

Timeline: what if the devs only listen to killers

Member Posts: 247

Do you think that if the devs only listen to killers and ignore survivors for 1 year, the number of players will increase or decrease?

Timeline: what if the devs only listen to killers 43 votes

It will increase
7 votes
It will decrease
31 votes
It will stay the same
5 votes

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  • Member Posts: 3,611
    It will decrease

    If the devs just focused on one side, the player base would definitely decrease.

  • Member Posts: 3,271
    It will decrease

    We get lots of groaning and whining at every patch, by both sides.

    Those 4 killer sided patches would sure lesd to some leavers.

    That said, Im pretty sure there are many killer players, even killer only, who recognize survivor problems and agree with fixing those the good way.

    Closing the solo-swf gap is such a thing. Im quite killer biased but agree to *some* ideas. Compare to closing the killer tier gaps where a lot of survs just want to gut the top killers.

  • Member Posts: 167
    It will decrease

    People would 100% leave the game if that happened, lot of people would switch from survivor mains and become killer mains if the devs listened to killers for an entire year, the same thing would happen if the devs listened to the survivors for a year, but this time almost nobody would play killer and just would play survivor.

  • Member Posts: 2,426
    It will decrease

    They should take killer complaints more seriously, but survivor side has problems as well.

    The community sentiment is that survivors are the side mostly listened to and we saw how many players left. If they listened only to one side it'd be even worse, killer or survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,294
    It will increase

    While some killers certainly do want the game to devolve into 4k only matchups - I firmly believe that the majority of killer suggestions are bent on making the game far more volatile and a lot less safe, while survivors often are the more stabilizing element in a debate, who crave certainty and absolutes that give them an advantage.

    I firmly believe that if you want to make the game less stale, you listen to the killers - if you want to make the game more stable, listen to survivors.

    Generally, of course.

    I believe that if the game was a bit more chaotic and had a bit more reliance on skill and luck in the future, more people would find themselves addicted to lining up in que for the next trial.

  • Member Posts: 1,327
    It will decrease

    It would be a really bad idea to give either side too much control. It'd completely derail the game's already shaky balance.

  • Member Posts: 5,499
    edited May 2022
    It will decrease

    Isn't this poll a bit off, what works for a game is examining both sides and making things fair and enjoyable for both, right?

    Like we all have this one thing we think BHVR could do to make us happy, but I see tons of Ideas here on these forums which would make me want to leave. So in reality we want BHVR to analyze our feelings about a part of their game and then make it more acceptable.

    So why would Killer Mains have the monopoly on Good Ideas here? These sorta assumptions are bad. Unproductive. Naughty brain.

    Post edited by Emeal on
  • Member Posts: 3,452
    It will decrease

    If you only listen to one side, either side, the game dies.

    Cough Deathgarden cough.

  • Member Posts: 232
    It will decrease

    A killer focused year would absolutely kill the game, ironically. Like yeah, there's a lot I'd change about killer but a year without anything for survivor would dry up the survivor player pool.

    Can't play a killer game without 4 survivors

    If something is Innconciebaly unbalanced for the survivor side during that year, there'd be no fixing it because killers would be happy.

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