, decent anti-loop, and some basekit pressure that can be dramatically increased with certain add-ons and perks, I'd say top of B or bottom of A is where he should go.
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For the love of all that is foggy dont call it that
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You're sleeping on Ghostie hard, would you mind telling me why he's in D?
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A killer that doesnt have mobility nor a chase power is a joke, can be looped endlessly an represents not a threath whatsoever.
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Hmm. Assume a non-mention is agreement.
Dredge: I'd put him somewhere in 'B'. He's mobile, but he's going to run into similar problems Wraith has - good engage, but struggles to close the deal.
Hag: Down to the top of B. She's had her time in the sun, but people know how to deal with her now and she struggles against the current healing meta, and tendency towards enormous maps.
Plague: To the top of A. She's so incredibly consistent, and can snowball out of nowhere at any stage in the game.
Oni and Huntress: Up to S. Both are hard to play, but are incredibly powerful once you're solid.
Spirit: Down to A. She's really solid, but incredibly reliant on a single addon combo.
Onryo: Down to D. Now that people understand how to play against her, you might as well not even bother.
Ghostface: Up to C. He's not great, but his addon buffs really helped him out.
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S tier pretty widely agreed upon
Pinhead mega slept on, best 1v4 in the game and the chain is great at loops if you you control the pallet or for keeping people from making windows. I think he gets a bad rap because he's incredibly grindy and to play them well you often get 10-20 minute games which most people don't wanna do.
Dredge more or less has everything a killer could want with mobility and antiloop they're just a bit map dependent with locker placement and dealing with a lot of locked lockers wastes a lot of time.
Bubba I think we have to accept is very good and can have extremely short chase times if survivors are careless.
Oni is overrated IMO. Beginning of the the game you're basically trapper and it can take a while to actually get anything going, they basically live and die by the snowball.
Executioner is also a bit overrated. Antiloop is on the weaker side being tormented isn't that big of a deal and also has the worst add-ons in the game.
Take huntress range with bubba quick chase time and you get trickster except they have a terrible version of both these things. Luckily both those things are still strong in principle enough for B tier and main event can win games if the stars align.
Deathslinger while much weaker than they were before does have one of the better 1v1 games still which keeps them from being complete garbage.
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Because good survivors will juke his tentacle nine times out of ten, forcing you to rely on vault and pallet hits.
His zombies can be great, but far too often get stuck.
His addons are also very meh.
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I don't think spirit is nearly as good since her nerf. I think it took survivors a bit to get used to it but good survivors can be a pain for her mindgames.
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Before his "rework" that literally didn't change him at all, I would probably put him in C tier. But now, he is so easy to reveal and I think that's a huge drawback. I mean sure, he has stealth and instadown. But because he can be put out of his power so easily, he has his power only like 50% of the game. And if you know you have been stalked, you can force him to hit when he can't expose you.
He also has no mobility nor chase power.
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1. Too early to place dredge. What we have in ptb might not be what we have on release. He should just be left off for now.
2. I would switch huntress and artist spots. Artist is pretty good, but I don't think she's as strong as people put her. Especially when her counterplay is so easy to pull off and essentially makes her an m1 killer.
3. Then move hag above huntress. Yeah going against stronger well coordinated teams can feel stressful and make you have to switch your playstyle, but that doesn't happen as much as people think. But her ability to control and traverse the map is way higher than huntress or artist.
4. Legion back down to C tier. Outside of some strong perk combinations, his buffs weren't enough to take him higher than that.
5. Pinhead is definitely mid-low A tier. Really you could just combine your S and A tiers and just make it A tier, there's not really a need to split it.
6. I would probably drop pyramid head to high B tier. His anti loop is very telegraphed and easily dodged 90% of the time, and his very punishing if misses/spends to much time using it. Certain maps can make hitting it even harder turning him into a basic m1 killer with a good passive that's countered by just crouching...
7. Doctor is Mid B tier. Decent anti loop with good info and map control with built in slowdown. I actually find doctor and demo to be very close in terms of power and both being pretty balanced.
