6 yrs and no real progress is being shown like an untouched generator. The game is growing stale even despite the promising updates to come.

There need to be scenarios added, and character-specific horror scenes that unlock special outfits, perks (exclusive to a survivor), boosters to BP or access to extra emotes to give the game incentives.

Two-player missions to seek out a killer's weakness and then use it to DEFEAT the killer, instead of just escaping.

A timer scenario that actually has a day and night cycle, and if the objective is not accomplished by DAYLIGHT, the survivors are taken by the Entity.

Make team scenarios where specific character alliances give bonuses to survivors and also negatives to make for greater challenges.

Offer greater BPs for a player using a survivor WITHOUT any perks as a show of skill and prowess.

Go deeper with this game and make it better. Stop with the mediocrity.

Thanks for reading.
