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Is fall 2021- summer 2022 the worst period of dbd ?

Souplet Member Posts: 345

Trying to be objective there

I remmember spamming the game last year as a survivor with my friends but also solo as a killer. Queue times were similar and there were times when we taged faster as a 4 swf than i taged as a killer. Game was fun and not everymatch was a sweaty one, this is what made us come back over and over again

Then the RE chapter got out and it was a blast, really fun (rpd was disabled at the time)

Then sbmm was announced and ready to launch, many people at the time thought it was a good idea, it wasnt

We quitted playing alltogether. I came back playong alone 1 year later after sadako got out and then i realized how game wqs different from what i left

75% dh, only meta perks, gens being done in couples of minutes. "Ok then lets play a bit of survivor"

4 regression stacking to try to stop gen "rushing". Hard tunnel, only A+ tier killers

On top of that, new killers were either not fun (artist) or garbage (sadako), i only enjoyed pinhead

Then the boons problem added some salt on top of that. The new map being atrosciously survivor sided

When i checked the player count at the time on steam, it was catastrophic and i noticed people stopping the game at the same time as me and my friendd did then pick it up again in may and notice how game went downhill

The thing that is bothering me the most is behaviour is always going for the bad decisions. Its like our feedback dont and never mattered. Look back at the new ui. They were so proud and stubborn that they didnt change it based on firsts feedback, even so it was obviously terrible

But now, good luck trying to repair one year of bad decisions...


  • _AdamFrancis_
    _AdamFrancis_ Member Posts: 698

    BHVR need to start dishing out more QOL updates and stop trying to delay them for future updates. They really need to stop being so smug as that won't get them anywhere. We also need them to listen to the community. Stop making balance changes when you know nothing about your own game. This is what the fog whisperer program should be. The fog whisperers should be the ones to tell BhVR how to balance the game, as they are the only ones who play the game at a high level.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It wasn't as bad as The Dark Times, which I popped in at the very end of

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Let's say in term of "trends", yes.

    In general terms, no.

    Like @Pulsar said, dark times where way worse with the infinites, insta Mori, unbalanced killer powers and survivor perks and map generations.

    Since then the game went closer and closer to balanced but SBMMR was implemented without further keeping the course and then came things like some specific killer nerfs, boons, map reworks and so on and it feel like the gap balancing wise is widening again.

    So not the worsed but they had to step on the brakes for the ongoing trend and finally buckled with the upcoming changes.

    It remains to see how much those changes will align with the wishes of the community and how satisfying they will be or if they end up lackluster or straight up detrimental like some changes in the past made by bhvr have shown to be.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,967

    Worst period yes the resident evil chapter made the game borderline unplayable on console

  • Kuinzu
    Kuinzu Member Posts: 134

    I mean, after Stranger Things was removed, DbD just felt like it went downhill for me.

  • Metronix
    Metronix Member Posts: 226

    Thank you very much kind Sir, I will now put these glasses back on. There are some scratches on them, but it'll do.

  • Bloodartist
    Bloodartist Member Posts: 124
    edited June 2022

    Sadako is superfun. She actually got me back to playing the game after essentially 2 year hiatus, and when I hated the game enough to hide it from my steam game directory. The game is still #########, but at least Im temporarily having fun.

    I played the snot out of Nurse when she first came out and everyone thought she was garbage. I did the same when Spirit came out. Now Sadako... Im sure that same pattern will repeat unfortunately and the devs will eventually nerf Sadako to unplayable status. At first these complex killers will be thought terrible, their full potential will be discovered, then devs will nerf them due to toxic entitled survivors. Always the same thing.

    OT: I do agree with the topic. This was one of the worst times in DBD history. Much of it has to do with the way devs treat the game.

    ps. I mean, sometimes the devs hit some gold nuggets. This sort of things shows they still have cool ideas.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    there's literally nothing to nerf about sadako she's accepted by both sides as one of the worst killers in the game if not the worst (yes i think trapper and clown outshine her or at least are more fun to play than her) plus there's more complexity to clown or freddy than sadako she's too basic. you can rest knowing she's not gonna get any worse than how she is right now.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited June 2022

    When i checked the player count at the time on steam, …

    Funny how the people who posted about Steam Chart numbers the last few months all of a sudden stopped talking about them now that May had a 7% gain. Hmm…. 🤔

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Wasn’t that the time of infinites, instant moris, instant gens, and 5 blink Nurse?

