Suggestion: Make Vigil a Boon-type perk

I suggest making Vigil a Boon-type perk.
Survivors within Boon's effective range recover 30% faster from Exhausted, Exposed, Blindness, Broken and other status effects.
Vigil is alright perk, it does not need any change. And your suggestion will make it garbage.
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yes a vigil boon, but it recovers even while running.
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That would be terrible
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Honestly, that would be a bit of a nerf. Not a fan tbh.
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I think it's better as it is. Booning requires setup and can be snuffed (and will be snuffed if you run the killer around the area it's lit, which is why non-CoH boons aren't popular), where Vigil's always in effect around the survivor who brings it and needs no setup.
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OK, I will bite. How would you feel about an exhaustion totem perk as well?
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It would be another boon that suffers from the fact that every boon except CoH benefits from being near chase areas,while CoH is better in areas survivors can retreat to.Personally I only ever use those boons along with CoH,I don't find them worth it without it.
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Buff Vigil to provide a 33% recovery exhaustion rate while running. It does not need to be made a boon perk at all.
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Vigil is fine, but I think there should be a boon perk that lets you recover from negative status effects a lot faster than Vigil, kind of like how Exponential is to Unbreakable.
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Vigil itself is fine as it is. There could be a boon with a similar effect though.
Exhaustion recovery while running should never exist however.
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Vigil could stay exactly as it is. That being said, it doesn't really null the chances and place for a boon that does something similar in the future
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There will be a boon like what you're suggesting eventually, guaranteed.