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get rid of myers’ ability to instantly mori people

sp1n4l_ssnap Member Posts: 12
edited June 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

im constantly getting matches with Michael Myer mains who have the insta mori ability.

i literally just got out a round and only got ONE THOUSAND bloodpoints because i got insta killed? like what? and its not like there is even a counter to it or an ability to know beforehand you can just be insta killed?? who even allowed that into the game? who said ‘yeah sure lets give the really fast killer a ability to insta kill healthy survivors with addons that let Evil Within III go on infinitely’

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Jirobeko
    Jirobeko Member Posts: 67

    Go straight to a locker if you are the first survivor to be chased by Tier 3 Michael in a match. If you are injured, jumping a window slowly will work as well.

    I don't want the last few thrills to be removed from this game.

  • BreadLord
    BreadLord Member Posts: 274

    really fast? myers is a 115 normal killer

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,705

    Also just sticking on a gen. He can't Tombstone you on a gen. He can wait until you're done but you just have to keep missing skill checks, and he will be forced to either grab you off or leave.

    I don't mind giving a Myers a Tombstone kill but yeah, not two minutes into a game lol

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I've talked about this before in the feedback forum. Myers is one of the more fun killers to play against but his tombstone addon gives him too much power in my opinion. I've had too many matches where my team simply doesn't realize he's in the match and before you know it half the team is gone before a generator is done. I know the counter to this is lockers where he is forced to either leave you in there or grab you out and hook you. The problem is I think most survivor players don't know that. Heck even I don't remember to use lockers most of the time against a tombstone myers. Maybe if the tombstone only allowed for it to be used once per trial it would be different.

  • Souplet
    Souplet Member Posts: 345

    Yeah lets remove the luttle fun this killer have left

    Just make him a m1 machine then survivors will be happy

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    problem is that you don’t know if he has tombstone.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,288

    Yes, Myers needs changes. They buffed him a bit a few months ago, but for some reason they did not remove his Tombstones or Fragrant Tuft of Hair and the Buffs also did nothing to lift him up.

    They need to remove the Tombstones and Fragrant Tuft of Hair and buff him a lot in some areas, especially when it comes to his Tier 1.

    But as it is know, Myers is just pretty unfair to go against. Not because he is strong, but you can basically never see him all game and get instadowned once he comes around a Corner or even insta-killed. Ghostface is more fair in that regard, if you get insta-downed by Ghostface, you were not paying attention, if you get insta-downed by Myers, the chance is high that others did not pay attention.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    It often doesn't take long before you realize he has one at least in my experience. I've had some where they could've activated it much sooner than they did but waited awhile. Those can be more fun but when you see half your team die very early in the match you go from gens to hide mode very fast. Its often a waiting game to see who dies first so the last person can try to make for the hatch.

  • Laurie268
    Laurie268 Member Posts: 576

    Tombstone piece should be nerfed imo, paired with J myers memorial you can reach tier 3 way too fast for how powerful it is.

    Getting killed 2 min into the match because a teammate fed him is not fun or balanced. Atleast the iri tombstone addon takes a long time to fill up so by the time he reaches tier 3, there’s only 1 or 2 gens left.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    I personally don’t mind the tombstone add ons. It’s the perma evil within 3 add on that shouldn’t be in the game.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    First off how did you only get 1k bloodpoints be it the tombstone or just the piece takes a lot to get it to tier 3 and if they had unlimited tier 3 even more so you should of got a gen or 2 done, maybe a couple chases, totems. So if they had both iri addons most times only 1 or 2 gens is left by the time you hit tier 3 unless your other 3 teammates just stood there looking at him which at that point is not the killers fault but your teammates, Also the iri tombstone lowers your speed by 9% at tier 3 and the "yeah sure lets give the really fast killer" made me laugh do you know how slow he is until you get out of tier 1.

    If the killer is taking a while to level up in tiers start to expect a tombstone piece is in play i.e 2 gens are done and they just got to tier 2, once your exposed and it doesn't go away after a bit then you know they have unlimited if you can work out the first one at least that its taken them a while to lvl up then smash out those gens and get out of there and try not to let him stalk you. All this is dependent on your teammates if they are feeding him because they are not looking around or they see him and just don't care.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    I main Myers, he is fun if you like stealthy Killers and mindgames because his TR is insignificant, unless your idea of fun is stomping without much trouble he is enjoyable to play as.

