Why do you play killer?

It's difficult, its stressful and you get abuse. But ultimately, I play killer because I have no friends and I want to hurt those that do.
Why do you play killer?
Thrill of the hunt, most likely. I cannot quite put my finger on it. It's addictive.
Sadly, it has more downs than ups for me, thanks to our wonderful community.
Still trying my best though.0 -
I play killer because it's the harder role and because it's entirely about outsmarting/outplaying 4 other people.
Not to mention every killers ability and playstyle is unique not to mention interactions with perks, some perks are godmode on one killer and trash on another so i love thoerycrafting killer builds.
I do play SWF with friends and im a higher rank survivor than i am a killer and certainly enjoy both sides but ultimately im a killer at heart.
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I play killer, because survivor is to easy.
And i can make dumb things with pig.
And it works.Example:
NOED + Bloodwarden
Waiting in the open exit gates.0 -
I play killer when my friends aren't online or aren't in the mood to play and I enjoy the thrill of the hunt, and destroying hopes and dreams of escaping.
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Because it's illegal to kill people in RL?10
Mainly because i like to play both roles, not just one. Also when i want to farm bloodpoints.3
It is only stressful if you care about getting that 4k. If you ignore tbaggers and just play for fun without caring too much about the number of kills you get you'll not experience stress at all given the fact the survivors still have to run from you not vice versa. Playing killer can be fun as long as you don't become a sweaty boy. Sweaty killers probably almost throw up during the loading screen screen because they think their life is pointless without a 4k 😂. Sad creatures. Just play for fun, chase some people, kill them if possible and enjoy the game. Having fun isn't rocket science.
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Stress reliever for me even if i do bad, plus I just enjoy it overall0
The thrill of the hunt, the chase, the hits, the powers. Not so much the hooking, but I need blood points.
The chaos of what survivors will do.
To put together builds with the limited perks I have, and aim for other builds.
To see what survivors wear. To look stylish.
All in all, I want to try and give, and get an enjoyable, fair match. Sadly this goal is the most denied to me.
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Because I like Horror icons and I've always wanted to be a killer chasing and scaring people away (not irl tho, but I do have quite a thrill scaring people on Halloween)1
I want to see through the eyes of the beast!1
I like killing survivors
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I like the point grind, I like playing meme builds, I generally have fun as killer but I find it unsatisfying since good survivors will gen rush and leave the game in less than 5 mins and bad survivors will die on being hooked once.
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I play simply because I like playing the role of the monster. Ever since Dying Light Be The Zombie mode.
However Survivors on that game make the survivors here look like weak kittens.
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I play killer because I enjoy controlling the pace of the game, and giving survivors a narrative that makes them feel fear and then relief if they get away. That way it's fun for all of us.
That, and hitting a long distance hatchet is addictive
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I play for points becose off bbq and i like be this smarter one in chase.Just like mind game surv so he make mistake and end on hook.0
Honestly, I think killer is way more fun then survivor. I don't care what people say, It's more fun for me. So I play it.
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Playing killer is a lot less stressful for me, tbh. Survivor is super high stress for me and I used to love the adrenaline rush but now I'm not very interested in it.
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I like to play killers because it offers me a richer gameplay. Not just to hold down m1.
As a killer you have to outsmart and outplay the survivors and I like to do such things.
I would love to see a heavier emphasis on the horror factor of the game. That's why I love to play the hag. Her pop up on my scares survivors and you have to plan and think ahead with her.
As a survivor you either play genjokey or exploit the killers weaknesses. If I actively could fight or confront a killer it would be more fun.
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I play killer to smite salty survivors with my mighty weapon!
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I play both sides the same game just fun on both sides tho you get more BP for killer.
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Firstable bloodpoints, second I love being bullied
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Oh and the last one with friends same
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Killer really is stressful. but that's kinda why it's fun. You have to do things. You have to outsmart the survivors. The match is their's to lose.
As opposed to sneaking up to a gen, and holding a button, and tapping another one sometimes. If they made you have to find the parts of the gens the survivors fix, that side of the game would be more fun for me.
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I have no friends to play with, and I just find Survivor boring in general.
Most of the Killers I find highly entertaining (exceptions being Evan, Kenneth, Sally and Freddy), and I love to see the stupid decisions Survivors make, without needing to think about what I would have done (which is usually the same exact thing).
And I get to blow off steam without murdering someone IRL. So it's safe for everyone. (Please don't take this one seriously)0 -
@Larcz said:
I play for points becose off bbq and i like be this smarter one in chase.Just like mind game surv so he make mistake and end on hook.yea lmao.
Huntress with BP perks is very...
I use the BP to prestige my Nea and Claudette0 -
Because both sides are fun and it gets boring just playing one side.1
I like to play both sides but I’ve been playing killer more recently for three reasons...
