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Why do people care about "Good game manners"

Guys, who cares about what someone else says. If other people get under your skin because of "bad game manners" then maybe you shouldn't be playing dead by daylight. Something is "toxic" if you make it toxic. I saw a recent post that was like "I got stomped and someone said gg. bad game manners." Like how on earth is that bad game manners. Saying GG is very respectful no matter the end results. The sensitivity of people these days astonish me. It's just a video game! Ive played this game since huntress release and there is not 1 time where I was toxified (If that's a word) by someone trying to make me mad. I get frustrated if i can't catch a good survivor in a chase, but I have never gotten frusterated when someone was trying to intentionally be toxic towards me. I just don't get "game manners." You play the gameand do what you can to win, and at the end you say GG, and on to the next match. It's that simple.

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  • Member Posts: 1,187

    Don't get me started on leather face skins lmao. that was just ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    In game bad manners doesn't exist people are just too soft when it comes to that sort of thing but as for endgame chat toxicity it's uncalled for there's absolutely no reason to threaten or insult anyone because of what they did in a video game, I think some people just take the game too personal and treat it like it's their real life, like someone came to their house and hit them over the head and t bagged them

  • Member Posts: 333

    honestly i have no idea. just a few years ago, bad manners in gameplay was not bad manners but normal manners. everyone expected ppl to be angry and hate each other but it didnt matter. it's the internet and everyone is behind a monitor being a keyboard warrior. now this behavior can get you banned from some games you paid for. i don't know how it came to be.

    perhaps it's the result of making games more casual, user-friendly and less competitive? if you take a look at CSGO and DOTA matches, which are known for their notorious community, people are still 'toxic' to each other. then there's dead by daylight, a pretty casual game, where toxicity is acknowledged as a terrible thing and some players will literally change how they play just to not seem toxic. maybe it's a community thing.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    You always had idiots and will ever have idiots - especially on the internet.

    Some people - mostly younger ones - are hyper sensitive today. With everything. A lot grew up in a save bubble. A lot of them may have to learn that some things in real life don´t always go the way you want it to.

    But i also think some normal manners and decency have gone downhill lately.

  • Member Posts: 1,783

    This is kind of how I feel. I had a person send me multiple voice messages once, seemingly on the verge of tears and having a bit of a breakdown by the tone of their voice and they told me how awful a person I was and that I should be banned because I tunneled them for an obsession challenge.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    Yes, but you have to say that losing in this game can feel really really horrible sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 164

    Game's community is turning into league of legend

  • Member Posts: 169

    It's not so much the toxic behavior that bothers me, in general. Rather the lack of sanctions or means of response behind.

    IRL, someone who spends ~10mn trying to piss me off, or even insult me, during any game or sport will often suffer physical consequences that will put them in their place. IG, I can't do anything, BHVR can't do anything, and I can only suffer what kids would never dare to do IRL.

    Long live the end of anonymity on the Internet.

  • Member Posts: 685

    The only time it's felt all that bad was when the opposing side forgot (or never cared in the first place) about what I just wrote. I have been utterly demolished in this game on multiple occasions. It's a game and there is always someone better than you. As long as there isn't any of the toxic BS, I tell them "GG You played great!" and I mean it. I like seeing people play at the peak of what is possible. If I get mindgamed or juked hard-core, I'm usually smiling, because it's cool to see. If I get blasted because I did something dumb, hey it's on me not them. No reason to get salty.

    Now when people start acting out for no reason other than to make themselves feel better ("it"s fun" is making yourself feel better) , that's an issue. Negativity and toxicity is reciprocal. Just don't be a part of that cycle. When you receive it, ignore it and move on.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    I completely disagree with the notion of "saying GG is very respectful no matter the end result." I'll give you an example. The other day I was targeted by a killer specifically because I did not farm with them and my team. At the end of the match they threatened to tunnel me out of the match if they ever saw me again. Sure enough the very next match it was the same killer and survivor team. This time they played the cannibal and went after me specifically at the start of the match. They got me hooked then kept hitting me and let a survivor who was there to farm pull me off at 2nd stage so they could mori me. I didn't give them the pleasure of doing that. After the match they said in the chat, "that is what you get. toxic time!" They let me know for sure it was them and their intent from the previous match was clear. This is the very last kind of match or player I would ever say GG to and if they had said GG also it would have been anything but "very respectful." So no, you are absolutely wrong about this. A respectful match deserves a respectful GG. Nothing more or less.