    Tombstone addons are totally busted and have to go, especially the piece, they break the game and punish the person who didnt screw up because the 2 first to get drained are the ones who dont get killed first.

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046

    I won't say delete it or nerf it. All I say is I hate short matches when I get a joke amount of bloodpoints and it's not my fault. It's the game's fault.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    Did i just have a match against you your name looks like someone that i just had a match with

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046

    My ign is not same like here. Also, I can't play DBD. It passed few months since the last time I have played.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    Now is that the addons are busted, the person playing the killer or how evil within is set up, you might have to stalk the first 2 and then a small bit of the 3rd to get to tier 3 you can't 99% and go back to the first 2 they are empty so your choices are hit tier 3 and try and find the first 2 and if your using a piece could run out by the time you find them or kill the person in front of you.

    If you could stalk survivors again i.e once empty after a while you can stalk them again that will allow players to go after the first 2 and kill them first for letting him stalk for that long but you can't, you can stalk a bit of each survivor to not have that problem and once 99% you can pick anyone but then you lose a lot off time doing that.

    The addons are fine as both of them have a downside if Myers is getting his tiers to quick then look at your teammates and not blame the killer, the amount of times a survivor has dropped a pallet and stood there staring at me while i stalked them it's not funny then someone else dies to a addon and complains its not fair. Well sorry your teammates wanted to stare at me after every pallet they are the ones punishing the person that didn't screw up not the addons.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    fair enough but yer 99% sure they had the same name as you so had to ask

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,870


  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,062

    Does being out of the line of sight in any way avoid his 'sapping'? Or is it a distance thing?

    I always wondered this.

  • Midori_21
    Midori_21 Member Posts: 724

    Only for judith's tombstone. Tombstone Piece + J.Myers Memorial you can get to tier 3 and kill someone in the first minute of the match.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    They are, you are essentially getting rid of at least 1 person bypassing any hooks stages and doing something thats not really that difficult, Piece+Memorial is almost a guaranteed kill in less than 2 minutes and without means of a save with flashlights or pallet stuns, 3vs1 so soon is almost always a win.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,204

    Out of sight is the only way to avoid the stalk. However, the farther away he is, the less effective it is (not like GF where he can stalk you effectively whether you're 10 feet or 1000 feet away). I've found that you have to be relatively close for Mikey's stalk to really be all that useful)

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    luckily when you die in game its only make believe... queue again.

    Don't nerf Myers because a few sore losers can't deal with loss, its a major failing on the survivor side if he gets his mori off that early.

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    Leave Myers alone.

    He's probably the most fun killer to go against for me. Because you just don't know.

    That's part of the fun!

    Working on a generator, looking around, and then OH #########! There he is! Standing off in the distance staring at you through a window vault or right outside the jungle gym your generator is in, close by.

    Is he going to be a jumpscare Myers? Is he going to be an instant death Myers?

    "What kind of Myers is this?" is a question you can ask about this killer that you don't really have an opportunity to ask about other killers.

    While he's a standard M1 Killer at heart you still have to be careful because if it is an instant kill Myers you cannot get caught by him out in the open.

    Hide in a locker.

    Slow Vault a window or pallet.

    Interact with a Generator or Totem.

    You'll get grabbed and either dropped or hooked, but you won't be dead.

    Myers potential to be as absolutely lethal as he can sometimes be is exactly what this game needs.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    I agree with the idea, but in absolutely no situation is it ever fun to face a tombstone myers.

    Get grabbed, die. I honestly can't see which part is fun for either Myers or the survivor.

    If this game NEEDS something really, is to get rid of this kind of unfun situations, and tombstone myers is one of them.

    It's nothing but "get 4 kills in a few minutes, and hope you didn't equip any escape cake".

