Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

This week's survey needs extra questions or options

E.g. "would you consider this a normal match - no farming or other unintended gameplay?"

As it is, if we're supposed to take a survey for 7 consecutive matches, and I get an unusual match, I have to either make up answers or skip the survey after that match.

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  • Member Posts: 6

    Plus, I feel like extra questions such as "were you playing a character familiar or new to you" would be constructive

  • Member Posts: 7

    So true! I also faced the problem where in 3 games I had a dc. It needs an option of "did a player leave your match?" or the unintended gameplay option too.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Yep I agree. I filled out the surveys and was hoping there would be more questions pertaining to circumstantial things happening. I do appreciate shorter surveys though for time sake.

  • Member Posts: 22

    The survey lacks questions:

    Was the game farming/friendly?

    Did one or more survivor disconnect? (if yes, follow-up for how many)

    Was one or more survivor AFK? (if yes, follow-up for how many)

    Was the killer AFK?

    Did the killer disconnect?

    If playing survivor: did you play solo queue or with friend/s? (Could have follow-up for how many)

    There's probably even more I can't think of right now. I'm unsure if camping and tunneling should be mentioned... but those do tend to affect "fun".

  • Member Posts: 8,324

    Agrees, the questions are way too vague.

    Maybe I escaped but it wasn't fun when the killer tunnel/camped someone at 5 gens and I barely got any BP - a simple why/why not to most of the questions.

    Maybe 2 of my teammates were equally skilled but the 4th player wasn't equally skilled and they basically sabotaged the entire team killing the match for us - would've been nice if it asked how many of my teammates were equally skilled, weaker, or stronger.

    The question of "did this match make you want to keep playing" I'm sure they will get a bunch of no answers but see the players did keep playing. They won't see the why which could be grinding the rift, grinding BP to prestige to get distinct reward, or just continuing to get the 7 matches/surveys done. I would've stopped after like 2 games that were unfun but I kept going because I didn't want to forget to finish doing the surveys/lose track, so I was mostly answering no but kept playing.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    First (fiiiiirst) game for the survey and I got 4k (points, lol) because was first chaser, first hook (3 gens left) then camped until death without any attempt of saving (pretty sure there was 3 swf who decided to not risk, they did all gens together). They got all 5 gens while killer was busy with me and... died because of No Way Out and NOED. Killer won this skill contest, I guess.

    I couldn't even answer the question about my teammates skills, I just don't know whether they good or bad. No option for "didn't get enough time to understand". I don't know how many information they have on their end but additional questions are strongly reqired. Or, at least, a comment section.

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