I like the Mori rework, as long as it doesn't bypass second chance perks

MrMori Member Posts: 1,219
edited May 2022 in General Discussions

With the Mori rework, most people are assuming it's not just a scenario that happens when there is one survivor alive, but rather the moment the last survivor that isn't hooked or downed gets downed. After that they will be Mori'd and the game ends. That's just an assumption, but it seems to be what most think after reading the blog post.

I like this idea a lot, but I feel like this Mori should not happen if there are second chance perks in play that could bring the game back, not counting self unhooks. So the following:

  • Unbreakable
  • Active Soul Guard
  • No Mither
  • Boon: Exponential placed on the map
  • Decisive Strike
  • Deliverance

Anything I'm missing?

Either way, I know this is a buff to slugging for hatch, but let's be real, if you slug the last two players and neither have unbreakable or deliverance the game really is over. Sure you can't down them and carry them to hatch anymore, but so what? I'd rather have the final part of the game cut down drastically. Think of all the time that will be saved! Think of all the times you'd get bled out by salty killers, this will no longer be possible. This means more time playing the game and less time walking around the map, picking up survivors and then standing in front of them to endure they don't get a 4%. It also means faster queue times as matches will last shorter on average.

Now all we need is to give killers the option to surrender somehow after 5 gens are done, and the biggest time waster from survivors, waiting at gates would be fixed. Of course you could always just force them out, but I like a surrender option more. Having the last 2 survivors hide for 20 minutes is also a problem, but that only happens with 2 players, and usually you can catch one of them and make hatch spawn.


  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,741

    It's weird because they even say on the official website the "final living Survivor standing." Which is like, okay which is it? Final living or final standing? Those can be very different things. I'd also assume that if it just activates on the last non-hooked survivor, it would only trigger in the event no survivor can unhook themselves. So the survivor downed would have to be either going to struggling or death hook while everyone else is struggling or death hook in order for it to activate.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,219

    Yeah, the wording isn't particularly clear. In short though, if we assume it can happen when there are multiple survivors alive, I want the Mori to bypass self unhooks. After all, if there are no second chance perks you could just stand right in front of everyone on stage 1 and wait for them to reach stage 2 to secure the game, it's theoretically already over.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,732
    edited May 2022

    Ah, the thing you are missing is that the Hatch exists only to close the game, even though you may see it as a win, 'I escaped', the random nature of the hatch means its not really an escape, the mmr system does not even count it as a win. So I don't see BHVR wanting to delay a Killer win because of a Survivor's Perks, why should they, its up to you to use those perks to escape the match through the gate, not the Hatch.

    The Mori update is really about ending games, there is likely a huge amount of games where a Survivor escapes the killer and they run around hiding for a long time. While Survivors deserve a fair chance, pro-longing it with second chance perks is just too long.

    The short version is, I know you brought those perks, but the Killer already won the game, you are just prolonging it.

    ... killers the option to surrender somehow after 5 gens are done...

    Killers can open the gates and initiate Endgame Collapse as a Surrender.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    I think the main reason they are doing this is to end the game when the game is pretty much over and stop the last survivor from being bled for 4 minutes. Pretty sure its going to bypass everything, its just a glorified game over screen.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,639

    If you’re the last survivor alive than the game needs to end if you get downed. You’re not gonna escape after that.

  • Obelt
    Obelt Member Posts: 357

    Pretty sure it will skip all those since your the only one left

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    You're the last survivor left, you got downed, you lost. You had the entire match to abuse all those second chance perks you listed and failed at it. Just admit you lost and move on.

    Same way everyone instantly dies during struggle phase if everyone else left is hooked and also in struggle. You lost, you die instantly, no wasting everyone's time struggling on hook for 500 bloodpoints, just move on to the next match.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,542

    How does one abuse perks (second chance or otherwise)?

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    You're new to the game aren't you?

    If something can be abused, survivors will abuse it.

    And survivors abuse these perks all the time. Get downed on purpose after being unhooked with Decisive Strike is one of the most popular ones, especially paired up with Unbreakable or some other perk that allows you to pick yourself back up. Oh and opening an exit gate doesn't deactivate DS, even though escaping is the main goal of the game. So survivors with DS abuse that knowledge as well.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,127

    So the mori will never happen if the survivor has No Mither?

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,127

    Deliverance doesn't even work if your the last survivor in the current game.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057
    edited May 2022

    Exactly. If you haven't been hooked at all, you can't even attempt to unhook yourself if you're the last survivor remaining, Deliverance or regular kobeing yourself off. And that's the way they're making it for the auto-mori. You're the last survivor remaining? No need to hook you, you get insta-mori'd instead, no need to wait for the killer to pick you up and hook you.

    It'll also mean people will dick around the exit gate less, if being the last survivor at the gate means you die if you're wounded and get downed before getting out. No more crawling out while the killer is cleaning their weapon.

