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Thoughts on this easy way to nerf nurse?



  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,610

    Here we go again ...

    Play her.

    See how decent survivors are wiping the floor with you.

    Try to emulate them.

  • alpaca_boyyy
    alpaca_boyyy Member Posts: 188

    girl i do play her, and i eat up. perks like starstruck are too strong on her.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    I will upvote this in literally every nerf nurse thread it comes up in.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    There actually used to be one, but the mods removed it a long time ago.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Nurse is for players who aren't interested in playing a balanced game for both sides.

    It is unfortunate that there are so many things like that in this game. It really strips away the potential from this game. Old moris, old legion, old and current Nurse, Blight running any of his several busted addons, SWF, terribly balanced maps (for both sides), old keys, some boon totem spots, Dead hard (according to the forums, even though high level players all know sprint burst will just take its spot If DH is nerfed.)

    This game can't ever be fully balanced because it is a 4v1 game. But it doesn't have to be as bad as it is right now. It has definitely gotten better, but I feel like that is luck on the devs part more than understanding game balance, otherwise moris and keys would have been nerfed years before they were?

    A player/side shouldn't be able to decide that he/she will win the round basically before it has started, but that is what is possible if you are playing nurse.

    Also quite disappointing is seeing all these posters who probably aren't too great at nurse yet, defending her because they don't know what she is capable of yet. Yes, yes, I know. "If there is SWF then nurse should be in the game." Both are super busted. Does that mean solo players have to suffer, facing nurses with slow-down builds who tunnel first hook to death at 5 gens? Super common on my server (Korean server).

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 645
    edited June 2022

    It feels unfair to face a good Nurse because fighting a true paranormal being would be. True ghosts don’t/won’t care about the “physics”. That’s the point of mastering Nurse as everyone can’t take the time to learn her. Complaining about how unbalanced a ghost can be is like complaining about the amount of cheese on a grilled cheese sandwich. There can only be too less of the one good thing it has that makes it so good. That’s why even after the nerfs a Nurse can still be strong. Any more big nerfs would make her unrewarding to master, and ultimately undesirable.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,610

    Wait until you don't play against beginners anymore. Starstruck is quite easy to counter and the survivor needs to be hit in the first place.

  • DivineParadox
    DivineParadox Member Posts: 23

    Blight has an easier time to deal with Dead Hard than Nurse. Nurse also moves slower than Blight. So no, I am not ok with this.

    My nerf for her is to make the addon that removes 1 blink and increases the movement speed to 4.2m/s base kit, while removing the 50% charge time penalty. So it will basically be a 1 blink nurse.

  • SimplyPixelated06
    SimplyPixelated06 Member Posts: 469

    Yes! This is something I've wanted in addition to other little nerfs just to balance her out more.

  • Pr0p3r9
    Pr0p3r9 Member Posts: 111

    I still think that Nurse's biggest problems right now are her add-ons. Torn Bookmark, Kavanagh's LB, Heavy Panting, Fragile Wheeze, and Dark Cincture all need to get removed. Torn Bookmark's 3 blinks should never exist in this game without having a hefty restriction on it. The LoS restriction was really elegant, and I don't understand why they removed it.

    Nurse should also always have predictable cooldown and max distance. Nurse has enough lethality that she doesn't need KLB and Panting's mobility on top of that. The only mobility add-on she can keep is Campbell's LB because that add-on comes with additional costs.

    The cooldown add-ons aren't horrible offenders, but they enable too much slugging for Nurse. If Nurse wants to slug, she needs to accept that she has to make up for a lot of w-key distance first, but Fragile Wheeze and Dark Cincture ignore that.

    For now, I think that this is the best way to handle Nurse. As others have said, as the rest of the game becomes better for M1 killers, more chunks will have to be taken out of Nurse to bring her in line with the rest of the cast. Right now your proposed change will mostly reduce build variety for Nurse. It could maybe be implemented someday, but this isn't the right time.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968

    making the purple 4.6 movement speed addon after hitting someone basekit.