You typically get more bloodpoints
I only have myself to trust, I don’t have to put my faith in my teammates who mainly act like potatoes
It’s more variety than survivor. Survivors are just different skins while all the killers are unique.
I still like playing survivor better because I like being chased more than I do chasing. I’ve never been that great at being the killer. I’m way better at surviving than killing.
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When i play killer, i try to play for fun... the only killers that i have a clue what i'm doing with are doctor and myers. The others... well... i will get genrushed.
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First , it's the thrill of the hunt .
Second , Atleast I get to kill people legally
I love music and art , mixing it with horror icons makes me wanna faint in ecstacy.
4th , It help destresses me ....well if there is no scumbaggy SWFers in plays ....F U!!!.
I also play Survivor , Jake Park specifically because we have alot of things in common .
Depression and The Pressure : We both don't like this things and we will fight it out ourselves . (Just hate DEMI who created the Memelord Genre of Jake ). Also I'm a lone wolf
I do SWF sometimes with a Dwight main who like RPing ...he sometimes crack laughs ...just hate it when he DCS for every small reason ...I still report him and he had like a 1 year ban last year because I reported him hahahah .
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The points are yummy. When I play killer, that's the main reason I do.
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@fluffybunny said:
The points are yummy. When I play killer, that's the main reason I do.M2.
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Its easier to only rely on my own abilities and not worry about my teammates. Don't have any SWF friends so playing survivor gets tiring.0
@JawsIsTheNextKiller said:
I play killer because I have no friends and I want to hurt those that do.Exactly that. I bet all these demons have friends, families, loved ones, a girlfriend much hotter than I can ever hope for. I bet they regularly come together, having "FUN" (ugh...), I bet they walk through life gracefully and carefree. I bet they don't live in their parents' basement like I do.
They don't know my pain. My sacred duty is to make them feel it.
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I bought this game to play killer. And honestly, if you find killer stressful you probably shouldn't play it. I haven't felt bullied, abused or stressed in this game after my first 100 hours or so at all.
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When I try and play survi or I'm just a killer magnet that gets camped. I just do gens and try and loop, emphasis on try is all.I also kinda hate my escape hinging on 3 random peopleAs killer I can basically decide my own rules as I play and it's more relaxing since I really don't care about kills. Oh and I get to play Michael Myers0
@JawsIsTheNextKiller said:
It's difficult, its stressful and you get abuse. But ultimately, I play killer because I have no friends and I want to hurt those that do.Why do you play killer?
I cant stand holding M1 half of the match. If survivors will get some meaningful gameplay besides looping, then I will switch to survivor exclusively at any time
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Because that chainsaw, babeh! Woohoo!!!
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Because random selfish teammates are unreliable AF and can go die. (Oh wait, your telling me that I can be the one making them die? Sign me up!!!!!) That's why asymmetrical games are great. Supporting the multiplayer and single player side of the player base.0
All survivors must die0
I miss Evolve...
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I like beig the villain, I enjoy the satisfaction of domination and terror. Devour Hope is my favorrite perk because of this, that surprise they get when they go down in one hit, that terror they feel when I get 5 tokens and shove my blade deep inside, it's awesome
And who doesn't laugh when you get idiots swarming the hook against a Leatherface XD
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A break from playing with players who are struggling or are weaker at the game primarily.
Secondarily to get in my opponets head and be exactly where they don't expect me. Stealth killers primarily are the main fun in the game for me.
Thirdly points farming bp with killer is often superior to survivour and that means i have more perks to play around with for both my survivours and killers. I reckon i earned 3/4 of my total bp invested in survivour from killer that i have invested in survivour.0 -
I play killer because its so much easier to do well and get alot of points as opposed to survivor. Plus killer wait times are literally instant as opposed to survivors who have to wait anywhere from 5-15 minutes just to get dodged lol.0
I like playing with the different types of perks and seeing how they work. An example of this is running Hex: 3rd seal, Thrill of the Hunt, Ruin and Haunted ground. Running different builds like that make it fun for me. Once I get to the higher ranks thou, I sorta go a little try hard and I don't like that. I like having fun and occasionally facing difficult people. Not facing people who message you that you suck even though you beat their whole team...with Freddy...with Overcharge..for fun.
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I like scaring people, bonus points if their heartbeat ticks up and they scream IRL. Even if they don't die in game, the thrill that they may be screaming somewhere is good enough. For the times they aren't screaming though, I think its just some kinda born with it talent. Like you have those who will be hunted and those who will do the hunting. I like doing the hunting. Making people panic, making people stress out, sweat, making peoples adrenaline kick in IRL. I can't do those things as a survivor. So I play killer. I even have a compilation that I haven't finished editing featuring all the streamers I've made scream. Its a jolly ol time.