Why no 4% for killers?

Survivors get a free second chance where they can attempt a hook escape on their own with a 4% chance of succeeding. How about a 4% for killer, where if the killer hooks a survivor they have a 4% chance of instantly reaching second stage?
Or are second chances just exclusive to survivors?
Killers dont need second chances perks
Survivor need one particular second chance perk nerfed
No need to unbalance the game further more
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This is quite possibly the worst comparison I've ever seen.
Just because one side has something doesn't mean the other has to have a direct equivalent. Survivors have exhaustion perks, doesn't mean the killer needs a perk to increase their speed to 150% for 3 seconds. Killers have perks which block the generator at the start of the trial, doesn't mean survivors need a perk to instantly complete a generator at the end of a trial.
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I thought 2 sides being different was the whole point of an asymmetrical game
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4% isn't a perk, it is given by the game to survivors for free, just like the hatch. Yet the game gives zero second chances to the killer by default.
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I don't know what to say anymore...
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Killers get a bunch of perks to slow down the survivors' objectives. How about a perk for survivors, where if they rescue a survivor they can perform an action to have an extra hook stage before dying to slowdown the killers' objective?
Or is slowing down the game just exclusive to killers?
(that's how balance works, right?)
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They should really give Trapper a fighting chance. Remove the damn RNG from his ability, dang it. He's already weak, so let him get that down across the map.
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By "different " you mean lets shower one side with second chances while the other side is actually punished for mistakes?
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I feel like this person is a baiter for killer side just like Sluzzy is for survivors
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I haven't mentioned any "perk" on my post, 4% is a game mechanic given to survivors for free, just like the hatch.
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...do you really want me to re-write this with "kicking generators" instead?
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What part of "the game gives free second chances to survivors without needing a perk, while the killer gets none" seem bait to you?
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Jesust are we really going to complain about the 4% hook escape that like never happens come on bru that's just dumb and what you suggested is just going to add more toxicity and camping/tunneling which is again unhealthy for the game.
Yes survivors have alot of second chance perks but you can think ahead and play around it,tho some perks need to be nerfed but we'll see about that after the 40 perks reworks coming soon.
Awful comparison.
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Sluzzy is legend, nobody can be like him. Nobody can even dream be like him.
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Yeah lets compare kicking gens to a survivor literally unhooking themselves and saving their life, then using ds right after.
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Actually now that I think about it an Exhaustion style set of perks for Killer could be interesting. There are perks with cooldowns, but there’s not a set of perks that share a common cooldown like Exhaustion perks do.
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Why should killers be able to lose gen progress and then gain it back with Ruin/PGTW/PR god they already lose the progress they shouldn't be able to regain it 🙄🙄
Do you now understand how stupid you sound?
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Killer slowdown perks ARE second chances. NOED is a second chance perk. No Way Out is a second chance perk. Blood Warden is a second chance perk. Killers have plenty of second chances, though some might not be as impactful as something like Dead Hard.
Just because you don't like a mechanic doesn't mean the other side needs compensation for it.
I feel like you're only here complaining because you just lost a game from someone unhooking themselves. Move on.
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Killers get a weapon. I want one that allows me to throw a hatchet at the killer and stun them for 5 seconds.
"But survivors have DS, flashbang, flashlights etc" those are perks, they are not given to survivors by the game for free.
Sounds silly doesn't it?
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What the ######### is going on
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But... it's not free
If you fail, you go to the second stage. That is very much not a free second chance for you as a hanging survivor.
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You're on a roll with us-vs-them threads. Maybe try not taking this party game so seriously.
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im not going to bother explaining why survivors 4% really isn't a big deal but considering you like shock arguments and comparisons that make no sense i'm going to entertain you:
Survivors trying to 4% risk sending themselves into the second stage, by you "balance means everything is the same for everyone" logic it means if killers have a 4% chance of sending a survivor to 2nd stage whenever they hook them they should also have a permanent risk of "oops i missed the hook, they slipped" everytime they try to hook someone, which would set the survivor free.
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Killers can hit Survivors when pressing M1, why cant Survivors do the same?
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This is a really stupid post
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I can take him!!!!
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96% of the time you go to second hook and speed up your death. That's hardly a freebie
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I think perk which you would be able to give hook state for other survivor would be good. But maybe it should also injure you so that killer would probably even change target.
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This is one of the few games where people actually believe it's okay to be rewarded for getting outplayed (ie second chance perks, dead hard, 4%, hatch etc). The reality is people like their crutches and survivors outnumber killers 4:1. As such, they will get more crutches because said crutches are spread across 4 people.
If the community wanted balance for these things they would rally around: 1. removing stacking second chance perks 2. removing RNG elements like 4% and hatch - these add no value are just there to give survivors a free way out 3. remove noed to compensate for 1 and 2.
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As soon as we can hook the killers too. Then you'll get your 4%.
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you know what other mechanic is given to killers for free? Bloodlust
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You must see some pretty normal comparisons if THIS is the worst. If anything, your comparison to corrupt being a hypothetical free gen finish at the end of the game is objectively worse. So I contend your first statement is a blatant lie. You have seen worse in your own message. Apples to apples versus apples to oranges, my friend.
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ds have a skill check. Killer should pass the same skill check before any hook also?
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If you count SoloQ that 4% chance already exists ;)
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This is the second post about this 4%. What's happening? Lol