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    I dont know why you should question good manners at all. I think it is pretty self explanatory why someone would expect that. Tbh the world is full of **** and there is a reason why there is a term like "shitstorm" but no "lovestorm" or equal. And instead of just growing a thicker skin and telling everyone to do so we could instead just be more respectful. just my opinion

    btw your post is kinda inconsistent. you ask why people care about good manners and finish with "say gg and move on". that toxicity is fine explained with a guy that rages on someone saying gg. am I the only one that doesnt get the red line?

    exactly. I think sitting in front of a monitor somehow makes people think they are invulnerable. this is not only in games but everywhere on the internet. just take the comments section of newspaper pages or something. you can compare it to the red button vs having to kill someone with a knife. same result, but with that distance you dont even know what you did, even though you "know" about what you just did.

  • Member Posts: 3

    Couse It's a part of the game to brake the rules and manners )))

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    We don’t say ‘get thicker skin’ anymore.

    We say, ‘toughen up, buttercup.’

    I say gg after every match. And just let the players reveal themselves to me. Some get all angy about the outcome. Some are chill and want to chat builds, challenges, or cool plays.

    Just because we experienced bad sportsmanship doesn’t mean every match should be treated with bad sportsmanship.

  • Member Posts: 1,187

    I'm sorry bro if people feel that they are getting bullied through a video game then they need to really check their mental state out. And MMR is the reason new players are leaving. If a new player actually went against a new player then this game would be much better population wise.

  • Member Posts: 504

    If you struggle with online toxicity I recommend playing for awhile with messages off(or friends only) and see how you do. It's easy on console and changes (Public-to friends only vice versa) are instant. I personally have used it while practicing blight and it's made it more fun and less of a headache.

    Not sure of a pc fix. Very sorry:(

  • Member Posts: 857

    I guess the survivors need just go suck it up when their Feng DC on her first downed because I used Spirit with Mother Daughter ring and brought 4 regression and slowdown perks. Killing everyone on 4 gens.

    I waS obviously having fun don't mean anything bad. The game was good for me. So it should be gg for them too.

  • Member Posts: 418
    edited May 2022

    I agree that people can be way too critical of other people's playstyles, and nobody is obliged to play according to some unspoken set of rules.

    However, toxicity breeds toxicity, and it's good to just be respectful towards other players. For example, killers can't be surprised when they get called "sweaty" or "try-hard" when they've gone out of their way to tunnel someone and get them out the game early on. Sure, from a gameplay perspective it's a viable strategy, but remember there's a person on the other end who wants to play for fun and has waited for a lobby only to spend most of their game-hitting skill checks on a hook. The same goes for the killers; it really sucks for a killer who's wanting to play for fun and gets continuously body-blocked, teabagged, and BM'd by a SWF.

    Again, none of these types of behaviors are against the rules, and nobody should have to play nicely just to appease others. However, it's just a vicious cycle because people then run boring meta-builds to counter these types of gameplay. As someone who mostly plays survivor, I try to shake up my regular build (DH, Iron Will, Windows, and DS) from time-to-time and run a fun, gimmicky build, but I pretty much revert straight back to it because those types of builds just get you killed easily. Again, on the contrary, killers will then bring meta perks (Pop, Scourge, Ruin, etc.) to counter try-hard survivors.

    People should care about good manners. Loading into the game with the intention of being rude and making the experience unfun for others is unhealthy for the game and the community. This is why I can't wait for base-game changes and the meta shake-up. The current state of the DBD community is very, very tiring and we just run in circles about the same-old tired topics (DH "third health state", NOED, teabagging, camping/tunelling, etc.).

    Also, anyone that goes into the end game chat and posts inflammatory language and slurs at others is just plain toxic and needs to get outside for some fresh air.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I understand why it's tempting to use a social macro like "everyone says GG after the game no matter what happened, and that means we were good sports," but human interaction is more complicated than that. If the way you interact with people is by copying and pasting the same response no matter the context, then you're missing a lot of the nuance in what's going on. And I say this as somebody who has 100% macro'd their way through social interactions before.

    It's much harder to understand how to interact with people when you can't just follow a set of rules, but it's also more meaningful.

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    Most game Devs have realised that the toxic arsehole demographic, while huge, is not enough to sustain a modern game. BHVR hasn't quite got that memo yet.

