Dredge's Nightfall wrecking havoc in SoloQ.

Basekit Dredge is balanced, but one of his abilities is way too effective on SoloQ and acts like a crutch.
I don't mind it at all if it only happens occasionally, but when you're in soloQ, a lobby that has no means of communication while every other minute the game covers your eyes just to make you feel nervous, it actually makes everyone panic and lose control. It's practically free hits for 60 seconds. My teammates instantly stop moving like a deer in a headlight and some just crouch in the corner waiting for 60 seconds to end. It makes the game come to a standstill, and it annoys me a lot.
Well that's not an issue with the power but with the survivors.
Iv had no issues and I'm having fun, certainly made other perks more useful during nightfall. Windows of opportunity becomes god tier, but nightfall doesnt stop tiles/loops, gens or anything in the trial and if you team iant doing them it's on them
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Yeah but have you tried playing SoloQ lately? It's not exactly Competitive DBD. The SoloQ MMR is a mix bags of Good and Bad players, and if one player starts to exclude themselves for 60 sec. you practically lose faster.
And its the darkness that's the problem, I can predict Killer movement and how to run tiles, but they don't.
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Solo Q is all I play, and I'm fully aware there are bad players but they will be bad regardless. I have people not doing gens and no matter the changes made that will always exist and that's not a lack of info or string killer that's just a player issue of some solo Q teammates
I'm use to carrying in DBD, being doing it for years so I see no difference and with SBMM it's been made easier but when it comes to dredge I haven't lost yet versing him.
Nightfall is fun imo, and it's nice having a killer that isnt really weak
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Since all your aura readings (except for reading the killer) are still working while Nightfall, there isn't any issue at all.
I think you overreacting by saying "oh everyone panics And Its free hits for the killer".... Yea, if you are in low MMR I quess.
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Speak for yourself. My SoloQ games against Dredge have been quite positive until now. Sure, some with chaos but that's not exclusively happening against Dredge, that's a generel issue in SoloQ.
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Nightfall at end game is pretty rough. I had a Dredge get a 3k using it with NOED - he downed/slugged 3 teammates before doors were open, I was only one to escape.
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This isn't really an issue with his power as much as it's an issue with soloq in general. There's plenty of survivors who will just hide the minute they hear the TR or lullaby.
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He still wouldn't be weak if we revert him back to pre buffed nightfall, and its not just about carrying the game, its about having less control of the situation, would you really want to play with SoloQ players who camps pallets for 60 sec cause they're injured?
Not everyone equips aura reading perks and not all SoloQ players remember tiles or exit gates and there's always 1-2 bad players per lobby.
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exactly but camping a pallet seems more prevalent now that they can't see anything. its hard to tell em to finish the gen and i'll take a hit instead of running away.
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Iv been playing this game since its release, I have seen far worse plays than people camping pallets π
It's quite common to have 1 dead weight in my games, I'm just enjoying a killer where he isnt so easily beat but not OP or oppressive.
I feel he has lots of counter play and hes not hard to spot with him glowing white pretty much, I honestly prefer the changed to nightfall the ptb version was a pointless feature while this has a use and adds abit more fear.
It's still new, people will adjust and good dredges will climb the SBMM and you wont verse as good ones
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Sad to say he isn't exactly glowing white anymore, and its not that they'll climb the SBMM, some of them will stay at the low to average MMR, and if he does a lot of damage there, its even sadder to say, He's going to get nerfed, Big Time. This is a precaution already.
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Balancing for the lowest common denominator creates worthless powers and severely undertuned killers. The answer is to buff solo queue up to snuff, not to nerf everything they face (and promptly leave them helpless against comms.)
Decent teammates will still function during nightfall, solo or not.
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This argument could be applied to literally any killer in the game. Dredge didn't make SoloQ any worse. You'll always get survivors who will throw every pallet in existence at the mere sound of a killer TR, or survivors who will UE into a corner and hide until everyone else dies so they can go for the hatch, etc, etc.
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Well then the killer will die and not be played, like alot of killers they are held back because you do get those players in solo Q.
I'm not sure what they can do, I personally think hes in a great spot especially if they still plan to add all those solo Q buffs.
You win some you lose some, just the way it is with solo Q DBD and I feel that's more of the fun. Doing swf and winning every game dont seem fun to me but I still think that's a player issue not a power issue
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That's what we've been pushing for months, but there's hardly any work being done aside from basekit changes. We need better Comms.
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Don't be so dramatic, He's an anti loop killer with 4.6 speed and can teleport to lockers, its hardly possible he'll get any weaker against SWF, They have comms soloQ doesn't.
It's just oppressive to SoloQ cause they have no comms, free undetectable and you can't see anything.
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You are aware they are gonna buff solos closer to swf level right? That's why I was mentioning it.
And sorry I'm speaking from my perspective and currently, if I play killer I'll verse very good players where even strong tier skillets can struggle and I have still yet to lose verse the dredge.
I'm just saying he dont need a nerf because people decided to hide, that's a player choice and people do that regardless of the killer. People still hide every time they hear the terror radius even if the killers in chase, doesnt mean all killers need a nerf.
Hes not been out a week, people need to learn and adjust. Iv versed quite a few and still not lost so hes not that strong
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Not every killer has a Global range ability that blinds players and triggers every other minute, that's twice the map control a normal top tier killer can get, not to mention its basekit tinkerer.
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Yeah sure, but i won't get my hopes up on SoloQ buffs, its just basekit changes, no comms.
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God I'd hate coms, hearing people moan, cry and insult people would not be a nice experience.
Those basekit things will really improve efficiency though, youd know if someone gets of a gen to get the save etc.
Will casual players take advantage? Probably not but it's there and high SBMM will be more pain for killer π and that's why I play survivor lol
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Me and my solo teammates are doing pretty good against him so far
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"The ability that disorients and confuses the survivors is causing my teammates to be disoriented and confused. BHVR please fix."
Honestly? I think we need to nerf wraith's stealth. My teammates cannot handle it and just hide. But the Wraith finds them anyways and then chases them around. His stealth just destroys soloQ where I can't tell my teammates where he is. I think making "The Beast" - Soot basekit would be good. Hopefully they removed the Dredge undetectable AND the reduced vision during nightfall, so he can stop winning in soloQ so much.
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Not exactly Voice comms, i'll be glad if we have a ping system or call out system, either way if it works, it works.
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They actually did Nerf Wraith, If the same thing happened to a C tier killer, the same will happen to an A tier killer, It's not the killer that's the problem its the crutch. Blinding other people's POV is a crutch and not a determining factor for skill.