  • myers_obsession
    myers_obsession Member Posts: 552

    Sure, make her useless so survs can play gen repair and bully Simulator. 🤦‍♀️

    Can't stand this Survivor Main mentality. Play both roles ffs. You will see how hard it is for killers. While survs walk through the Match as they were dancing in a field of flowers. No I am not a Killer Main. I play both roles equaly since 2017.

    This thread is a joke. Can't take it seriously.

  • myers_obsession
    myers_obsession Member Posts: 552

    If I wanna Play with Portals, I choose demogorgon. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291
    edited June 2022

    My personal opinion on balancing Nurse is she should affect the map by making more line of sight blockers taller so you can juke her easier. I feel it's more possible considering the new killer Dredge affects every single locker.

    I'm indifferent about making her M1 not count towards attack modifiers but I understand where you're coming from. Just some builds not related to exposed won't work if that is changed in that manner. If you change the Nurse in this way you'll eventually fit Nurse into a cookie cutter build lineup where very few perks are even worth taking on her.

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163

    This doesn't work if your random teammates can't hold a candle to her.

    -inb4 something wrong with playing solo queue

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067
    edited June 2022

    You don’t get to have a free, easy escape with your 4 second chances perks against every killer. If you face a god nurse and your team makes zero effort to counter her, you deserve to lose.

    This thread has become a joke. Do you guys realize she has THE WORST winrate in the game ? And you either want to increase her skill floor by making her basekit power even harder or destroy her addons. Nobody would ever play her, even less than Twins the forgotten killer.

    If you absolutely refuse to learn how to counter her, run at her and suicide on hook. Stop trying to spoil the fun of others who actually play her and enjoy her. Nurse is a peasant who becomes a queen if you put thousands hours on her and that’s the beauty of it. We get it you don’t have that by holding m1 on gens and looping arounds pallets, but nerfing Nurse to the ground won’t make your gameplay more fun.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,583
    edited June 2022

    I'm not the best Nurse in the world but I can get things done on this killer with no perks that I know would be impossible on other killers. The safest pallets and loops are no good against her, so the only way to really "loop" her is by being unpredictable, sidestepping, breaking line of sight and all that. I know Nurse is a hard killer to master and that's why she has a low killrate but I feel like learning her is not that hard. Eventually you will get a handle on how to use the blink and you will get better results with her. She has some overly powerful addons and her Blinks are still counted as M1 so she even has good synergy with many perks that would not be so good on other killers. Honestly I think making her Blink an M2 would nerf her perk synergy but she would still be very powerful so why not just do that?

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067

    Prove it. Show us a winstreak video if you are good with her.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,583

    I just said I'm not that good with her, buddy. Why do you think EVERYONE considers Nurse the strongest killer in the game? She can literally go through walls for crying out loud! A good Nurse is not even in the same dimension as a good Trapper. You think Nurse isn't that strong? Maybe watch this:

    I know that this guy is one of the best Nurses out there but the fact that he could do this is a statement on it's own. Now tell me, how do you do this on Trapper, Doctor, Hillbilly, Cannibal, Myers or even Blight. Or any other killer on that regard. And that's not even the most disgusting thing you can do with her. Just think about it. Send yourself to Midwich with Starstruck, Agitation, Pain Resonance and Infectious Fright. A decent Nurse that would give the survivors a run for their money otherwise becomes pretty much unbeatable with this.

    Face it. Nurse is a problem for balancing. Because she exists the way she does now, some perks just can't get buffed without breaking the game.

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    First option :

    Base movement speed : 4.4.

    Teleport token : 1.

    Additional modules :

     (to be reworked)

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067
    edited June 2022

    I know nurse is the strongest (I have +1000h on her alone). But using SupaAlf who is a god nurse as a reason to nerf her is stupid.

    Do you know how many hours this dude has on nurse ? 100 ? 200 ? 500 ? 1000 ? 2000 ? 4000 ?

    He has more than 6000 hours on this killer, and has won multiple tournaments. Of course he can get huge winstreaks. I can too, I am very solid nurse, but the average player is not.

    The problem is the matchmaking, it’s too easy to get to max MMR as survivor or killer and then you are capped. God nurses (like SupaAlf) facing decent survivors is the problem. This dude is tournament level.

