In my opinion, Dance with me could use a nerf

Its a little too powerful considering scratch marks aren't very reliable in the first place.
cmon Are you even trying?
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I should add this to my patch notes it seems important enough....
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Please buff Dance with Me. It's a fun perk that could use a little love.
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How could.
It activates for 3 seconds. And has a cool-down of 40 seconds. If anything it could use a buff. I love perks like this and Deception. It's very mindgamey.
By this logic, Deception should be nerfed too, right? It messed with Scratch Marks.
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If the scratches are already unreliable, it only makes the perk weaker. Why would it need a nerf then?
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Let's nerf Fixated too. You can see your scratch marks but they never go away and they cast beams of light for the Killer to see. /s
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Its more of an insult to injury.
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The reason i dont like it is because its just kind of a free pass.
The perk by itself is ok, but combined with lithe or quick and quiet its a little much.
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Nerf Pebble as well, how can survivors attack the killer with rocks?
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Lmao that's true actually. I see what you mean but I'd rather have the Devs fix the scratch marks instead of nerfing scratch mark perks.
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Assuming this isn't bait, you are way over valuing it. You can get the occasional cheeky play, but it's was too unreliable.
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Read this.
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I know the combo. I assumed you were referring to it as a whole before I responded. In the end you're burning three perks for the chance to maybe disappear on the killer. A chance thats pretty slim on some maps.
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Truly a disgusting abusive perk:
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Honestly, I see where you're coming from, but the scratchmarks are already so unreliable these days that Dance With Me is actually not that useful. The killer was probably going to be headfucked either way with six different trails to follow
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Easier nerf just make the cooldown 300 seconds
But in all seriousness Dance With Me is a synergy perk that is extremely mediocre on its own and truly shines in a build. It doesn't need a nerf.
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Yeah, but that's the survivor delegating 3/4 of their build to something that has a 40-second cooldown for one perk, a perk with a 25-second cooldown, and a perk that has a 40-second cooldown, that only goes down if they aren't running. And two out of three perks they can't control when they activate. It's a meme build. Same as something like Deception + Head On + Q&Q
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Slippery meat is my favorite survivor perk.
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I know, but most of the time, you'll be chasing someone else while the 40 second cool down refreshes. And when it works, it works.
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I'd rather something be done about a perk I see in 99 of 100 games than a perk I might see in 1 of 100
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Dance With Me + Deception + Fixated + Lithe for maximum shenanigans.
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So it has a combo... The combo isn't that fantastic to begin with in open maps.
Let's nerf every combo then!... Somehow!
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If you find Dance With Me needs a nerf then I got bad news….you aren’t gonna get far as killer 🤣
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this thread is a year an a half old why are you here
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Naughty, no necro threads
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im just wondering how he found this ancient tomb of a thread
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I wonder that every time someone necros a post. 😂
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The goblin probably dug it up