Why isn't the blight 110%?

I don't think it's a controversial statement to say that blight needs a toning down. He's got the best mobility in the game, some of the best and most busted addons in the game, one of the best chase powers in the game, a very short cooldown after using his rush, insane synergy with slowdown and aura perks, he can break pallets with his power, he has 5 whole rushes compared to nurse who has 2, and he doesn't even need to charge his power like hillbilly or huntress or even nurse, he can just instarush. He's even easy to pick up and play, apart from learning his 100 techs and bump logic that make him essentially unloopable. That isn't a bad thing, but it's just the cherry on top of a slightly overtuned killer.
I've been trying to think of how to tone him down without making him bad, and 110% movement speed is the best I can think of. It's silly how deathslinger is 110% and blight is 115% considering their chase powers are basically the same in terms of power. Plus, it would raise his skill ceiling by forcing blight players to learn the power and use it creatively to get hits. He doesn't need the speed to chase, and he doesn't need it for mobility, so I think it's an acceptable change to make him not quite so ludicrously strong.
What do you think? Maybe instead of a movement speed reduction, he should lose some rush charges or have a longer cooldown? I don't hate blight but he feels cheap when compared to other fairer killers like huntress, hillbilly, oni, demogorgon, etc.
Because he is not range killer. Except Hag, all 110% killers have range powers.
Personally Billy's mobility is better for me.
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You would make his power recharge faster then?
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Actually, I agree with you. He basically has a reworked Nurse-teleport, instead of teleporting, he rushes.
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Some mobility killers have 110 as well. Along with Hag there's Spirit and Nurse.
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Tbh his power recharges so fast I don't think that's needed.
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So is changing his speed to 110% - not needed.
He needs add on nerfs but we should wait until they remove hug tech collision and see how many new techs it will create before we do anything
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Isn't Nemesis 115% with a range power, though?
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Why spirit is then 110% when she is already much weaker killer? and if you happen to miss one phase walking... Spirit needs buff to 115% and blight nerf to 110%.
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I forgot about Spirit lol, yeah you are right.
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I don’t think changing his speed is the answer tbh. They just need to significantly tone down his addons and I think he would be fine after that.
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Nurse is 95 or something like that. Less than 100.
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Still the Nurse is made slower because her power is so mobility focused.
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If Hag does get a 115% base speed, SoloQ would drop in numbers real quick, some things are better left unchanged.
If they do apply Comms. buffs to SoloQ, Hag and a lot of m1 killers should be buffed too.
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Nemesis' power doesn't count as truly ranged, it's more of an extended melee as its can't travel that far.
There could be a case that could be made for changing Spirit and Hag to 115%.
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*angry spirit noises*
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I have been making this same argument now for a very long time. And I'm making this as a Blight main. Yes, Blight should absolutely be 110 percent rather than115 percent. I believe the developers initially thought that Blight would be a mobility killer with a weak chase power, but the reality is that his chase power is not weak at all.
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He has both pressure in a chase, and high mobility. He should be 110.
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I've always wondered if certain killers (including Blight) would be slightly more balanced if they adjusted their base speed to 112.5% (4.5m/s). I don't know why 4.5m/s has never been used (it's at least worth trying).
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because he doesn't have a proper anti-loop power
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With other changes he needs like hug tech (which will be removed-eventually) and nerfs for C33 and Alc ring, I think that’s overkill.
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I pray they don't decrease his base movement speed. That would just nerf him way too hard.
His addons need some serious toning down, and his hug tech or whatever it's called needs to be fixed to not work anymore.
Only then should the devs consider actual basekit changes, but I am pretty positive that won't needed.
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Blight with a 24m Terror radius and 16m with monitor...
Ha, no thanks.
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They should just nerf some of his addons - especially Ring. That's all. We need strong Killers in this game in my opinion.
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The Alchemist Ring seems to be the big one, from my understanding.
I've only recently tried Blight more (he wound up my most perked out killer after all the Bloodwebs took to get Barbecue & Chili on him...) and haven't tried the Ring yet, so that's just secondhand knowledge.
I did see a suggestion of having the Alchemist Ring speed up regaining charges rather than granting them all at once. Though I wonder if that wouldn't amount to the same thing.
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They didn't mention reducing his TR. With Slinger's nerfs, it seems that the correlation between movement speed and TR radius is no longer held up.
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I wouldn't really call Nemesis' tentacle a ranged power per say, even with tier 3 it's still only 6 metres, a 3rd of Deathslinger's max Redeemer range
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No one suggested reducing the terror radius to less than 32 meters. Blight like Nurse would continue to have a 32 meter terror radius even with the changes to the default move speed.
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Would he need to have reduced speed if his powerful addons were nerfed? I don't see why his basekit needs to be messed with.
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Because not every tile is a tile you can use bump logic at unless you have double speed....
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Bruh she’s barely any weaker.
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Nerf Blight to 105%, which would force players to rely on his power more for ending chases. His power is already toxically strong and simple to use right out of the box.
That would force the Blight to be a lot more difficult to use, which would make sense since he's the 2nd more power Killer. He should be about as hard to use as Nurse.
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In that case he would just become unfun to play and overly add on reliant.
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You didnt really call blight simple to use did you?
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Fair and balanced? How many times you 3-4k? Yes, I know, it’s because you play against bad survs
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It took me just a few games to learn him, I've never been able to learn Nurse. So yes, he's simplistic.
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Yeah I agree he needs the 110%
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i think it'd be good to make alchemist's ring do that but otherwise no
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That's actually a really good idea
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all three of those characters can teleport. that is why
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Oh yes, turn one of the best designed and best received recent killers on a garbage and unpleasant design like Nurse, being powerful while requiring a lot of skill to even deliver a single hit, being inacessible and unplayable for anyone but the sweaty veterans, and because of that having the lowest kill rate in the whole game AND being one of the most unfun killers to play to everyone except who has them for a main. Then complain about survivor queues getting longer and to why there are only Nurses and Spirits on certain times of the day, because I garantee, the HUGE majority of Blight players will drop if he gets butchered and becomes a weaker nurse.
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I don't think him being 110% would fix anything and tbh he doesn't really need any nerfs outside of alchemist ring.
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Nurse is the slowest killer of them all and her powers make up for it lol and that's where all the hatred for her lies
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Don't you Dare Compare Slinger to Blight,
Slinger has more goddamn cons than pros rn and he needs a actual revert on his #########' Nerf as it stands,
Bleet without addons is balanced, Bleet with addons is behind nurse, and He's fine where he stands, just a addon rework / nerf, tis all he really needs,
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Y'all just teasing with these proposed nurfs, tickling even. You really want to spice things up with good ol' Pinball Wizard? Make him playable only with a controller.
And I wanna watch please.
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Ease of use = nerfs?
Reduce the base Survivor movement speed to 80% then
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I guess they removed spirit from the game
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He should stay 115%, since his hug bug is getting removed, he won’t be able to get easy hits with his power anymore. So on some loops he will become m1 killer.
Without the sliding he won’t be S tier killer and don’t start with argument that good blights only use bump logic, you are lying to yourself.
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He still has sliding just not able to rush while against an object.
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Alchemist ring/C33 4.4 yes