    Now :

    • you are saying you are not a good nurse
    • you don’t know how counter her

    So why does this thread concern you ? It seems you just want to nerf nurse because she is good. You don’t care that you need actual skill to make her work. You guys won’t be satisfied until all killers powers are in the hands of survivors like Sadako.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,583

    First off, thanks for the information. I did not know that he had over 6000h on Nurse and honestly that explains a lot.

    The matchmaking problem you mentioned is a bit hard to evaluate, don't you think? How do you tell your own MMR exactly? The only people that can do that are the devs and hackers. For all we know half of the players could be capped or only, like, 10 of us.

    The concerning part is that at some point with enough practise you will get good as Nurse and that is a game changer. Playing good should be rewarding but not straight up bring you on a whole different level, that no one that doesn't play this specific killer can reach. There are 27 killers in the game and they all should be strong. Would it be fair to introduce an early game collapse to help weaker killers like Michael Myers? No because then Nurse would benefit as well and get even stronger than she is now. I'm pretty sure no one on this planet thinks making Nurse even stronger is a good idea.

    That last part is pretty much the opposite of what I want to see in this game, because I play killer most of the time (probably 80% of my matches). I still hope that the devs will introduce something that makes killers in generell a bit stronger. But for that we would first need to nerf the strongest killers in the game a bit in order not to break the game completely. Making Nurse's Blink an M2 wouldn't make her weak. It would just stop her from making all exposed perks impossible to balance because weaker killers would hardly benefit at all while Nurse would completely break the game.

    And please don't get me started on Sadako. What a joke of a killer! I mean just look at her. She is a little child that can come out of TVs every 110 seconds. Great. She has NOTHING in chase, no real slow down, since the TV mechanic is just a gimmick and she is overall a weak as ######### killer. With the Dredge coming we get a better Sadako (really, what in the world?) one that will probably be a bit more of a threat.

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    My Idea for Nurse is to make her similar to Blight

    The Nurse now has a Non-Lethal Blink.If Nurse goes through a Wall her blink becomes Non-Lethal & cant down anyone.Hitting a Injured Survivor with a Non-Lethal Blink gives them Deep-Wound.Hitting a Survivor in Deep Wound with a Non-Lethal Blink will down them

    I would increase her Movement Speed to 105%

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,583

    Good luck buffing Trapper to that point. Because killers are very different in their powers we can't just buff every single killer to make killers as a whole stronger. For that we need some base game changes. Nurse in her current state makes balancing an absolute nightmare and that's why she needs some changes imo.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067

    Nerfing nurse won't help other killers. This game is not competitive, look at the history of perks, some are insane, others are extremely weaks. For years.

    And again, we are talking about nerfing the top % of nurses, because she is still the worst killer in the hands of the average player. Do you really think the devs are not buffing m1 killers because some dudes like SupaAlf are doing good on nurse ? For real ?

    Last time we asked for a Sadako buff they said they wanted to take their time, see the stats and not rush anything. So it's not top tier killers holding everyone back, it's the devs.

    Now for the MMR, you know you are maxed for sure when you have a very good winrate. I win like 90% of my games as nurse minimum, I don't even remember the last time I lost to be honest. But I have this winrate because I still face potatoes when I should not. Why ? Lack of high MMR killers + instant queue = bad matchmaking.

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163

    I stopped reading at the first sentence. Touch grass.

  • emetSdidnothingwrong
    emetSdidnothingwrong Member Posts: 305

    We should deal with the most OP issues in the game over stuff that just annoys a few people every once in a blue moon. SWF, map design, etc are all way bigger issues than losing to one nurse every week or so.

  • Arkmenhah
    Arkmenhah Member Posts: 68

    The way Nurse is designed at it's root is reason enough to hinder the power of a lot of other killers. Every killer perk that comes out has to be balanced specifically around her. If it's not, it could end up as being a very solid killer perk that becomes completely game breaking on Nurse. Blink attacks not counting as basic attacks is a good solution, but it is only temporary, and as new perks release, she would be back to mark 0.

    Honestly, the only way I can see this problem going away is by deleting her whole coding and starting again from scratch, but everyone, myself including, would riot because she's also pretty unique to play. But at least she's "balanced" by the fact she has a VERY HIGH learning curve and an even higher skill ceilling.