The Dredge is amazing, i do however have one complaint

DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,762
edited June 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

You probably do not know this about me, and I'm not sure if there is a term for it, but i am rather sensitive to sound, and as such can get very distressed and scared by certain noises, specifically, human screaming, and human moaning, normally i can handle them no problem, sure i get uncomfortable, but i can handle that.

What i can't handle is ambient pained moaning and what i swear are crying infants when i can't see what is making those sounds, Nightfall fits the bill for triggering all but one of my main Phobias, every time i see Nightfall trigger, i go into full panic mode, it is the perfect blend of noises and visual design for making me crack from nervousness

Which is why i ask that the ambient noises get toned down a bit, Dredge's various sound effects are more then enough, i enjoy going up against Dredge a lot, i think it is the most unique killer from both a visual and gameplay perspective we have ever had, but i genuinely don't know if i can handle matches against him if i get a panic attack just because Nightfall reminds me of some of my worst nightmares.

Maybe i'm just being silly, but please, tone down the noises, it would go greatly appreciated by everyone who's hyper-sensitive to sounds

EDIT: I'm curious if the people who are telling me "this is a horror game, get over it" have played DBD for longer then 5 hours, because after that it stops being a horror game and starts being action game with horror characters, on a less passive-aggressive note, toning down the Nightfall sounds would also benefit the Dredge gameplay-wise, as the moaning sounds make it harder to hear survivors, so toning them down would both make it easier to find people AND make Dredge easier to handle for folks like myself

Post edited by DragonMasterDarren on


  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,762

    I really do hope that they add stuff like that, the only reason i can think of for why BHVR doesn't add it is because they're worried people would just turn them down completely to either hear survivors or the killer easier, but even then, it's not really a good reason

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,762

    I can agree that the sounds are very cool

    However, they give me serious anxiety, and i can't really play games that give me serious anxiety

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    I feel kind of bad for people with phobias. 🙁 It’s going to be a nightmare for some players if they ever do a spider killer.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 482

    Can't phobias be overcome though? There's something called "exposure therapy" which has been proven to work for arachnophobia...

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286

    I agree, there ought to be some sfx toggles. - Toning Nightfall and the other sounds that can be triggering down is one way to go. I can however see the argument being made that some people might just use that feature to tune down a whole lot of sfx to gain some sort of advantage from hearing less background noise. - Maybe the option to replace certain sounds would make sense. For Dredge dynamic noise might be an option; just as loud, just as distracting when it comes to covering up other noises - but pretty trigger-free i imagine. Also not exactly pleasant to listen to, so if you don't have an issue with the original sfx there is little to be gained from going for the trigger-free version.

    (And on a side note: the whole "just deal with it because x" line of argument is not helpful, imho. You don't tell a colourbling person to expect there to be colours in a video game and just deal with it either; you expect that key-colours can be clearly distinguished from each other by colourblind people as well.)

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598

    I get where you are coming from, I am myself having mayor anxiety problems, but comon after all it's a horror game 👻

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024
  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 5,997
    edited June 2022

    You are not wrong, the Dredge actually has a connection to the doctor in the lore

  • xfireturtlex
    xfireturtlex Member Posts: 419

    I feel for your situation, but i dont think itd be practical to make design decisions around those types of restriction. When the game is a bit scary or uncomfortable thats when its at its best.

    That said, i have something for you to try. When youre playing the game, be aware of your breathing. Make sure to take slow, deep breaths...almost in a meditative way. All panic responses begin with shallow, rapid breathing and that triggers a physiological response in the body. "Fight or flight" kicks in. Ppl with strong phobias lose control of this response and it spirals out of control. However, if you teach yourself to control your breathing, it wont escalate to the point where you lose control. Sounds silly, but i swear it works.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,851

    Sorry to hear.

    Wow, not looking good for Dredge- there is a thread on Nightfall bothering some people visually.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608

    This is like saying clown should be removed because of people who are afraid of clowns. Or removing trapper because of people who are afraid of balloon pops.

    It isn't helpful. It also isn't wrong. You being afraid of something isn't the same as a physical disability. You can overcome fears and discomfort. You can't overcome colorblindness.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Im sorry OP, I get what you mean. I don't have phobias anymore but had a crippling one as a kid, it resulted in me not being able to watch TV until I was about 12 (not so bad in hindsight I got into books)

    I don't know if there's much that can practically be done though. With a horror themed game there's going to be a lot of things that get to a lot of different people. There's obvious ones like plague and clown but people have reacted badly to elements that relate to twins, trickster etc.

    I think ultimately something would have to make a significant portion of the playerbase uncomfortable for it to be in line for a change on that basis.