    Heck, there should be an instant escape if you're the last survivor teabagging in the exit gate. Stop wasting everyone's time and leave.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,542

    You must be new to life. This was a rhetorical question. But I'll bite anyway. If some survivor decides to use their perk and instead end up being slugged, this burning their single use unbreakable, how is that negatively impacting the killer?

    And I play a decent amount of killer and rarely encounter these types of plays since the last DS nerf. Since you may be new to the game, there are various perks that have some counter to slugging. Just assume that any survivor you play against may have one of these perks and play around it. Weigh out the costs and benefits of eating the decisive or letting the survivor waste his time on the ground.

    Furthermore, play both sides. This will give you a better appreciation of what annoying thing each sides have to deal with as well as give you better insight on countering the other side's strategies.

    Or keep crying about how survivors abuse perks. Totally your call.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Hardly sounded like a rhetorical question to me, but hey if you say it was, it's hard to tell on here, since everyone complains about everything.

    Oh and I do play both sides. And you're right, we see much less people abusing DS now that they can't do anything except opening the gates if they don't want to lose their precious second chance. Same with people running at your face with Borrowed Time, if they do it's easy to just wait out and down them. Or hit them and send them mending in a corner while you chase your actual target (the unhooker)

    And the issue here is people abusing their second chance perks at the end of the game, when everyone else is dead. Not during the match when everyone else is still alive. Context matters. That's what the thread is about, people abusing second chance at the end of the match when they already had the entire match to use them and survive. They're the last one alive and got downed, they lost, they should die, end of story.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Two survivors left, one unhooks the other one, killer downs them both, throws the rescuer onto their final hook, now the sole survivor gets to spend around a minute on the floor while the killer waits out a potential DS. This is a situation that can currently happen, and it isn't interesting for either side. When it's over it's over, let everyone just get onto their next game.

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939

    The developers have stated as soon as the final survivor is downed it will start the mori stuff.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,099

    It basically the memento Mori offering as a basic.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 935

    What's even the point of not bypassing them? When the LAST survivor gets downed the only possibility for them to win is if killer doesn't wait for the DS or doesn't camp them in the ground while waiting. In other words, the only thing second chase perks do at this point is making both the killer and the survivor waste a whole minute doing nothing. If anything, second chance perks SHOULD be countered by the new Mori.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    And as they said, they're removing mori offerings and making the yellow mori automatic basekit. Last survivor gets downed? Auto mori.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I feel like survivors should have their own version of this where they kill the killer at the exit gates like when the survivors are all in the exit gate area it just cuts to them killing the killer. I think this would be a positive change for the game 🙃

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    The thing is I like giving the last survivor downed the hatch if it was a good game and I felt generous. Now with the change I can't it will always end with me killing them.....

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Same, but like with every other QoL change, we'll get used to it.. But I guess we'll have to make the most out of piggy backing survivors to the hatch until the change goes live and we can't anymore :/

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    It will be a sad day....I'll piggy back all to either the gate or the hatch until it's removed from us.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,788

    Hmm yes killer gets their righteous 4k but yeah lets give survivors yet ANOTHER second chance just to prolong the game. At that point just end the game not worth spending more time in the trial especially if hatch was closed.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,219
    edited May 2022

    Guess I misinterpreted the rework. I was actually hoping it didn't exclusively activate when a single survivor was left alive. How pointless. I wish games that were decided and done also ended. At the bare minimum, make hooks respawn after 30 seconds after someone dies on them.

    I truly despise slugging the last 2 survivors on a dark grassy map, then having to scour the whole damn map to find an Iron Will survivor hiding in tall grass who knows where.

    But what I hate even more is multiple survs going to "comp corner", abusing the fact that hooks don't respawn to waste your time. Exact same energy as the killer bleeding someone out out of spite. Hooks not respawning is an insanely outdated mechanic anyway.

    All I wonder is if I slug them both and hook one, will I then automatically mori the last survivor who's already downed? I'm guessing not.

    Post edited by MrMori on
  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,224

    I want to carry Yui to Hatch, not running with her : (

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,536

    survivors get enough 2nd chances already during the match, no need to add others if you are the last one alive (in that instance the killer already won the match so it's pointless giving other chances)

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Moris basically become a meme thing and people still complain that it bypasses second chance perks. Even when the game is more than over.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    So lets imagine a case

    You are the last sur and you have unbreakable what should we do? You stand up instantly and stun the killer 5 secs?potentially giving hatch?

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024
  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,813
    edited May 2022

    If you're the last survivor in the match, and you're on the ground, do the second chance perks really matter? The killer gonna down you and go on a tour of the map while you recover and get up? You think the killer would throw you on your first hook and just run away?

    No, the killer will never let them proc; you're dead either way.

    DS is the only on that might have a chance of being useful in such a scenario, and with the current arrangement, countering an end game DS is one of the only reasons mori offerings are used, so not a ton is going to change in that regard.

    Note: I am assuming that if you down one and chase the others out, it's not going to just teleport you to the downed surv, you'd either have had to just downed them or found them on the ground.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Giving hatch or gate will still live on in some form, just don't forget about the change when it comes and accidentally down them (which I'll probably do a lot at first)