Do You Miss Anything from Old DbD?

I miss the old graphics.
Don't get me wrong, the new ones look cleaner and a lot more high quality, but the old graphics just had this special feeling and atmosphere that the new ones didn't quite manage to recreate.
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old ranx
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I miss old Billy.
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The Stranger Things chapter. Sure I have it but other people can't get it anymore. Every now and then I like facing a demopupper.
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The old survivor animations. The new ones still look dumb and I don't know why they are still in the game. Survivors now just look like meercats. The survivors before actually looked scared.
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yeah, there was something about the otherwordly look of it, it wasnt real, it wasnt normal, you know it wasnt a place you could live in.
I always remember the sky, the cloud were moving incredibly quickly, and the color was always so intensely off (brownish orange, sea green, washed out dark blue).
They forgot about that when they did The Realm Reborn, they went too pristine and forgot about atmosphere.
Coldwind is by far the worst offender. While the inside of places (slaughterhouse, killer shack, Thompson House) look amazing, you have the actual 95% of the map that you could use as a postcard for a lovely day on the farm.
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Hawkins, I really enjoyed the catwalk mindgames, and no other maps seem to have the same kind.
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Old maps.
Before, you couldn't see anything, it was foggy, almost dreamlike. The cards had a vibe. We were in the Fog.
Now ? Coldwin Farm is in broad daylight.
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Kate the first
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I miss old Rat Tail
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Nothing. Survivor animations were horrendous, infinite loops, maps looked terrible, no survivor portraits In the match and way to many op perks.
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old deathslinger
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A lot. An actual horror ambiance, actual fog, survivors having opportunities to hide, and everyone kinda just being new to the whole thing. It’ll never be the same.
Someone mentioned old Freddy above, and I’ll echo that if we’re speaking specifics about the past. Also the Myers music alerting survivors to their being stalked for too long. My list was more game-wide aspects.
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Old Macmillan and Coldwind, Old survivor and killer models, old Billy, old Freddy, pre-validation DH, grade ranking system
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The dense fog
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I miss old Nightmare. He had a high information power that encouraged hit and run. He was actually really complex. People who said he was F tier didn't understand how to play him, imo. I think that in the current boon meta, he actually would've continued to be a viable hit and run killer if you could play him well.
He did need some buffs, but totally reworking him was a bad call. I still want them to reintroduce his power's concept in a new killer at some point.
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I miss the old ranking/matchmaking system. It was far from perfect, but I prefer it over MMR.
It’s funny how some of us (myself included) would complain about being a red rank 2 getting matched up with potato greens to vs. a red rank 1 killer, but at least it wasn’t as bad as it is now. MMR is much worse making what I suspect is this but more consistent, along with other headaches to boot.
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Not a new killer.. give it back to him. It’s his!
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I'd love that, but I think BHVR is sick of reworking Nightmare. I know I would be. It's more likely that they'd just want to restart with a clean slate with old Nightmare's power, if they even do want to reintroduce it at all.
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It's hard to remember old DBD things that I really miss, at least for me. What instantly comes to mind is old BNP, insta flashes, insta medkits, old DS, old NOED, infinites, OP mori's, old bloodlust, larger loops and lots of pallets. A weaker trapper and wraith, a very OP nurse. Vacuum pallets + windows, no window blocker. No EGC. Facecamping. The potential for major lag switching. Old forever freddy. How you couldn't heal fully with a common medkit. ETC!
I DID miss old movement and character models but not anymore - I prefer the new ones. I do miss the old maps somewhat. I miss the old weekly/fortnightly dev streams and the old devs/BHVR employees; Hawkins.
It's hard to remember the things I miss more than the bad/OP things tbh maybe I'll add more to the list if I remember more things I miss.
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I 2000% miss being able to tell what killer it is by the hook design
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I miss a lot of it. The Older maps, graphics, and animations like grabbing survivors from the hatch mid jump.
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The new Kate look is disgusting. She looks like a plastic Puppet.
Old Kate was just a natural Beauty.
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Old map Lighting (the pre-rework realms all had great lighting, the reworked ones all feel a bit samey to be honest), Pre-Overheat Billy, Old survivor animations, and most of all: Old Freddy.
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I miss long games where you could enjoy a few chases before the gens were done.
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Old Matchmaking.
Back then we might have had Rainbow Rank Lobbys. It was chaotic. It was frustrating. But it was also funny as hell.
No Full Meta Builds every Game. No Genrush every Game. Not the same Killers every Game. And not so much sweating.
Stupid plays on both Sides. Adrenaline pumping Games. Camping, High Skill and Baby Killers.
There was so much variety. So many different Games. So many different Playstyles.
It might have been Overwhelming at first. But some of my best Memories are made back then. The Time when not everything was "the best Strategy against ..." But just dumb ######### that worked 1 in 100 Games.
That's the dbd i fell in Love with. Thats the DbD i want to play.
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Anything past DBD 2020.
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Maps. Character models. Animations. Matchmaking.
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When there was no SBMM in the game but, I do also miss old Spirit and Wraith before he got hit with half a second speed reduction to his uncloak speed.
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Spinning while in dying state.
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Not so much a specific thing, as much as a specific time. That being the Cursed Legacy mid-chapter. I remember that as the prime time of my DbD hype.
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Old Matchmaking: It wasn't perfect, but it was DEFINITELY less brutal than it is now.
Old Lerys: Yeah, maybe it looks better now, but it lost it's spooky atmosphere.
Old Ruin: I despised it, but in the current meta, if it came back, it wouldn't even make an impact. And it actually forced people to do something, now survivor are lazy and entitled.
Old Gideon: I hated that map, but i hate the new one even more, bleh.
Overall i miss those times when maps were actually spooky. Now most of them has been brighten up for no reason. People were afraid of darkness of something? Or fix and bring back bouquets and let people decide if they want maps in day or night mode
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The community not being as hostile as they are now
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i miss not seeing deadhard in every lobby.
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Old animations for the most part
The survivors looked more scared in a way? the only good animations they did were the new slugged animations and the flopping into hatch
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No i don't, in fact i say good riddance to old dbd and the sooner we give all that remains from old dbd the realm beyond treatment, the better.
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...I miss when wraith was bad and no one would play him
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Freddy and the map lighting on the maps and Hawkins Lab!
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Bring back Kate's old scream
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I think the only thing I miss about old DBD would be Old Ormond graphics. Everything else, I'm glad to leave behind
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Trapping under the feet :P
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I miss spinning around on the floor when slugged.
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The moonlight offerings.
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Old maps, character models, animations, and the thick fog. Also old Hillbilly and old Freddy.
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Removing all traps from Trapper or hooks was so funny oOo
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I miss the old grass which actually hid Trapper's bear traps really well. That's about it really.
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Most of the maps.
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Same. Miss the green maps, the blue maps, and the night in the corn maps. Miss their atmosphere despite their shortcomings balance-wise. Miss not being able to see clear across the maps.
Prolly one of the major reasons I love the Swamps so much, they're really the last of the old look maps, and I shall greatly miss them when their time comes...
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* The blue tint of Macmillan and Yellow tint of Coldwind
* Old Coldwind
* Old fog was actually fog
* Old hatch system was better imo.
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The only thing I miss is Hawkins. It's kind of a bummer Demogorgon isn't available for new players also (I have him but I feel bad for anybody else that comes to the game now that wants to play him too.)
Other than that, the graphics are better now, there are fewer broken parts of maps, moris and keys and various other things are better balanced, and I like MMR better than the old rank system. So yeah, I don't miss "old DbD".