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Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe is Dumb

Current Anti-Hemp Syringe

  • Press the Secondary Action button while healing with the Med-Kit to use the Anti-Homer Syringe:
    • Over the next 16 seconds, the affected Survivor will passively gain 1 Health State.
    • This time is affected by healing speed modifiers.
    • The effect is cancelled if the affected Survivor loses one health state or gets grabbed by the Killer.
    • Consumes the Med-Kit upon use.

The Problems with the Anti-Chase Syringe

  • The primary issue with the Anti-Damage Syringe is the fact that it can be modified by any Perk, Add-On or Status Effect that can modify the speed of healing. This causes it to be extremely powerful when used with the Abdominal Dressing add-on, Circle of Healing perk, Botany Knowledge perk, and the Emergency Med-Kit item.
  • Another issue with it is that the add-on can be used with any charges to the Med-Kit, even those that are under the 16 charge threshold needed to heal a Survivor. This is a major problem since it basically circumvents the intended use of the Abdominal Dressing add-on.

The Solution: Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe

  • Press the Secondary Action button while healing with the Med-Kit to use the Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe, consuming the Med-Kit in the process:
    • Over the next 16 seconds, the affected Survivor will be given the Broken status effect. This timer is paused while the affected Survivor is running.
    • After 16 seconds, the affected Survivor will regain 1 Health State, and become immune to the Hemorrhage status effect for 120 seconds.
  • If the affected Survivor loses one health state or gets grabbed while Broken with this add-on:
    • The duration of the Broken status effect is extended by 60 seconds.
  • The Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe requires a minimum of 12 charges to use.

The changes to the Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe presented here touch upon the amount of problems that the current add-on has, namely the ability to stack with healing speeds, the lack of a minimum charge requirement to use, and the lack of a downside to using it. All of these are addressed in a manner to make the Syringe more fair and balanced when it's being used, especially in terms of being in chase against the Killer.

However, there is a definite reward to using the Syringe now that, while it is a modest reward, can be very useful if Killers are trying to run certain Perks or add-ons to give you the applicable status effect, hence the Syringe's namesake. The Syringe itself will still be useful outside of chase if you want to heal yourself, but have no one else around to aid you.

Would this sound fair?


  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,367

    Nah, now it works since if you are hemorraging you can still use it and heal while you run.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    • Press the Secondary Action button while healing with the Med-Kit to use the Anti-Homer Syringe:
    • - Over the next 16 seconds, the affected Survivor will passively gain 1 Health State.
    • - The effect is cancelled if the affected Survivor loses one health state or gets grabbed by the Killer.
    • - Consumes the Med-Kit upon use.

    I fixed it.

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    Honestly, just making it not be affected by any healing speed modifiers is a good enough solution. Your idea is just too complicated for a Survivor addon, I feel like. The whole charge thing is really not a problem with this addon and more like a problem with medkits and their other addons a whole.

  • Clockwork_Enigma
    Clockwork_Enigma Member Posts: 529

    The charge thing is indeed one of the bigger problems with the add-on since it circumvents the "healing requires 16 charges" rule that Med-Kits, and healing in general, have. I've decided to make it 12 charges, however, since it would be otherwise impossible to use with most Med-Kits and under most circumstances--but this does prevent it from being used on 16 charge Med-Kits with Abdominal Dressing, at least.

    As for the idea I set off with, it might be complicated, but it's a change that I think fits the Syringe more than it should. A risk-vs-reward sort of deal where you have proper risks (being Broken, can't run while healing), but also proper rewards (Hemorrhage immunity, free health state).

    I don't think the add-on itself should have a simple change such as "getting rid of the modifiers". If there's a chance to change the add-on, it should be a full force change.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,367

    The reason it works the way it does is because it DESTROYS THE MED-KIT. Normally, if you bring in a purple med-kit then you escape, you get to keep it, just not your addons. If you bring a White Ward, you get to keep it and both addons even if you die... BUT you use the Syringe, and the med-kit is DESTROYED. It's just gone completely, even if you brought a White Ward.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    Imo an addon like this simply shouldn't be powerful enough to justify destroying the entire medkit with it. I think the addon should just be nerfed and then just make it consume the medkit's charges and destroy the addon the way BNPs are consumed, but allow the survivor to hold on to the medkit.

    I also wouldn't be against designing it so that it requires 15 charges on the medkit to use (slightly less than a regular heal, but if it was 16 you'd have no opportunity to use it with a brown medkit since you have to start healing first) but then only consumes those 16 charges on use, and not the entire item. The whole broken status effect idea mentioned in the op would be sufficient for letting the killer know it was used, since that's visible to everyone (instead of the current method of noticing the medkit disappear). And I do agree that it should not be affected by other healing speed modifiers. So for example:

    • Press the Secondary Action button while healing with the Med-Kit to use the Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe, consuming 16 charges of the Med-Kit in the process:
      • Over the next 16 seconds, the affected Survivor will be given the Broken status effect. This timer is paused while the affected Survivor is running.
      • After 16 seconds, the affected Survivor will regain 1 Health State.
      • These effects are canceled if the affected Survivor loses a Health State or is picked up by the Killer.
    • The Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe requires a minimum of 15 charges to use. These charges and the addon are consumed upon being initially activated.

      The parts about extending the broken status effect duration if the survivor is hit and hemorrhage immunity in the op are unnecessary.

  • Megmain80
    Megmain80 Member Posts: 138

    Nothing is wrong with this one-time use add-on.

  • Clockwork_Enigma
    Clockwork_Enigma Member Posts: 529

    Except heal speed stacking, the lack of minimum requirement to using it and no risk to the reward it gives most of the time.

  • Kmcauley05
    Kmcauley05 Member Posts: 27

    right, all they should be do is nerf the anti hemo syringe to 'perks or status effects (boons, not add ons) do not decrease speed of usage. The You bring a dressing for your medkit and the anti hemo syringe? okay, you use that syringe and lose both medkit and dressing for one heal. that's fair as it means you need to collect more bp to get more medkits to keep using syringes. (btw survivor and killer main that uses syringes on survivor often)

  • Clockwork_Enigma
    Clockwork_Enigma Member Posts: 529

    So you're saying it's fair that you can stack up an Emergency Med-Kit + Abdominal Dressing + Circle of Healing to get off a 6 second heal?

    Regardless, I've been unfortunate enough to have had a chase extended further than it needed to be because a player managed to get that off, while in chase, directly after I hit them. There would've been no way for me to have hit them within that time frame because I wasn't playing a Killer that could actually counter it.

    So in theory, AND in practice, it's unfair.