Freddy Buff Idea

I just had an idea for a Freddy buff that isn't too much of a drastic change, but it's still something.
Each time you are put into the Dream World, one of your perks will be clouded over, losing that perk as long as you are in the Dream World. Waking up will allow perk usage again. Once put back into the Dream World, you will lose yet another perk, and so on.Each time you are put into the Dream World after the first time, Skill Check chances are lowered by 5%.

"#########." - Freddy Krueger

Ideally, Self Care would always take priority for the first perk to be taken. Thoughts?


    HUNGRY_AS_A_HIPPY Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2018

    good idea. Would be awesome if self care wasn’t usable in the dream world, yet medkits can be. Out of all the things that make Freddy weak,self cares first on the list.
  • I personally want a buff where if a surrivor is in the dream world for too long, they disappear until they're downed/hooked. Your idea is neat though.

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