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Wiggle progress does not regress while slugged

Nyog Member Posts: 33
edited May 2022 in Bug Reporting

Last thread was closed, but everyone seems to misunderstand the issue. I still don't see anywhere in the patch notes that this change is intentional. a BHVR Employee pointed to a patch note that documented the removed regression while not wiggling but NOWHERE in any patch notes does it say anything about removing regression while in the dying state. I refuse to believe this is some sort of oversight.

Either somethings ######### up or I now have to bleed survivors out, which isn't fun for anyone...

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  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,474
    edited May 2022

    They changed it a bit ago, idk where it was mentioned tho, technically it might have been a part of the 5.5.1 beta (but forced on everyone)

  • Nyog
    Nyog Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2022

    This is what I keep getting pointed to but it is NOT the issue I'm having. Was the regression universal and removing it while being carried affects it while also being slugged? Nothing about this makes any sense.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,474
    edited May 2022

    I get its not the same issue but by the wording of it the change is a technically intentional part of it and was changed some time between 5.5.1 and 5.7.2 and was specifically mentioned as something "also" changed but I don't know where

  • Nyog
    Nyog Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2022

    But you can't wiggle while in the dying state, implying the change ONLY effects carried survivors, no?

    Otherwise why not just write that wiggle regression was removed all-together?

    Just seems fishy to me they have to remove regression so that missing a wiggle skillcheck doesnt ######### you over, and now that effects slugging with NO documentation whatsoever.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,474

    True but technically you aren't wiggling so its not regressing from not wiggling kinda how like a regression gen can be blocked and still be "regressing" although it doesn't do any regressing it just keeps the status of a gen thats regressing.

    It was written somewhere for a brief time (afaik) but its gone now

  • Nyog
    Nyog Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2022

    double posted

    Post edited by Nyog on
  • Nyog
    Nyog Member Posts: 33

    But the Entity isn't blocking wiggle progress. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. It's like if BHVR removed gen regression altogether.

    Also patch notes don't just disappear...

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Survivor on ground not wiggle therefore wiggle progress not regress

  • Nyog
    Nyog Member Posts: 33

    As an example why this is an issue from a game 2 nights ago... All generators are done exit gates 99'd. I down survivor 1 at the exit gate, and pick them up. While carrying survivor 1, survivor 2 starts running towards the gate. I drop survivor 1 to down survivor 2 and hook them. Now I can't pick up Survivor 1 without them escaping. Before I could slug them for 30s and be fine. Now I have to slug them for 4 minutes or throw.

  • Nyog
    Nyog Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2022

    But why word it so specifically? Just say wiggle regression removed. It was only removed to work better with the wiggle update.

    Either this is an oversight or BHVR wants me to bleed survivors out.

  • Crypto_Pneuma
    Crypto_Pneuma Member Posts: 11

    Just let them wiggle free and knock them down again...? You're faster than them.

  • Nyog
    Nyog Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2022

    You didn't read my example. Also I don't play Nurse or Blight. The amount of time you can waste by holding W after wiggling out against most killers means I'll get more value with them being immobilized on the ground. At least then a survivor has to get off a gen to get them back up.

  • Crypto_Pneuma
    Crypto_Pneuma Member Posts: 11

    I guess in my mind letting one survivor go while still getting a 3K is worth saving 2-4 minutes of my time. Letting survivors bleed out is so boring (and kinda cringe to be so focused on that one extra kill) imo.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    It's not an oversight. The community manager literally confirmed it to you it's working as intended.

    If you don't like the written English in the patch notes, that's a different issue.

  • Nyog
    Nyog Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2022

    They told me the patch notes say this is an intended change, which they don't. I see nothing about changing wiggle regression across the board. They changed how the regression works for the skill checks, which has nothing to do with slugging, which makes me think this is some sort of oversight.

    Imagine if they said they removed hemmorage regression while running, but then it's also removed while crouching. Doesn't make any sense.

    Community Manager =/= Developer

    And yeah bleeding survivors out is stupid so just let me hook like I used to be able to. How do I play around a sabo now? No matter what I lose the hook state, whereas before I could drop and MAYBE pressure long enough to pick back up. You can argue going for the 4k is cringe all you want but being a team game I've always considered exit gate escape to be a loss for me and a win for the survivors, but that's besides the point? I had a myers game once where I had 2 survivors I had to drop in end game, so I killed the other 2... Now I assume I should let the last 2 survivors go? Where does it stop...

    (last post disappeared so I expect a double post soon...)

  • Nyog
    Nyog Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2022

    Double posted so I guess I'll use this to make my final point since I don't really wanna argue about it.

    Wiggle regression was a change to go along with how the new beta wiggle mechanic work. I'd assume so that missing a skillcheck doesn't cause wiggle regression for the long time it takes to be able to hit another skillcheck. This all makes sense. What doesn't make sense to me is how a change meant to coincide with how wiggling works now effects something completely unrelated; being in the dying state. There's no reason for it to do this.

    Post edited by Nyog on