  • sp1n4l_ssnap
    sp1n4l_ssnap Member Posts: 12

    he legit doesnt even need to injure you, without warning he can insta kill healthy survivors, it really needs sorting.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Sure they're powerful addons, and it's annoying to go against, but do you seriously go against Tombstone Myers that often? Or against Myers in the first place? I sure don't.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    Given that MMR is going to be changing to team-based eventually and it requires 2 Survivors be fully drained, it is actually very balanced. You must have a phenomenally bad team if people are getting moried at 4-5 gens and you'd be better off just getting into a new game.

    It's fairly easy to tell if Myers is running tombstone, they typically give off tells with their behavior, just stop having stare contests with him. You're at low MMR 100% if people are getting moried that early.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    Definitely this, Myers has some of the most unique add-ons in the game with several large drawbacks that are already added that REQUIRE massive Survivor screwups, they do NOT need to be changed.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 989

    Tombstone Piece is OP, but the Judith's Tombstone + Fragrant Turf of Hair combo is completely fine, and that should stay.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    That's on your team mates for feeding him stalk.

    God forbid people have to change up how they play in response to killer powers.

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    Plot Twist: You can go in a locker to deny him of his mori.

  • Walker980
    Walker980 Member Posts: 4

    This needs to be removed from the game. Insta kill shouldn't be allowed

  • espooked
    espooked Member Posts: 465

    I agree, I played with this girl who is a huge Myers simp, and she will argue with the wall about how fair it is that he can instant mori (bc she has fantasies about it). I think it's stupid personally and I don't like giving killers a kill that they didn't need to earn. Sadako gotta work her ass off for that mori compared to him lol

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    I think addons can have a significant impact on how much he needs to stalk, for sure.

    It still sucks when you're not the person who fed him. I had a match like that where my teammate kited him to me and I was the one who got mori'd 1 or 2 gens into the match with only a few thousand points because they fed him to t3 apparently. He had the purple tombstone piece so he didn't need much juice.

    For new players it probably sucks even more because the only way to know he has that addon is his posture while in t3. There's no icon that says you're able to be mori'd.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,934

    If he's not going for attacks and is taking awhile to get into higher tiers, he's tombstoning

  • Slingshot47
    Slingshot47 Member Posts: 158

    I'm a Myers main, and even I'd prefer if his tombstone addons didn't insta-kill survivors.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    I agree with the idea, but in absolutely no situation is it ever fun to face a tombstone myers.

    Get grabbed, die. I honestly can't see which part is fun for either Myers or the survivor.

    If this game NEEDS something really, is to get rid of this kind of unfun situations, and tombstone myers is one of them.

    It's nothing but "get 4 kills in a few minutes, and hope you didn't equip any escape cake".

    Also I wrote this comment almost 2 months ago and somehow it never got posted, but still got memorized in my browser.

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    So don't get grabbed.

    Get on a generator.

    Start cleansing or blessing a totem.

    Start opening a chest.

    Hide in a locker.

    repeatedly vault a pallet or a window back and forth.

    Start resetting a dropped pallet with Any Means Necessary.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,709

    with the tombstone piece it takes 17.5 stalk points to go from tier 1 to the first tier 3.

    Survivors have a total of 40.4 stalk points across their team.

    So you have to fully stalk 1 survivor and 3 quarters of stalk on another.

    Now with the full tombstone it takes 20 stalk points so you have to fully stalk 2 survivors.

    With the stone and the fragrant tuft it will take 30. So you have to fully stalk 3 survivors.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    That's not a counter though, it's actually worse, getting killed and going to the next game is much better.

    Because in the end it's not a fair fight, he will get his 4 kills no matter what happens.

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    That is a counter.

    He can't grab you for his mori with those interactions, the grab will be to carry you and after that all he can do is either drop you, let you wiggle free, or hook you.

    If he lets you wiggle free then just just jump right back onto what you were doing.

    You can literally keep him trapped and unable to mori you.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,218

    "Really fast killer?" Are we talking about Myers or Blight?

    "I only got 1k when he mori'd me" Then either you were not productive at all and/or you team thought that tbagging a Myers is clever. He needs to fully stalk 3 people to get both ultra rare addons to work (the Mori and perma tier 3) which equals at least 30s of stalk (more about 40-50s effectively).

    This is entirely your team's fault.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,218

    Just go to a locker when he goes tier 3. They even added a whole bunch with Dredge.