Im done with killers camping hooks.


Im sickened and fed up with how the game creators don't deal with this problem even though it exists since this game launched!

So, in my last couple games i got matched up with killers that decided to camp the hooked survivor, and yes, by that i mean literatelly standing in front of the hook and making sure I was not getting unhooked.

Let's talk about this very specific game: The killer was a clown, and what he did was basically standing couple meters away from the hook, throwing his bottles every 2 seconds in the area so that nobody could even try to unhook me (since the gas interrupts the unhooking animation). Why is this even possible? Why aren't the devs doing anything about it? And nope, borrowed time is not a solution here, when the survivors can't even get to the point of unhooking itsself! Also, why does survivors have to basically "pay" to use a perk just so that a killer can't tunnel the hooked survivor (besides the fact that it's basically just unfair, but anyways)? And what if the other survivors don't use the perk? EXACTLY. The Problem of tunneling is still there.

Why, when it's very simple to fix?

First of all, the effect of borrowed time shouldn't be a perk, this should be a basic mechanic in the game, so that tunneling isn't possible anymore (or at least very much harder to do). Secondly, whenever the killer is in the area of the hook (let's say 10-20 meters range), the hook timer gets fully paused until the killer leaves. Camping won't help him anymore and he gets basically forced to hunt for other survivors while hooking one of them. And no, this is not a perk my guys, this should be aswell a basic mechanic! Reason: Killers that camp and tunnel survivors shouldn't get the opportunity to keep doing so, and survivors shouldn't be having the need to use specific perks, just so that killers can't camp them. Like damn, camping and tunneling shouldnt depend on whether a survivor uses perks or not? How is this fair?

I hope this gets attention and I hope that they will finally put an end to this tragedy of gameplay that I have to witness.


  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    same but to be honest, it's just one big mess. however, that clown took it to the extreme for sure and had someone do similar things to me as well

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,045

    So your solution to fix camping is make it so you have to wait until your teammates finish the gens and leave and you don't get to do anything the entire time because the timer is paused.

    I guess you really like being stuck on a hook doing nothing.

  • kenai
    kenai Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2022

    These were just ideas that I had in my mind, im pretty sure that there are other ways of fixing this issue aswell. But honestly, doing nothing and not coming up with any ideas is not gonna help here at all. At least im trying to move something here.

  • kenai
    kenai Member Posts: 3

    First of all, i never said that my mentioned ideas are perfect the way they are. But its something people could inspire of. Secondly, you already can't do nothing when you're hooked besides waiting or trying to go for self escapes, so theres not a big difference in that anyways.

    This may not be the best idea, but it's always something you could work on with. For example, let's say the timer won't stop, but there could be a barrier within a certain range of the hooked survivor, which the killer can't pass through. This is also a way of stopping camping, and these are just basic ideas. Im already thankful if the devs can grap on ideas like this and try to add a similiar feature for the game, which has the same solution for the problem. At the end of the day, it' s all about finding a solution for this problem.

  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,015
    edited June 2022

    If there was one, devs would've already fixed it by now. Artist's power being range-limited and that one Trickster nerf is a good start.

    Edit: Im saying that it would be very hard to figure out the perfect solution.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,045

    The thing is that currently you will at least die in 2 minutes (or faster if you attempt to escape and let yourself die). With the propose change of making the timer pause you can't even ######### since the 2nd state skill checks do not happen when the timer is paused and the killer can literally just grief you by staying by the hook.

    If the problem is killers camping you, your "solution" is making the problem worse for yourself.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Looking at comments, seems like only camping killers gathered here to defend this exploit.

    Personally, I think it's a good idea to pause timer, survivor can kill himself on hook if he wants. While playing killer this timer stop won't affect me anyway, but when I have to play survivor, its neverending cycle CAMPER-CAMPER-TUNELLER-NURSE-DC-CAMPER-CAMPER.

    Also for some reason, most campers are slap you on hook for no reason and nod fervently like imbeciles. And all of them will always would have NOED.

    Depiping 9 times of 10, being last survivor in first few minutes (quicker than being in the lobby), that's very fun and healthy for the game. No wonder that only SWF and professional streamers are staying (which all those killer-players whine about).

    So no, I think it's a GREAT idea with having at least a timer stop. Not seeing how it can affect killer that play normally and apply pressure over all survivors.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,045

    Nothing is being exploited. The devs themselves have said camping is a legit strategy. And I'm not sure why you would want to be forced to stay on hook longer with no ability to let yourself die since that's all pausing the timer would do.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070
    edited June 2022

    Not sure I understand what means "why you would want to be forced to stay on hook longer with no ability to let yourself die". Why there's no ability? I can miss all skillcheck and die in few seconds. Or you talking about killer? Go away from hook and timer will resume.

    Devs also said that if you looped killer for 5 gens and died at the end, you are bad. If whatever devs said is carved in stone and is not applicable for any discussion, than why this forum exist anyway.

    As a consumer I can say that in current state game, if you are not a masochist, is ABSOLUTELY unplayable from survivor side, unless you with experienced SWF team on comms, or play this game 10 hours a day as a job. If it is intended that way, and only premades pros are allowed on one side, and other side can use cheap cheese noskill tactic, than let's devs make that statement.

    Also, why so many cries and tears about SWF then? They are the only one that allowed, right?

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,045

    Skillchecks do not appear when the timer is paused. We know this because that's what Camaraderie does.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070
    edited June 2022

    No problem to add them if this mechanic take place. Or simply add button like "Give in to Entity..." Many ways could be implemented, that is definetely not the point.