8. Trickster and deathslinger should be switched, with deathslinger bringing up the rear. He is the worst of the ranged killers, and since his rework not only does he still have no 1v4 potentially, they heavily nerfed his 1v1 potentially to where it's just okay. He has 0 things going for him over any of the other ranged killers and I don't see a reason to pick him over them except for aesthetic reasons.
9. In no world or realm does Sadako ever go above Freddy. Worse phasing/stealth, no built in anti loop, and a worse teleport and map control. Due to her teleport being to tvs and not the gens themselves, she's subjected to the RNG of where her TV's spawn, how close to the gens they are, and what direction they're facing. Add into the fact that she can be robbed of her entire power by survivors, and she's pretty terrible. While Freddy can teleport straight to an objective, and has a built in anti loop into his power. Heck even wraith has better stealth and addons, with a better hit and run playstyle. I'd put her in D tier, and she's only at the top of that because she has some type of map traversal.
10. Forgot about plague. I'd move her down to high B tier. She is decent, but I feel people give her slightly more credit than deserved just due to the healing meta itself rather than her power and strength in a match. Her frequently inconsistent hits along with her power being easily controlled by survivors, I can't find myself putting her higher than that.
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His rework was really good. His addons are actually good now, and marked survivors not being able to reveal you allows you to pull off some interesting plays where you mark someone, walk away while undetectable, then mark and down someone else. It's niche, but if you have a survivor on hook you can use this to force a certain survivor (like someone on death hook) to go for the save.
Being revealed more easily sucks but there are a few tricks you can use to make yourself seen less easily. Like when you're stalking from an edge, you can scoot to the left or right a few steps (basically going behind the wall a little more) while still stalking the survivor.
Ghostface doesn't have a chase power, but you're not going to be in many long chases anyway. Plus you can still mindgame with crouch.
By the way, nobody's forcing you to press M1. Unless you're carrying a survivor, which is a pretty difficult scenario to be in. But it's completely possible to stalk people unseen if you do it from longer distances, so this becomes less of an issue. if you're really struggling with this you can always run Agitation or just drop the survivor you're carrying (although I understand that's very risky)
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If you're going on long chases with Ghostface, I'm sorry but you do not know how to play Ghostface.
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Where is the garbage tier, and why is sadako not in it.
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How? He has nothing, his instadown is not even an issue since he is m1, so even if he marks you any safe loop will absolutely destroy him, looping an m1 killer is one of the easiest things in dbd, you can surely do it for at least a minute and ignore his mark.
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Dredge B Tier tops maybe C after thinking a bit more(haven't seen all his add-ons)
Very few can play Nurse well.So I normally place Blight above her.
Trickster seems fairly good the problem is his throwing is slow so matches can go on forever.
Pretty good list
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99 the survivor, get close to them, mark and down before they can react. You don't even need to be in stealth to do this. You can walk up to them, chase them normally, tap the power button, and get a hit. If you're getting looped for a solid minute without a hit, I don't care who you're playing as, you really need to focus on improving your chasing.
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I firmly believe a good survivor can absolutely dunk on any m1 killer, ghostface not bring the exeption, prob if you 99 and then do it midchase it might be usefull but as I see it any m1 killer is really easily dunked on if the survivor has decent skills.
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Legion needs to go down in D tier. (Coming from a Legion main after trying them after the buffs)
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With DH? Maybe. But if the survivor is exposed and doesn't have DH, and throw in some crouch mindgames and possibly even some skullduggery using Night Shroud, it's completely possible to outplay them. Especially because many survivors panic after they are exposed without realizing they've been stalked.
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You might be right , but how can anyone fall for crouch midgames, when he has the floating stripes and leathery sound that give away where he is, you have to be very distracted to let him hit you.
As I previously stated a good survivor wont fall for any of that or if they are really good will use it against the gf,also if you somehow get downed by gf, why dont just stop healing so you can use dh in the next chase and destroy him?,
Lastly who on earth panics when exposed against an m1 killer?, I mean if it was nurse,spirit, slinger, hag and maybe pinhead on chain hunt, id be scared as they are a thread in chase, however things like pig, ghostface, wraith,sadako and so on are not that scary as I know im in full control of the chase against them unless I mess up real bad, so I dont really panic.
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He's alive, that person is back!