  • Arkmenhah
    Arkmenhah Member Posts: 68

    While I do agree 100% with you, and would love to see acessibility options in the game, it is a fact that horror games, movies, books, and media are wont to prey on phobias and fears to create discomfort and the general atmosphere. DBD has this argument, but it is less valid as it is a "competitive" multiplayer, and a player like you that can panic without your general control will obviously enjoy the game and compete way less than the average. I don't think the "competitive advantage" for players "abusing" acessibility options is valid at this point. As for a short-term solution, lowering game volume doesn't help? It hinders gameplay, but may make it easier for you to ignore what's triggering you. And maybe try playing Dredge, who knows, maybe feeling that you are in control of things will help in dealing with it? It helps with some people, may help you, who knows.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,773

    There should definitely be a client sided toggle to reduce it or flat out remove it

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,903

    Can we change the name killer while where at it, it promotes a negative image. I for one don’t want be killed so if we could remove killer then I could play and not worry about being killed.

    As comically snide as it may be, I gotta agree with this comment.

    If DBD is triggering anxiety you gotta ask is it really the game for you?

    I play fall guys for the family friendly silly, I play dbd for the horror.

    FYI, I’d love there to be a spider killer, good horror plays on people’s fears that’s why it’s horror.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768

    The sounds don't bother me, but It's way too loud when playing as the Dredge.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    I have kind of the same issue. I have really bad sound sensitivity and the sound in Nightfall really bother me. The whispering and chanting irritates me (The same thing happens with Plague's whispers, which is why I don't play her as much) and the screaming and crying sounds in Nightfall trigger my anxiety, so I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack every time Nightfall is active.

    There needs to be some sort of toggle to lower the sound of Nightfall or just remove it completely. I hate feeling in distress every time I go against this killer, he would be very fun to face otherwise.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    It will never cease to amaze me how people can always find something even MORE insignificant to complain about than the last time.

    "Oh no, what if people don't like vomiting? Plague needs accessibility options!"

    "We can't have a spider killer in a game with a spider god that impales peoples heads, that would be scary!"

    "I'm playing a horror game, where I impale people on hooks, cut them in half with a chainsaw, and sometimes eat their face off. Sounds of people sounding sad or in pain is unacceptable."

    "I get anxious when I play a game where a monstrous killer is chasing me and trying to murder me."

    Honestly, don't play a horror game if you don't want scary or unsettling elements in a game.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    DbD is a horror game.

    Well, it's supposed to be a horror game.

    I say "supposed to", because I have to admit that after playing the right amount of games, from the survivor's point of view, it's more like hide-and-seek ... when it's not the killer himself who gets victimized.

    The only moments when you are startled are when you step on a trap, or when you play against a scratched mirror Myers.

    And as a result, the Dredged FINALLY brings some horror into the game.

    FINALLY, a killer who is something other than a human gone bad!

    FINALLY, a killer who is something else that is not human (the demogorgon and the plague were the first steps towards this loss of humanity, with the Dredge, we reach something really interesting)!

    FINALLY, a killer whose music is scary and oppressive!

    FINALLY, a killer who brings something unhealthy, creepy to the game lore and to the atmosphere of the game!

    FINALLY, a killer who is a little bit coherent with the word "horror":

    FINALLY, a killer that asks the survivor to think in a way that is less basic than: "Me go through window; me drop pallet; me leave this loop and go to the other loop. I win. Me so hard."

    Because let's be honest, if I take for example Legion or Farceur ... how to say ...

    So: very clearly: we FINALLY have a killer that most closely matches the definition of what horror should be.

    If you can't stand this killer, it's unfortunate to say but ... don't play a horror game.

    Because if you don't, what do we do with those who have a phobia of clowns? Delete the clown?

    The phobia of blades? Remove all weapons and give stuffed animals to the killers instead?

    The phobia of masks? Delete Myers?

    Puke phobia? Delete Plague ?

    Disease phobia? Delete Hague and Plague ?

    Bird phobia? Do we remove the artist and ... the game?

    The phobia of blood? Do we remove ... the game?

    The phobia of dead animals? We delete Coldwin farm?

    The Dredge is fine as it is.

    The night it brings down is not too dark at all, and the atmosphere it gives off is creepy as hell.

    Personally, I think the developers could have made the atmosphere even more unhealthy!

    And I say that having played against him !

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    (Something that has nothing to do with the game, because I read something in this thread about phobias that made me jump.

    Yes, phobias can be worked on. Hypnotherapy works wonders for example, if of course the person who has the phobia in question is willing to work on it. )

  • NITRAS42
    NITRAS42 Member Posts: 170

    Loud chase music is there for a reason. To help survivors. If killers could just turn it off, it would be so much easier to hear survivor grunts, breathing, and footsteps.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I never ceases to amaze me how callous a lot of DBD players are when even the mention of a potential accessibility issue comes up.