    The effort you apply to protect camping is making me think that you like abusing this yourself. I hope I'm wrong and you are undoubtly a proper experienced killer, fun to go against and lose to.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,347

    Let's hope it gets addressed with the big perk update. I am very hopeful that at least BT will be basekit, but I agree that that wouldn't be enough. There needs to be more.

    Your idea of having the hook timer paused is flawed though, because survivors could than just rush the hook, or run the killer around the hooked survivor, and the survivor on the hook would be safe. So it would need quite a few prerequisites, and at that point I fear it would become too complicated for a base mechanic. I personally think they should just increase each hook phase duration from 60 to 80 or 90 seconds. That alone would make camping much more unviable.

    And then they should remove the ability to be able to grap survivors that are unhooking. The fact that that is still in the game is mindboggling to me. Some people might argue it's to punish hook rushing, but in the end it mainly just makes camping way stronger, hook rushing can be punished enough by just hitting the unhooker twice, with just a bit of awareness as the killer player.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070
    edited June 2022

    Btw, I heard such objection before, but don't quite understand. If survivor running killer around the hook, the hooked one still do nothing useful. Thats the super enhanced slug, what more you need? So it already need third survivor for unhooking, that means only one doing gen. This is super snowball scenario. The timer doesn't do anything.

    If you ever noticed as survivor, the camper match usually ends not because of the timer, but because teammates rush to the hook like blinded sheep, ignoring even Kindred and not doing gens. That's the main point why camping doesn't work on SWF. So timer is definetely not the issue here.

    Anyway, if your ideas would be implemented somehow, like increasing timer and remove hook grab, that already would be something. At least something.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 932

    Camping is fine

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,347

    How so? Camping might be one of the most unfun things I have seen in any online video game. It's definitely up there.

    As a game developer, you want to make sure that your game is as fun as possible for as many people as possible, no matter what role they play. Camping and tunneling don't fit into that equation at all.

  • steponmeadiris
    steponmeadiris Member Posts: 225

    Why do people complain about camping so much? I get that it can be unfun, but come on, it's not that big of a deal. You sit there for two minutes, and you go to your next game. People seem to act like camping is some OP exploit-y tech, rather than a barely working strategy. Assuming your team is decent, the Killer will get two kills at MOST. It's boring, yes, but not really an issue that needs to be fixed. I'm not trying to succumb to whataboutism, but this game really has bigger problems than camping.

    There is also a simple perk to help with camping/tunnelling: Borrowed Time. Unless the killer can insta-down, BT basically guarantees an exchange. Also, what did you mean by Survivors having to "pay" for BT? It's a free teachable perk.

    The idea of having the timer pause when the Killer is nearby is also a terrible idea that can and will be abused by Survivors. You shouldn't be able to loop around your teammate with no consequences.

    Also, specific to the situation you were in with the Clown — he only has 4 bottles, up to a maximum of 7 with add-ons. The Clown also needs to land a direct hit to interrupt an unhook. Eventually, he'll have to reload, and your teammates can unhook you. It's far from uncounterable.

    Finally, there is one tip I have for you — the 100% guaranteed way to make sure you NEVER get camped or tunnelled in a game: just play Killer.

  • dreamsy10
    dreamsy10 Member Posts: 142

    Y'all gotta realise killer's camps or tunnels only because gen speed are ridiculous. Survivor's objective is way more faster than killer's objective.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 510

    Most people come up with unbalanced ideas because we don't have the tools to test ideas.

    The point is that we're making efforts into finding ideas while the devs dont give a ######### about the biggest problem in that game. Or at least, they don't seem to be making efforts towards fixing a very frustrating mechanic that requires a killer to actively playing fair in order to make games interesting and fun. Even if it ends with 4 survivor kills.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 510

    This comment represent everything that is wrong with the current state of the game.

    "This mechanic is broken? Don't play the role with that machanic". So, in order to fix the camping problem, I should play killer. What happens when there is no survivor left? We pair killer with other killers and turn the game into a fighting game, a MOBA or maybe a Battle Royal?

    How about we fix something?

    "Just play the meta perks that are designed to partially fix this broken mechanic", it's already a problem that some perks are DESIGNED to fix a broken mechanic.

    Also, I'm sick and tired of playing 4 member grouped with everyone having borrowed, DS, unbreakable/Dead hard and WGLF if we want BPS. Just because "well if you don't play these perks, don't complain about tunneling". The game is supposed to be fun too you know. I accept that if I play head on, Built to last or flip flop, I'm not going to win as much, I'm fine with that. But I shouldn't be taking the risk of not even playing the game if I dare not to pick the 4 God perks, that really aren't objectively good by themselves, they just counter an unfair mechanic that a lot of killers abuse.

    "but this game really has bigger problems than camping."

    Absolutely. Not.

    This is the only problem the game has, because all other problems are dependant from this one.

    The game is heavily survivor sided. But we can not buff the killer role (or individual killers) because of camping/tunneling that could become even more of a problem.

    Camping and tunneling are the unfair mechanic that give killers a chance of winning and really that's completely absurd. This sentance shouldn't exist. An unfair mechanic shouldn't exist on the sole purpose of giving a role a chance of winning.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    why does survivors have to basically "pay" to use a perk 

    Oh, because it's just survivors, not basically the only way how to fix everything by BHVR.