i love having pride charms. they’re so cute :)
can’t wait to run this, i mean; after all— bhvr wants to tell lgbtq2s+ stories, this just solidifies the fact.
if you’re bothered by a rainbow bird, perhaps reflect on that & think before you post, because quite honestly, people are still going to be gay, trans, bi… the community has existed throughout history. we just now get to hear our stories. us being visible is not going to hurt or erase anyone in anyway, theology or not!
especially when the game you’re playing is literally committed to allyship as well as maintains a large queer playerbase.
happy pride month<3 be proud of who you are & never compromise that for anyone. i hope wlw gets the same rep mlm gets :D
Feathers of Pride Charm Available (Code: CAWCAW)
Ahh.. good ol' Pride Month.
Making the Homophobes pressed and stressed for a whole month every June.
We not going anywhere bb. Better get used to it <3
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i love having pride charms. they’re so cute :)
can’t wait to run this, i mean; after all— bhvr wants to tell lgbtq2s+ stories, this just solidifies the fact.
if you’re bothered by a rainbow bird, perhaps reflect on that & think before you post, because quite honestly, people are still going to be gay, trans, bi… the community has existed throughout history. we just now get to hear our stories. us being visible is not going to hurt or erase anyone in anyway, theology or not!
especially when the game you’re playing is literally committed to allyship as well as maintains a large queer playerbase.
happy pride month<3 be proud of who you are & never compromise that for anyone. i hope wlw gets the same rep mlm gets :D
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Praying lesbian, trans, enby, bi, and pan rep too (and also, aro/ace characters, yes please)
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I would love to see Yui or Claud as ace.
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It has come to my attention that this charm is based on
from the DbD discord server.
There is potential for more birbs in various patterns/designs.
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highkey I see Yui as lesbian or some kind of fruity, her lore (and the overall lore of her chapter) is all about disobeying traditions, finding that one group of people that support you with the help of one family member as the rest try to push you down. and claudette is definitely either aro or ace, i headcanon that hard
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gay man crow gay man crow gay man crow gay man cro-
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Almost like a lot of work to implement something small like a rainbow bird that's not needed
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Why does the Gay Little Birb bother you answer quickly
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Ah yes, 'cause modelling a small static bird is so much work, opposed to programming an entire system to stop a single someone from seeing a single small, static, unnecessary bird.
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Glad to see BHVR stand behind the idea of pride -- which is being proud of who you (or their customers) are, and not trying to hide it away for someone's false idea of comfort, reinforcing their bigoted values.
Now, I could really use a demi, pan, or bi birb charm. <3 But I do love the rainbow.
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Idk, why do we need a rainbow bird?
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It would just probably be a boolean value, if clicked, then turns charms off, tada
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Representation is pretty neat
so are birbs
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Oh, it's so cute ! And isn't just "ah yes, a gay/pride flag." Clever idea.
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Why do we need any charms or cosmetics?
Think of the last time you did anything that was not specifically dedicated to your job or literally eating just to stave off death by starvation and ask yourself "Gosh, why did I even need to do that?"
Things can just be, for the sake of being.
Sometimes nice cute things, can just be nice cute things. Just like how insufferable bigots like you and Katemain, are just insufferable bigots.
13 -
Why not? It harms nobody, helps people show pride, and is incredibly cute. The only people it harms are already on this thread crying about how they feel discriminated against because of their unaccepted homophobia.
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Cosmetic team =/= lore team =/= balance team
You can't get a bunch of artists and tell them to reprogram the game, like you can't get a bunch of programmers and tell them to draw compelling work.
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Yeah, I guess that's true, I forgot about that, sorry for coming off like a jerk but the guy before didn't really explain it in a polite manner
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chill my god
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Why focus on a charm in DBD when you need balance changes to your personality apparent biases.
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Lord give me the confidence of a gamer who has never developed on a distributable product.
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What about the skeleton bird charm? 🤔
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I certainly don't want to discourage you from continuing your journey to better yourself! To that end I'd recommend taking some time to meditate on why framing the addition of a pride-themed cosmetic as a frivolity could incline others to assume bad intentions on your part and respond in kind. You might believe that you're just asking innocent questions, but ignoring the obvious context at hand is intellectually irresponsible on your part.
That context, to be clear, is the general miasma of sealioning that happens regarding the topic of inclusivity in gaming spaces any time it's the topic of the day. Regardless of what convictions you hold in your heart, how you present yourself is how you are, and should be, perceived.
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I feel I was being quite restrained
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You were.
notice how they didn’t tell the one that actually threw a fit here to chill.
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Frankly much more effective than what it took me a paragraph and a half to say. 😛
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He was showing incredible restraint.
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given your... later comments, i would assume you were too.
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Yeah but you were definitely trying to escalate things. Just ignore this guy, he won't change his mind. It's just going to devolve into the comment section being an entire arguing grounds, which it eventually did. Be the better person and ignore this guy.
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Why do we need any charms? Why do we need perks? Why do we need DBD?
This argument doesn't do what you think it does.
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why should we be the bigger people and ignore someone who is actively spewing hatred towards LGBT+ people? why should we just accept that and rise above it?
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Remember that time DBD twitter just blocked anyone that commented negatively to an LGBT+ tweet they made. I really enjoyed that stance by them.
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Just fell to my knees and screamed I need this bird in the game so badly...BHVR please...please let me have a gay bird army I'm begging.
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they still do and its very nice to witness
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I'm so happy they still do. I want to send the Twitter people a cake as thanks for doing their part in removing those types from the community.
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Holy, I have never given out so many upvotes.
I also know nothing about LGBTQ+ culture or if I'm even writing that right, but I do know I will be using this bird charm every damn game.
Because it's adorable.
And the idea that it pisses off some people who don't like seeing rainbows brings me such visceral joy that I cannot even begin to describe. It's gotta be right up there with the joy I get from survivors DC'ing on last hook, knowing they're giving up all those BPs.
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These threads alway get all the replies lmao. When are we gonna get a charm of Maurice tho?
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Dont give them that idea or we'll see a charm of his decapitated head 💀
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Because these people will obviously never change their mind, and the best thing to do is ignore them, instead of adding fuel to the fire and making the entire comment section devolve into an argument.
These kinds of people usually have their mind dead set on something and don't want their opinions changed, especially since he decided to comment what he did in this post of all places.
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Genuinely surprised this thread hasn't been closed yet
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Too many cute and colorful birbs, can’t be closed
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While this may sound reasonable and all we really should not let those people get away with being so disrespectful. They gotta learn they can’t just throw hateful comments around without any kind of repercussion. Otherwise they might think they can go even further and further when no one speaks up.
also it’s just funny when they backpedal and contradict themselves.
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I would rather try to help change people for the better than not do anything at all. We may not like homophobes, but people can change and we can do our part to help them out of it, but obviously it’s up to the person if they want to change.
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Omg that hat looks like an orange slice being badly photoshopped on the head! I love it
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Oh definitely this too!
some homophobes aren’t outright hateful people after all and might not even realize how destructive and baseless their homophobia is or might not even know that they even are being homophobic due to cultural or parental influences etc.
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My magpie friends are super-jelly.
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We got a Maurice charm in the Tome 5 rift, but I'd totally take another.
There already is a decapitated horse head charm from Tome 3 rift, I don't want any more. 😬
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I just wouldn't try to waste my time on someone who 8 times out of 10 (made up probability) will most likely just not change their views on something. Reminds me of when other people try to argue with other people about politics, but most of the time it ends up with people with the same views and everyone just angry.
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I can see what you mean, especially coming here to a thread about a pride charm and trying to obviously make conflict.