PC: Unable to stop crouching until hooked

roy_valdez Member Posts: 11
  • David King
  • Iron Will, WGLF, Borrowed Time, Dead Hard
  • Badham (cannot recall which variation)
  • Occured only the once so far.

While facing a Freddy on Badham, I let go of a generator and attempted to run from the generator (top floor, single person gen). When doing so instead I proceeded to crouch. Attempting to reset by entering and then exiting a locker only prompted the slow enter and exit animations and did not reset until after I had been unhooked. I was unable to ascertain anything more due to the bug only occuring at the last hook of the match for myself.

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  • roy_valdez
    roy_valdez Member Posts: 11

    Edit: It happened two more times. First on Sanctum of Wrath against a trapper and later on Badham again against a wraith. The wraith one wasn't a constant one. Flicking in and out of crouch. I found that using a locker did not disable it. Alt tabbing out from the game then back in would fix the constant ones. The flicking one from the wraith match eventually passed with a few alt tabs, but not with the first.