I dont think any perk besides DH should get a nerf

EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233
edited June 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I find it weird how other perks like DS, Corrupt or even Scourage pain is even put into the same category.

We know DH is insanely good at high level, gives you alot of freedom from I frames to distance to correct mistakes and counter basic attacks.

But perks like DS and corrupt are healthy for the game, both could realistically be base (with corrupt tier 1) people dont want to be tunneled out or have 20-60% of the gens done because 4 optimal players spawned on separate gens.

And then perks like Scourage pain which requires a down, securing a hook and on a specific hook which is rng placed for a small 15% regression which is 12seconds on a solo gen, 6.x on a duo gen. The perk may be used alot but it's not that strong.

Anyone else feel this way and hope instead of nerfing or limiting a bunch of perks that are good for the game they buff/rework the ones that are weak?


  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,613

    Well, if they change aspects about the base game, it would make sense to nerf the perks that affect that thing.

    IE, if they make slowdown perks less necessary, they'll also have to nerf the slowdown perks we have because otherwise they'll be too strong. A similar principle applies to any other perk that's healthy right now but may not be once the game changes a little.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,501

    Nope they all need to be to remove staleness. Healthy or not. The survivor metas been the same mostly for years. Killer actually shifts but its always the same thing. Stall and regression. So a base game shift along with reworking all those? I'd be one hundred percent for it.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    DS and corrupt are “healthy for the game” only as long as they continue to address issues that aren’t covered by the base game mechanics, which is something that needs to change. In the current state of the game, I don’t blame anyone for running either of them, but they really shouldn’t be as necessary as they are and they are just bandaid fixes to bigger problems. BT falls into this category as well.

    I obviously still agree that DH needs changes too though.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Well I'd be okay with that, the only reason gen defense is really used it so the match lasts for an acceptable time (this is more at the higher level) like they arent fun perks to use, but it's not shocking as to why they are used

    Its stale because you have so many bad and pointless perks, perks that stop you getting tunneled out or losing gens mega fast will always be popular until its built into the base game.

    However buffing a bunch of perks would widen the range, but atm alot of killer perks stop synergies or just are worth running. Same as survivors, while DH is broken things like DS are to be expected. Both killer and survivor want to stay in the trial, one doesn't want to die fast and the other dont want to lose gens fast

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Well the issue is the dev have no intention on fixing alot of core issues even when they have been brought up ALOT and they also dont wanna make healthy perks base and so perks become the band aid fix and to no surprise they're used often.

    Both sides have a perfectly good reason to run DS/BT or corrupt/gen regression even more so the higher mmr you go and the higher skill people get

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I mean at this point I don't know what BHVR will do

    But they way they took the stats seems a little sus (IMO)... they just said "oh these perks are used a lot" but without reaching further into why those perks are used in the first place

    Corrupt- gives the Killer some pressure from the start of the match

    Ruin- gives the Killer more regression and don't have to kick a Gen

    BBQ- gives the Killer 2X BP if they get 4 stacks... and it also shows auras of Survivors outside 40M... plus it takes a Hook to get so yea

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Well this is why I'm worried, I feel they may go "that's used alot, nerf it" instead of look at why.

    I think its pretty clear survivors want to live longer and killers want longer matches in general, that doesnt seem bad to me and honestly I'm all for that and theres so many ways they can achieve that and it be balanced

  • Elan
    Elan Member Posts: 83

    They said they want to remove the meta overusage. But understand the core of why those perks are needed. Answer is ez, because everyone bring the best to win. On the survivor side the borrowed time might become base kit as well as self heal or fully recover. Then the perks won't be so needed. As well on the killer side, if 3 gens are blocked untill 2 others are done (for example) then corrupt is not needed. I like healthy rewarding perks - Hook reliant perks, adrenaline, no way out... But if all perks have the strengh level of perks like alert, second wind or the new antipallet perk that would be fine for me. At least hope for rework of the most boring and problematic - corrupt, ruin, noed, dead hard, ds, iron will, coh.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,613

    They literally did, though? They made a point of saying that they're looking at why perks are used, not just that they are used.