    To the OP: In my experience of trying to talk to people about accessibility in DBD, unless you're having an issue that people can visualize they aren't going to be the most receptive. It's sad, but it's that way whether you're on DBD twitter or forums. I don't understand why DBD is as bad as it is with accessibility features as it is and why there is such a vocal disrespect towards accessibility features in this community. Honestly if you want a better time with accessibility I would suggest switching to Evil Dead, VHS, or Identity V(If this is still around)

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 482

    I can't tell if this was just a joke, or if you're trying to compare a proven treatment to something insane like Herman Carter.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 482

    This would normally be an solid argument if it wasn't being made for a phobia, something that is proven to be defeatable with therapy. The response of "it's a horror game" works as a result, especially since horror tends to play off of phobias to begin with to make you feel fear.

  • Mozic
    Mozic Member Posts: 601

    I'm just teasing, mostly. I'm not a therapist and wouldn't deign to speak authoritatively about the efficacy of various methods of treatment, but offering it up as the solution to help people with audio/visual processing disorders play a videogame seems logistically fraught to me.

    What I can say is that pushing the responsibility for manufacturing accessibility onto the population with accessibility needs is not a compassionate approach to the issue. More often it comes from a privileged, abled position that does not want to be burdened by a responsibility to their fellow community members.

  • ZenithZX
    ZenithZX Member Posts: 43

    I just want the dam screams on Dredge toned down because they are so dam loud I can't even hear the Boon totems being activated; I don't know if its a bug but I'm sure the Boon totem sound going is off and is just being drowned out by all the moaning.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 482

    " I'm not a therapist and wouldn't deign to speak authoritatively about the efficacy of various methods of treatment,"

    I'm not a therapist either but I've heard that this indeed works, and phobias can indeed be cured. It's not permanent, even things like arachnophobia can be overcome.

    "but offering it up as the solution to help people with audio/visual processing disorders play a videogame seems logistically fraught to me."

    But this is wasting developer resources on something that can be overcome. Helping the hard of hearing, sure, but aiding phobias specifically is not a good idea. Not to mention that TC actually says that they're sensitive to human screaming as well, which makes me wonder why they're playing DBD, a game where everyone loudly screams upon getting put on meat hooks, which is a HUGE part of the game.

    I mean, I'm almost tempted to think that they're a troll, their post might be sincere(?) but with the strange logic in place, it makes me think they haven't even played the game.

    "What I can say is that pushing the responsibility for manufacturing accessibility onto the population with accessibility needs is not a compassionate approach to the issue. More often it comes from a privileged, abled position that does not want to be burdened by a responsibility to their fellow community members."

    So, to water this down: You're basically saying I'm not being compassionate and privileged for trying to "push responsibility" onto TC and people with phobias. And having the gall to go "privileged, abled position" and comparing phobias to uncureable conditions.

  • Mozic
    Mozic Member Posts: 601

    I appreciate the strength of your conviction in the idea that you are right and other people are unreasonable, but righteous indignation is a poor substitute for a structured rebuttal.

    I'm not sure if there's much for me to add without merely reiterating what I've already said, as your argument amounts to a shining confidence in the universal success rate and accessibility of behavioral therapy, anointing yourself the position to separate whose experiences are more or less worthy of accessibility assistance, accusing your peers of arguing in bad faith, and taking offense to the idea that this somehow fails to culminate in the image of a caring and considerate person, but I'll at least add that one of my friends is deaf and ultimately put the game down for absence of any support for her condition. She did not want to keep trying and failing at the game just to try unlocking Spine Chill (and did not want to be dependent on a perk just to compete in the realm of having anything resembling gamesense), and found the inability to hear sound check cues and the terror radius to be too unfair for her to play. She's never coming back to the game. Fortunately, she's got plenty of other options that do cater to her needs, so it is more our collective loss than hers.

    Is this an outcome that we can be happy with? Is Dead by Daylight a more successful game when we claim that some people are simply unfit to play it, instead of making an effort to welcome them in? Where do we set the standard for who is and isn't making an unreasonable request to be accommodated and, by extension, included? Currently, the bar is set very high.

    What would you lose by supporting the idea that everyone in the community should be able to be included?

    Or, I guess more urgently, what are you gaining by holding to the contrarian's position?

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    I just want to throw in, Epileptic mode please. >>

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    I have a phobia of cars, could we remove all the cars from GTA and rally games, please, so I can still play them?

    What I just said is certainly ironic, but it sums it up pretty well.