SBMM not working, or it has an undisclosed dynamic floor value

Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

If SBMM is working properly, I should not be getting 0 or 1 kills every match. My rating should drop until my kills average 2.

Unless there is some mechanic that limits how low my rating can go (maybe using Player Level or Hours Played to prevent "veterans" from deliberately attempting to face newer players).

Even then, just because I play a lot doesn't mean I'm good at the game; especially when I main Sadako and don't use any stall / regression perks.


Before the "you should use regression perks and stop playing bad" comments are posted, isn't that what SBMM is for? If you don't play meta, you shouldn't face meta??


  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    I don’t think SBMM does too much. I play vs all sort of skilled players.

    I mostly play solo q. Killer sometimes. Playing solo I die 70% of my matches - yet there is no correlation between deaths and killer skill. Just pure randomness it seems.

    My take is that the problem is not the SBMM itself, but rather how they prefer short queue times with it which makes really bad synergy..

  • Hex_Rural_LTE
    Hex_Rural_LTE Member Posts: 16

    Record a couple killer games and post the videos here. You will get matched with better survivors sometimes to keep queues from being too long if necessary, but against the lowest skill level of survivors you're bound to run into people you can brute force with M1 into getting two kills. If you're regularly getting 0Ks there may be something about your play style that doesn't lend itself to kills.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    Yeah I don't think it works well in correlation with their matchmaking queues.

    Most of my killer matches are against full sweat squads that complete 2-3 gens in the first minute. Doesn't matter how much I lose, or which killer I play, this never changes and I continuously go against the same kinds of teams

    The only time it does change is on certain days, at certain times I'll be matched with nothing but babies that have maybe 6 perks between them, also unfun.

    But it's rare that I get a match where I'm like," I felt like that was a pretty even match."

    It's either one or the other, with the full squads trying their hardest to escape in under 4 minutes being the most common. It's made worse when you look at the fact that I rarely top tier perks. Usually just something like brutal and unrelenting with brown addons. Now yeah I don't expect to win a lot of matches like that, but I also don't expect to get the same types of teams running the same full top tier builds and playing as effeciently as possible every single match on every single killer regardless of how much I lose. Even though my friend runs full meta perks with iri addons every match and 3-4ks most matches, but gets average-bad players. Like just watching our matches side by side and comparing them is like night and day in terms of quality of opponents.

    Survivor is even worse. Like waaayyyy worse. The killers I play against, are usually really good with good addons and builds. Which makes sense, I'm a halfway decent survivor, so I'm cool with that. The teammates I get in solos though are nowhere near that killer's level though. I'm talking like stopping mid chase out in the open with no windows or pallets to try and self care with no med kit bad. That's 95% of my survivor matches.

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    Assuming you are actually getting only 0 to 1 kills every match and it isn't an exaggeration, then yes what you describe is fully possible based on what we know about the system.

    First, it doesn't have a floor for your rating, but it does have a floor for the purposes of matchmaking. The exact numbers might not be correct, but imagine you have an MMR of 200 somehow. The floor is 1100. You still have a score of 200 but it will put you at 1100 for the purposes of matchmaking. This would be if you literally get zero kills over and over again against every single person you ever face for some large number of matches.

    Second, your MMR score changes relative to your opponents. If your score is very low, matchmaking might not be able to find a game for you since matchmaking has a harder time at the top and bottom. It's best at the middle. Something like 70% of people are in the middle. If you get matched against people with higher ratings than you, your rating lowers, but not as quickly. The rating system may go, "Yea, I knew you were going to lose that one. Good attempt anyway!"