Balancing SWF

Any ideas?
proximity voice chat. You can only hear other survs if you're with x meters of them.
no left side indicator of whos being activley chased, only shows injuries.
uhhhhh those are off the top of my head and im sure someone will have issues with it but oh well.
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Buff solo, balance the game around coordinated survivors
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How could the devs enforce that? The various comms being used are outside the game and beyond their control...
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Break the survivor rulebook and you'll find yourself in quite a few competitive matches. Understand what's called the 'macro strategies' of DBD mixed with good mechanics and situational awareness. Voila! You're pretty much competitive with the evil four man swfs.
The players I team up, who run around being nightmares to a bunch of killers; still lose to my killer. It makes me think that a lot of SWF concerns may boil down to poor killer gameplay.
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Solos actively throw games at all MMR brackets. Killers often win by virtue of existing against solos.
A basic SWF probably isn't all that optimal, but probably won't actively throw either unless they're being altruistic. A bad killer might struggle here.
An optimal SWF requires the killer player to really think about what they're doing at all times while maintaining their mechanics, which is a huge departure from normal killer gameplay. It's why I think a lot of killer players struggle. You don't run into it a whole lot, and the game is over quickly.