Question: Why do people refer to Dredge as "he"?

Isn't it technically a "they" or "it" like Demogorgon?
Are you assuming his (non)gender? xD
And by the way, I think it's a she.
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Habitual defaults are hard to unlearn.
It's the same reason people still call Legion a "he" when they are a "They" in the most literal sense as they are made of 4 people.
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The dredge look like G-creature in RE 2.
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It (which is how I refer to it) is a fusion of an unknown quantity of both men and women, not one destinctive entity / person, meaning its gender / sex is quite literally impossible to determine.
Also it is referred to as "it" by the DbD achievements - with, fun fact, the only other Killer being referred to in this manner being the Shape, everyone else is labled as "he" or "she".
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because BoogieMAN
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Like it matters
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Because the Dredge has neither style nor grace but at least still has a funny face.
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I've been using they/them for them.
although that's partially because I really want to be able to play as a character who uses singular they pronouns.
also, before anyone says anything, no, the dredge does use singular they, because The Dredge isn't the amalgamation of corpses, but the eldritch god summoned to possess the amalgamation of corpses, and said eldritch god uses singular they.
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Because I don't want to be romantically intimate with him.
Actually hang on I crave daddy mikey and father triangle too.
Yeah "it" is good.
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same for people calling twins "her".
They are literally named the twins. plural.
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Demogorgon used to have an achievement that referred to Demo as "it" too 😔
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Isn't the Dredge established to be born from the negative emotions of the entire town though? The town unknowingly created the monster that Stamper had warned them about by suppressing their own emotions, and the eldritch god is the Entity, which is the same being that the cult was worshipping in Elodie Rakoto's story.
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cause its basic, automatic and doesn't have real impact at all in the said context tbh
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Why they do they refer to ships and vessels as women?
I refer to dredge as 'the' although id use he out of habit when describing his characteristics and playstyle.
"He's a good killer and his power is fun"
Just hardwired to use male identification
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Yeah... :(
I hope our Demodoggo can return to us some day :(
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If it looks vaguely human “it” is unnatural to say. When its gender is not clarified, ‘he’ becomes the default, because language.
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It doesn't matter what pronoun we use.
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yes, but the eldritch god they summoned by those means uses singular they as a result of not falling into the gender binary (being an ungendered great old one.)
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does it matter? honestly the only thing that matter is his/her lethality
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I know why I thought it was a "she". If I understand the wiki the name is "Druanee".
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I believe it’s an “it” but people call it he because most people seem to think Dredge is Otto Stamper.
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This game is patriarchy sided
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I'd qualify it as an "it". The thing is so far removed from humanity that personhood designators feel wrong.
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Because when new chapter got leaked, it said that Dredge is Otto Stamper.
And when we got the expanded story which showed that Dredge isn't Otto. But the habit is still there.
As for me, I'll continue to call Dredge by "he", cuz I don't play with English speaking people all the time, and in my language EVERYTHING has a gender. And Dredge is a he in it, so it's easier for me.
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I mean, Pig decided not to play into the entity's foot fetish and look where it got her.
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Charlotte is a she, victor is just a gremlin and her power so no need anything more than "she" when referring to her
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some languages use 'he' instead of 'it' might be why
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usually because the word used as a translation is referred to as "he" or "she".
But Dredge is "it" judging by DbD achievements + don't forget Dredge is not that head or conjoined arms or skulls. Dredge is the impenetrable darkness underneath. It's immaterial and any biological terms are not fitting for it. Those fleshy joints and formations are basically like a shell it materialises to use as a way of communicating with the world, just like those countless slender arms from its base.
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So basically, Dredge is a really gross and ######### up Hermit Crab
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Victor is a male character with a distinct personality to charlotte though.
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EDIT: On second thought, though, Dredge might also have a more determined physical form which is those limp long hands he is using to grab survivors in lockers or break through locks. I`m assuming they are not changing with different skins and though that's just a technical issue, they also might be one of Dredge's constant physical appearances.
Or that's just whatever his darkness is capable of manifesting or "storaging" inside as its clearly bigger on the inside than on the outside., just like Maurice's head or crab claws he uses to impale survivors during his mori.
Post edited by TeleportingTurkey on1 -
The Dredge has no shoes to be missing so cannot use she/her by the rules of Dead By Daylight.
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Who cares….?
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Because of its phallic head
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Many people here don't have english as their first, native language, and while some languages like English have neuter pronouns ("it"), many don't have anything similar, and all words are either male or female. Its common for things of unknown gender to be referred to as male, just as plural words being said in the male gender when they refer to both male and female subjects.
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Drussy is technically "they" or "it" but he is just easier to say.
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The real question is why must we define?
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No he is literally just a culmination of non-existent dark thoughts that manifested themselves as The Dredge...
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I say he because I call him Greg.
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that's fair.
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Its a gribbly flesh lump shrouded by darkness
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Dredge is the tardis confirmed?
Dr who chapter when?
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Most languages just default to male. Just the way it is
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Are you sure Dredge has all those hands....they could give killer massages.
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The male words are just dominant. Not trying to be sexist but how do I put this. Like when you see your group of friends that consist of guys and girls. You say "hey guys what's up" even tho a woman is in the group.
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Dredge is a manifestation of nightmares and dark thoughts, which consumed an entire town, since it was a monster before it consumed everyone. it can't have they/them pronouns because of it technically being an entire town of people because of this, so as I have been using throughout this post, I deem its pronouns to be it/itself, but I also agree, stop calling the dredge a "he"
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eh ill say he. its eaiser.
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Why does this even matter? It's a fictional character in a game.
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Well becuz surely they play frank so they say he if legion would be all band in the game at same time...
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whats demo listed as