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,845
    edited June 2022

    Something i noticed prior to the anniversary stream, the numbers on steam chart had halted around 29K and was fluctuating primarily between -300 to -700 throughout the entirety of april and some weeks into may, however while it was still in the minus, it was slowly rising through the red numbers until it became green again in may, then the anniversary stream came and now the numbers are rising faster.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,595

    So far.

    The real defining moment will be that 40 perks rework.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    Yes the Dark Times were certainly worse.

    However, I think they are excusable as a rough start.

    The thing that IMO makes this recent time periode worse than the Dark Times is not that it's the lowest low the game has ever had, but that prior to this we were at a decent spot and it actively regressed from that.

    The game got worse over time, not better - and THAT is the problem I have with it!

    I think that's also the reason for why I quit DbD when I noticed this downward trend, yet powered through the Dark Times back in the day.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    I feel like the game, as bad as it was, was..okay right up to the release of Mikarla.

    After that was a new but boring Golden Age for survivor. It became braindead easy to play and was super safe compared to the scary killer role.

    CoH+SS+IW=easy 4Ewith RPD badges

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,892
    edited June 2022

    Worst its been for a while. The absolute worst for dbd was when it first released because nurse wasnt out and there was infinites and a killer being 50% slower while vaulting. Even if you played trapper to cancel the infinites.... double pallet and window jungle gyms, regular double pallet tiles, and your traps could get broken for the rest of the game.

    Also not to mention the absolute cult of a community that would burn you at the stake for daring to camp or tunnel as killer.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    I didn't start playing until Clown was brand new, but all the new maps being hilariously survivor-sided and facing 4 dead hards almost every match is god awful

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Well that's what I meant with the part about

    "but SBMMR was implemented without further keeping the course and then came things like some specific killer nerfs, boons, map reworks and so on and it feel like the gap balancing wise is widening again."

    Maybe that was not clear and easy to understand but i meant basically the same you did.

    The game was worse but went from nearly good to bad again.

  • duygu
    duygu Member Posts: 333

    i think the only exceptional chapter that truly revived the game after plague's release was SILENT HILL. the game during SILENT HILL chapter was in the best state it has ever been in. I don't think it's possible that we will ever reach that amazing state of the game again.

    most of the chapters in between plague's release and the current chapter were either forgettable (all-kill, ghostface) or actually harmful for the game (mikaela reid, binding of kin with its massive amount of bugs, ash with mettle of man) with the exception of cursed legacy and resident evil.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    Not worse than when the game first started or the many technical issues that have occasionally made the game unplayable or near it.

    But, I've been playing since day 1 of console release, and I've got to say over the past several months to a year I've played DBD the least I ever have. I come back for new chapter and mid chapters or events for a couple weeks and then I won't touch it until the next update. That has never been the case before. I never went more than a couple days without playing unless I was on vacation. So I think that says something. The game is growing increasingly stale. Even though I have enjoyed Artist, Sadako and Dredge, they aren't enough to keep me coming back.

    I'm hoping the big perk overhaul will accomplish that. I don't just want strong perks to be nerfed, I want weak ones to be buffed or completely reworked. I want new game mechanics, base game changes. And I need the prestige rework to be good to keep me interested in playing between big updates and events because the mind numbing tome challenges aren't doing anymore (how many times do we need to cleanse 15 totems, repair 10 gens co op, hide near the killer for 60 seconds, or fall from great heights in chases? I understand the need for filler challenges but do they need to take so many ######### trials to complete?)

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,476

    No, far from it

  • Souplet
    Souplet Member Posts: 345

    I get the whole "dark times" but that was on game relase, they did address those issues over time

    The situation we are today is that we went from an unperfectly balanced but fun game to a comptetitive mindset of 2 kills/trials and a sbmm to """"match you again people in your skill range""""

    Thats why i said worst period

    Trying to blance the game in a competitive mindset was the worst mistake they did

    The game is supposed to be a horror slasher simulator, not balanced for esport. But they did take that road for almost a year now and we are experiencing the result now

    To the guy that said that steam player increased, they increased because of the anniversary, new killer, bp event and so on

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    I don't think I could have said this better myself. Like someone mentioned above, Fog Whispers should play a major role in balancing as they play the game consistently and a good bit of the time make accurate recommendations (however the community as a whole still should be listened to)