  • Member Posts: 1,684

    Saying GG after you camped every single survivor and tunneled for early 3v1 is definitely toxic.

    Saying GG even after you got stomped is respectful.

    There are differences

  • Member Posts: 442

    I think it was perfectly reasonable to remove an item from the game that was being used to represent racism.

  • Member Posts: 3,660

    I had a match yesterday where a Jake dced 1 minute into the match vs huntress. Did she care? Nope she camped tunneled and even tried to slug for the 4k. At the end she seem like she wanted me to open the gate and leave. Instead, she grabbed me off the gate and moried me. 😒why do people have to be so toxic in this game man. She was PlayStation as well, and I normally say ggs to the opponents win or lose but no way was I gonna say anything after that. Especially when I didn’t do anything to that person

  • Member Posts: 98

    I'm always nervous to say GG in the post-game chat. I feel like there's always a way it can be taken poorly. If I'm the killer and I sacrificed everyone, saying GG sort of sounds like I'm saying, "Oh, well, I won, so it was a good game." If I'm playing as the killer and I get completely massacred by survivors - in the sense that no one really got any bloodpoints that game - it seems weird to say GG because, well, no one really got the most out of that game in terms of an experience and points. I feel better saying GG when it isn't such an obvious loss or win for either side, but I still get nervous. My go-to, generally, is if someone else says GG first, I'll respond in kind. But then I get all philosophical and sort of wonder, "Well, what if the others are waiting for someone to break the ice with a GG?" or, "Is it right to hold back from spreading some form of positivity - however slight it may be in the form of a GG - just because of the fear of negativity?"

    Long story short, it's hard for me to gauge when a GG will be taken well and when I do say GG, I sort of just sit there and hope I didn't offend anybody. XD

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    Well for one, people often have the expectation to be treated the same way they treat others, to some extent. If you're in it to be toxic and someone mirrors your behaviour, it'll all be the same to you and vice versa.

    I had 5 games in a row with face-camping killers, and I mean literally them standing in front of you/body-blocking hook rescues. One of which decided to chainsaw me on hook non-stop from 1st hook until I died. I stayed alive for as long as possible so the others could do gens, just to see a teammate work with the killer and point out the only other remaining survivor, got them killed, then in typical DBD fashion got hatch themself.

    So yes, I consider that type of gameplay toxic. I don't think anyone wants to waste their leisure time on BS. They want to have fun. If they wanted to have their mood ruined, they could've just watched the news.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    I cannot have good manners based on my playstyle? I am being toxic by exhibiting sportsmanship, because you, LegacyColt, got offended? But you rejecting it is not toxic, no. You are just throwing a temper tantrum with dignity, of course. My bad!

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    Well considering the dbd fb page posted this little video on their page. i think the devs are only encouraging it. Yeah it's a bit tongue in cheek but why draw attention to tea bagging.

  • Member Posts: 1,187

    You are a very wise human. This is prob the only valid post here ngl. But keep in mind though (from a young persons stand point) video game courtesy and respect is so much differnt to irl. I hold the door, help with groceries, just general good manners is something that is slowly depleting over the years but it has nothing to do with a video game. Like after game salt messages and abuse is ridiculous I agree, but like people r saying that tunneling and camping and IN GAME mechanics r "bad mannered" when there are no "good" or "bad" manners in any video game unless it's dbd dating simulator then u def gotta hold that door for spirit.

  • Member Posts: 1,187

    But it isn't disrespectful to say it in that situation. Keep in mind saying gg to toxic killers pisses them off aswell

  • Member Posts: 1,187

    I don't get what you mean by saying I'm inconsistent. I was just pointing out people r so sensitive that they rage over someone saying gg

  • Member Posts: 1,684

    Based on your replies here on this forum, I can tell you’re a bubba facecamper.

    You saying GG after doing your daily Facecamping round is toxic and you refuse to admit it.

    Im not personally offended as I play on console and don’t see post game chat, I’m just talking in general.

    Try again.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    I've had many matches where someone would say GG and someone else took it the wrong way even though all things considered overall it was a pretty good match. I've also had killers say GG before when all they did was hard tunnel everyone out and hit them on the hook. For me, as long as the match didn't have camping, tunneling or excessive slugging then its probably worth a GG. I say GG in matches where I don't escape because the match was fun. It all depends on the person I guess.

  • Member Posts: 2,069

    Ah yes, if someone tells me to die, they are not toxic, i am just too soft.

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